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Bioshock 2


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Guest viscosity

loved the 1st bioshock so will definitely be playing this


so many other games to play its overwhelming (mass effect2, dragon age, call of pripyat (eng ver))


should be set for a while being that the semester just started and i got work to do

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Guest assegai

I heard it's more of the same, (altho the first one was good) I have less patience for more of the same these days. Much rather play a round of nhl or bust a few caps in cod:mw2. Btw there's a basic online deathmatch mode in the new one. :trashbear:

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I though the 1st one was sexy. But Im not paying 60 squids for a game with no online play. I paid 10 quid for CS Source and I still play that more often than Bioshock.


lol is this a joke?

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this was all half-speed, so i am relying on the transcription.


Andrew Ryan - "good evening my friends, its been a year of trials, tonight i want to remind each of you it's your city, it was each of your strength that brought each of you here, and with your strength it will be rebuilt, i offer you a toast to 1959, will it be the finest year"


Boom! big explosion, people screaming for several seconds, then white noise.


"until further notice, we are experiencing technical difficulties"





pretty cool, for those who haven't listened before, the music is a blend of big band and Americana circa 1930s-40s with added scratching and vinyl pops.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I'm not really sure what you're on about, but that sounds like what happens when you start up the multiplayer for the first time?

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Guest AcrossCanyons

I like the diaries, hearing them is part of why I love Bioshock so much. They add so much depth to the story and the world. Fuck y'all hatin, this game is the balls. :braindance: <- this looks like a brain with a boner. may be intentional i don't know. thought it was until i saw the tag :emotawesomepm9:

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rapture, in all its jazz age, art deco glory, is imo one of the best settings for a game ever, i can't get enough of it, so if the sequel is just more of the same, so be it, and so far im loving it (just arrived at the train station about 30 min-1h in or so).


the best part about playing this game on ps3 instead of on a pc is that you have total control over your walking pace, while on pc i imagine it's just walk/run. i've been playing the game in ultra slow motion so far, just strolling about, checking out the architectural details, posters, looking for diaries etc.

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Guest Renivatio

rapture, in all its jazz age, art deco glory, is imo one of the best settings for a game ever, i can't get enough of it


yeah, it's one of the reasons that kept me playing through the first one, even tho i thought the gunplay was a bit shit, but that's just me.

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Guest assegai

rapture, in all its jazz age, art deco glory, is imo one of the best settings for a game ever, i can't get enough of it


yeah, it's one of the reasons that kept me playing through the first one, even tho i thought the gunplay was a bit shit, but that's just me.


One of the biggest problems I thought is that they felt underpowered.

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i am enjoying the multiplayer a lot, it's not as intense as a game like Modern Warfare 2 so i can be piss drunk and still manage it. i did have a hell of a time find matches this weekend though, so i'm wondering if the game didn't sell as well as they thought it would.

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fuckin''ell, i just played through the "pauper's drop" level, and apparantly there's a glitch at the end of the level,


the part where you have to get to holloway's room for the key


that makes this 20 sec piece of music play over and over again. it's this string quartet gone mental kinda piece and after 20 minutes i felt like my brain was going to explode, yet i didn't want to turn off the music because i didn't know at the time that it was a glitch and was affraid i might miss something if i did. argh, my ears are dead and im tense as fuck. that was horrible :wtf:


anyone else experience this?

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