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Kelis sends an open letter to PETA

Guest Alex C

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Good morning all!


Ok, so you’re gonna love this. The other day I got a personalized letter from PETA! Lol so after some thought I've decided to write one back. Goes a little something like this:


There is no humane way to kill anything, let me start there. It’s unfortunate but it’s part of life. With that being said, I would eat pterodactyl if you found some and you told me it was meaty and delicious. And after doing a very minimal amount of research....... I found out that the founder Ingrid Newkirk is completely batty. I had a feeling but she far exceeded my expectations. I mean certifiably insane! Lol this chicks will is nuts, google it – it’s a riot! Beyond the fact that I think she's a diabetic, which means she needs insulin, which is taken from lab pigs (I know this because my sister happens to be in veterinary school), which would be completely hypocritical. It’s like don't abuse animals unless it can help me.


I feel very strongly about a lot of things such as the sweatshops that spin cotton and the blood on their hands. Btw it’s not just the look of fur. It’s warm as hell and feels glorious, ever rubbed faux fur on your body? Nothing luxurious about that. Then the letter proceeded to name artist and designers who don't wear real fur. Great! More for me! I don't judge them, don't judge me.


If I started wearing endangered animals like polar bear or orangutan then talk to me. (Which btw for the record I would not - I do believe in the preservation of endangered species) But the minks and chinchilla that quite honestly are rodents and if weren't in the form of a coat I would demand they be put to death anyway are not an issue to me.


The death of high fashion. Ugh.


I eat meat, and in fact my mouth salivates as I type the word meat! And the paint throwing that's just ridiculous! What if I was hurling Loubitons and Pierre Hardy's at every sad poorly dressed person on the street? As right as I may be it’s just fanatical and crazy. And people have the right to feel as they please. What about art? Survival of the fittest. Natural selection? No let's just let all the rodents run free and over take our cities. Oh wait they have, NY and LA in particular are infested! Why don't u save them all from scavenging on the streets and ruining my evening strolls, take them home. Make them pets! Get off my back! Pun intended!


Underpaid minorities picking your vegetables, now that's fine for you right? Please, fight for their rights. How about the poverty in the communities of brown people around the world. She had the nerve to say (and I quote) "get over it" talking of the issue of black people and slavery in this country verses cows being slaughtered. Is she kidding me? Lol yes she must be. Actually, she's lucky most black people have real issues to worry about in the U.S and don't give a crap what her delusional privileged opinions are. But she should try saying that again just for kicks n giggles on the corner of Adam Clayton Powell Blvd in Harlem n see how well people "get over it" lol.


If u want to preach do it about something worthwhile don't waste my time trying to save the dang chipmunk.


Find a worthwhile cause like the women being maimed in these Middle Eastern countries. Or female circumcision. Or women's rights here in America, we still get paid less for doing the same jobs as men. Quite honestly if you hate the world so much go live in the forest where no one else has to hear you complain about the perfectly good food chain the good Lord created. Everyone has the right to an opinion, and that's mine on that! xoxo



I'm not one who usually bothers to dip into the subject, but I laughed at the pterodactyl comment.

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as far as i know syntheic insulin was introduced in the 70s. furthermore, using pig or cattle insulin often causes allergic reactions, so using it instead of synthetic insulin seems luda.


but whatever.

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Guest Space Coyote

If I started wearing endangered animals like polar bear or orangutan then talk to me. (Which btw for the record I would not - I do believe in the preservation of endangered species) But the minks and chinchilla that quite honestly are rodents and if weren't in the form of a coat I would demand they be put to death anyway are not an issue to me.


'fucks this bitches problem?




How cute are these little guys?

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Guest analogue wings

as far as i know syntheic insulin was introduced in the 70s. furthermore, using pig or cattle insulin often causes allergic reactions, so using it instead of synthetic insulin seems luda.


but whatever.


peta dont give fuck how the insulin is MADE, they want ALL insulin boycotted because it came from animal research in the first place.


peta wants you, essines, to die. slowly and painfully. and everyone else with diabetes. including babies and children. because they think that is preferable to a couple of mice and rabbits dying. "Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it." - nutbar bitch Kelis pays out in the OP


Of course, when you're fully into David Koresh territory, that's when you start making up the rules as you go along:


PETA's director of Investigations and Research at the time of Newkirk's AIDS-reseach quote, MaryBeth Sweetland, is an insulin-dependent diabetic.[75] Sweetland, who would not have had treatment available for her disease had insulin not been developed using animal products and testing, has defended her actions, stating "I don't see myself as a hypocrite. I need my life to fight for the rights of animals."


Yup. She gets to take insulin because her life is important. You, essines, can get fucked.


there's a word for people whose beliefs are so extreme that they are cool with other, innocent, human beings suffering and dying for them... i can't quite remember it though... it's right on the tip of my World Trade Center...

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Guest futuregirlfriend
If I started wearing endangered animals like polar bear or orangutan then talk to me. (Which btw for the record I would not - I do believe in the preservation of endangered species) But the minks and chinchilla that quite honestly are rodents and if weren't in the form of a coat I would demand they be put to death anyway are not an issue to me.
'fucks this bitches problem?chinchillas-with-partyhats-480x364.jpgHow cute are these little guys?


ohhhh she has a new album coming out.



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Guest analogue wings

We've tricked E. coli through wily recombinant DNA technology to generate our insulin now. Unless you get weepy over the little chains of bacteria, you've nothing to worry about. They reproduce at millions per second so....


That is awesome of course, but most of the hippies who pay peta subs also oppose GE. :facepalm:


It's not about logic, man. Hippies are the new fundies.

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Guest 277: 930-933

When did it become okay to use acronyms like lol in a letter?

It kind of distracts from an otherwise pretty good jab at PETA.

Even though I find the insistence on wearing real fur slightly questionable it's not as morally corrupt as wanting to prohibit using lab animals for medical research.

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Guest Lube Saibot

The truth is most people want to cuddle with doggies and kitties and piggies and chinchillas and eat pigs and cows unless you meet them in person and then you give them names and you don't want to eat them anymore. To go on either side of the debate i.e. PETA-jyhad or kelis "coooooldddd bloooodeeed" ex-crackwhore bullshit, while MAYBE less hypocritical (though this thread is already full of astute examples of the contrary) is pure fucking evil.


*pets chincilla, chews willfully nameless cow meat, farts*

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Guest hideshiseyes

I'm sure no-one will listen, but...


PETA do not represent non-meat eaters at all, and most vegetarians do not prioritise animal life over human life.

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Penn & Teller said it much better, with their aptly titled show: Bullshit:












Kelis is very right about one thing tho: Ingrid Newkirk is batshit insane


from her wiki:


Ingrid Newkirk also has a controversial will publicly available on the PETA website[34] The will includes such acts as the removal of her ears to be sent to the Canadian Parliament to symbolize "the screams of the seals, bears, raccoons, foxes, and minks bludgeoned, trapped, and sometimes skinned alive for their pelts."



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Guest ezkerraldean

It's not about logic, man. Hippies are the new fundies.

they always were. the whole green movement's baseless opposition to GM food is on a par with cretinists (whoops, creationists lol) denying evolution in terms of general gobshite-ness

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Guest analogue wings

I can understand the concern about live GM organisms escaping and breeding with wild populations, but GM food? Yeah right because the DNA that's in the food matters. That's why I have a curly tail and horns. Stoopid hippies.

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GM food is actually an area where concern is valid, especially combined with insane patent laws. Use of GM food can reduce biodiversity and can wipe out native species. We don't know the risk of using these foods yet, and have not been able to adequately model them.

I know that we've been using GM corn for decades, especially in corn fructose production, and while results are not conclusive, there are some definite indicators that that particular chemical compound can have some very negative effects on human health.



But for reals, fuck PETA.

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Guest analogue wings

GM food is actually an area where concern is valid, especially combined with insane patent laws. Use of GM food can reduce biodiversity and can wipe out native species. We don't know the risk of using these foods yet, and have not been able to adequately model them.


That sounds like you are talking about live GM organisms...


I know that we've been using GM corn for decades, especially in corn fructose production, and while results are not conclusive, there are some definite indicators that that particular chemical compound can have some very negative effects on human health.


If there's a dangerous compound in a GM food, it's not GM itself that put it there, although the GM might have led to more of it being there.


It's funny cos I just had an energy drink with "high fructose corn syrup" instead of the usual "fuckload of sucrose" and I'm not having the big sugar crash I should be having by now... be just my luck if it's a carcinogen or something

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GM food is actually an area where concern is valid, especially combined with insane patent laws. Use of GM food can reduce biodiversity and can wipe out native species. We don't know the risk of using these foods yet, and have not been able to adequately model them.


That sounds like you are talking about live GM organisms...


I know that we've been using GM corn for decades, especially in corn fructose production, and while results are not conclusive, there are some definite indicators that that particular chemical compound can have some very negative effects on human health.


If there's a dangerous compound in a GM food, it's not GM itself that put it there, although the GM might have led to more of it being there.


It's funny cos I just had an energy drink with "high fructose corn syrup" instead of the usual "fuckload of sucrose" and I'm not having the big sugar crash I should be having by now... be just my luck if it's a carcinogen or something


I don't understand the distinction you're making between GM food and GM organisms then? GM corn is food, but it is also a live organism. And this sentence makes no sense "If there's a dangerous compound in a GM food, it's not GM itself that put it there, although the GM might have led to more of it being there." If a foodstuff is healthy prior to GM and dangerous after GM, then clearly it is the effect of GM. However, the verdict is still out on whether or not any GM foods are dangerous.

The availability of GM corn has led to increased production of that corn fructose crap, especially in "developed" countries.

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