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Remix my crap!!!!

Guest placidburp


5 members have voted

  1. 1. remix my music please

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Guest placidburp

The tracks are from 2003-2009. The older ones are much more free and experimental than the newer ones.

If anyone would like to remix any of them then let me know, I have the majority of the original files still.






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You seem to have the same problem I do. I have a tough time developing tracks out and end up with tons of 1-2 minute snippets. It's a huge shame in your case because these snippets are great - so don't give up. I've taken a break from electronic music as I learn new instruments and study composing theory, so maybe you could try something similar. In any case, best of luck to you.

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Guest placidburp

Ah thanks mate! Yeah I dunno what it is with me at all, but I'm just getting worse. Lack of sleep and waking up loads of times throughout the night proper messes up my concentration. Not just for music making, I might add. I'm just in a daze most of the time. But also, I think I'm being hard on myself. I try and force myself to sit there and make music, so when it comes out sounding like shit it really gets me down. I remember being a lot more relaxed when it came to making music, not sure when it got so work-like.


Anyway sorry for the rant, I hope you get into the swing of things when you pick it back up again, Rabid. Thanks very much for listening. :)

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1. Not crap. don't call it that.

2. Recent output has proven you're still capable. Every few months I go through the same thing. It's terrible, but it passes.
























Big ups son.





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Guest Masonic Boom

ARGYH OK Soundcloud has just decided to go down halfway through page 3. Which is a bit like getting to the end of a beautiful book to find out that someone has ripped out the last chapter!


I echo what everyone else is saying in terms of these are lovely pieces, so many beautiful ideas... hell, a lot of them don't even sound unfinished to me. You could stick the whole bunch on a CD and I'd happily pay for the lot as an album.


If you'd let me have the stems, I'd love to have a crack at Strawberry because it's pretty & girly and, well... you do the maths. It gives me shivers down the spine so I'd like to do some Cocteau-isation over the top and make it sparkly and a bit scary.




And now - as to your assertion that you've lost your creativity? I think that you said exactly what the problem is, in some of the descriptions of the tracks. Your early stuff is more experimental - I suspect because you didn't entirely know (or think about) what you were doing and experimented and mucked about until you had something that you liked.


Now, 6 years on, I bet you know your stuff like the back of your hand. I'm guessing you've probably fallen into a pattern of working - which is probably why it feels like "work" - because that's what it is. The same old same old routine.


Maybe this is projection - and you can call me out and tell me to piss off it is, but it sounds like you're just in a rut - weirdly because you've got so good at what you are doing that you don't really have to think or experiment or figure it out as you go along any more.


The way to get out of this rut is to figure out your patterns and force yourself out of them. Do something where you don't know what the hell you're doing and you have to work it out as you go along. That could be aquiring a new instrument or DAW and having to figure it out - or it could be the conscious decision to work in another genre, preferably a genre you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. It's when you don't really know what you're doing, and every track is a bit of a surprise that it becomes really fun again.


(And this is a healthy bit of projection because I have just come out of a MASSIVE over-a-year-long musical creative block. & that's how I got out.)

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Good stuff there placid.


...but yeah, music isn't everything. Try and forget about it for a week, a month, whatever - come back when the spark hits you again :)

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Guest Masonic Boom

p.s. I just played Strawberry for one of my friends and she loved it. So you have a +1 on the chicks dig it there.

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Guest placidburp

ARGYH OK Soundcloud has just decided to go down halfway through page 3. Which is a bit like getting to the end of a beautiful book to find out that someone has ripped out the last chapter!


I echo what everyone else is saying in terms of these are lovely pieces, so many beautiful ideas... hell, a lot of them don't even sound unfinished to me. You could stick the whole bunch on a CD and I'd happily pay for the lot as an album.


If you'd let me have the stems, I'd love to have a crack at Strawberry because it's pretty & girly and, well... you do the maths. It gives me shivers down the spine so I'd like to do some Cocteau-isation over the top and make it sparkly and a bit scary.




And now - as to your assertion that you've lost your creativity? I think that you said exactly what the problem is, in some of the descriptions of the tracks. Your early stuff is more experimental - I suspect because you didn't entirely know (or think about) what you were doing and experimented and mucked about until you had something that you liked.


Now, 6 years on, I bet you know your stuff like the back of your hand. I'm guessing you've probably fallen into a pattern of working - which is probably why it feels like "work" - because that's what it is. The same old same old routine.


Maybe this is projection - and you can call me out and tell me to piss off it is, but it sounds like you're just in a rut - weirdly because you've got so good at what you are doing that you don't really have to think or experiment or figure it out as you go along any more.


The way to get out of this rut is to figure out your patterns and force yourself out of them. Do something where you don't know what the hell you're doing and you have to work it out as you go along. That could be aquiring a new instrument or DAW and having to figure it out - or it could be the conscious decision to work in another genre, preferably a genre you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. It's when you don't really know what you're doing, and every track is a bit of a surprise that it becomes really fun again.


(And this is a healthy bit of projection because I have just come out of a MASSIVE over-a-year-long musical creative block. & that's how I got out.)


I absolutely agree with everything you said! You pretty much hit the nail on the head. I think I also need to move my 'Studio' from out of my room and away from my bed. I start off upright, then slumped then I'm lay there falling asleep with my mouse in my hand and a drum beat looping over and over...


Thanks for the advice its really helpful, and good to know I'm not the only one who has been in a rut and that you can get out of 'em. And thanks for listening through my mountain of songs!

As for Strawberry - PM me your email and I will send you the Wavs. :smile:

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im kind of in the same situation at the moment, i've come up with this wicked funksynthbass (imo) and a nice beat to go with it, but all i've got so far is a bunch of loops, like 10 different ones that all sound alright, with the same synth/beat.


i have to pick one of these loops and make a proper track out of it, but so far all that's come out of it is more fucking loops.


also i can't start on something new until i've finished this one.


it's been like 3 weeks now, argh.


im listening through your tracks as i type, all quality so far, as expected. "touch here" sounds awesome, like a mental idm version of some 70's british tv show intro tune. :crazy:

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Guest placidburp

Shit! Well I hope you can get back into the swing of things mate! I can't live without your music!


and lol @ mental idm version of some 70's british tv show intro tune :emotawesomepm9:

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jesus christ you've got a load of amazing material here! it can be tempting to try and pick up an unfinished idea and take it somewhere, but sometimes its best to move in a new direction (as many others have said). those songs will be there when you're ready for them! this music is all incredibly good -- and i mean that -- please do keep at it! particularly curious about carts and horses...


anywho, just look at me! i've no formal training in music, keep getting sucked into loop mode as was mentioned before and haven't yet produced anything that really reflects the ideas i have in their fullest forms but i'm keepin at it -- and i'm keeping at it because i love it! i don't put any pressure on myself to make something (and lord knows i have no shame in what i produce). i suppose what i'm getting at is we all wuv woo and will take anything you throw at us in stride. make some really shitty songs and post em up, shitty ideas will give birth to good ones!





oh and as a note, my advice comes from my experience writing (words, not songs!) -- not just talking out my ass!


edit: also, reading "I actually have no recollection of making this track....might not even be mine." made me laugh so hard i spat a soda all over myself. THANKS.

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I've got to second bigs' sentiments there. I just got through listening to the end album of yours and came online to tell you that damn i think your stuff's good! Really good. Love all that stuff. Orchestration or something would be a fitting name i think.


I haven't been writing long but since the type of music tastes are the same maybe your rut might also come from not pushing the envelope? I know at my stage it's what i look to do in a way with all the manipulation and stuff i like so i was thinking maybe you've forgotten about that part of your passion for your writing? Years in and now you know everything, whereas years ago you were always thinking how can i manipulate this all over the place and make it sound good... so maybe view it differently i was thinking - the envelope hasn't closed around you it's just got bigger with more potential for manipulation! :) but hey, i don't know.


Anyway, I mean that in a nice way and hope i haven't offended.

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Some really fucking great stuff on there mate!! Yeah Strawberry is really good, and I love SesroH dnA traC as well, has a real nice and weird (in a good way) atmosphere (and bloody wicked strings arrangement!!!) :beer:

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dude your music is amazing and great! set up some collabs or something with some people from here for some motivation/challenge.


placidburp is top tier watmm! :braindance:

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Guest Masonic Boom

::pokes placidburp gently to see if he's found those Strawberry stems::


j/k I'm actually too hungover to work today anyway

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Guest placidburp

Hey guys! Cheers for the nice words and suggestions. It's nice to know that my music is liked, I've actually had more plays on soundcloud in a few days that I normally do in a couple of weeks!

Anyway, enough of me moaning about wanting to make music, I'm just going to do it! If it works then great, if not well I will try again another time.


Would love to hear more of these tracks remixed or whatever so PM me for wavs and stuff! Maybe I can make it into a album if there are enough tracks! (oh and I've not forgotten, those who I'm sending wavs to - tonight hopefully!)


I just woke up, all hot and sweaty, possibly still a little drunk from the night before, with a gob like an ashtray and I'm thinking of you guys! :crazy:


::pokes placidburp gently to see if he's found those Strawberry stems::


j/k I'm actually too hungover to work today anyway


:emotawesomepm9: ha! we posted at the same time! will get em to you later on hopefully. :whistling:

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Guest placidburp

Right, well got 2 new ones up which I'm quite happy with so far. I think I can make em sound pretty good if I work on em some more.



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