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'Memo Reveals GOP Plan to Exploit Fear of Obama'

Guest mafted

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Guest mafted



'The 72-page document obtained by Politico's Ben Smith lays out a strategy to fan fears that President Barack Obama is moving the country toward socialism. The PowerPoint presentation uses the words "reactionary" and "ego-driven" on a page describing potential GOP donors. Another page, labeled "The Evil Empire," includes the infamous "Obama Joker" poster and cartoon images likening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Cruella de Vil (misspelled as DeVille on the slide) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to Scooby-Doo.'




LOL at the post Cold War lunatics calling COMMUNISM.. they're all a product of a huge, insecure reaction to a shift of power by the 'other side' of your own country. Washington would be puking in his grave right about now considering how much the man warned against political parties.

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By the time America does move forward, Australia won't know about it though, since they'll be completely isolated from the world and indeed, each other, because otherwise the children might see something.

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I'm not american so I don't really care one way or the other, but it doesn't have to be an either or situation.


In my opinion though, censorship is much worse. If they're willing to censor at one level, that just makes it easier to censor at the next level.


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america is its own worst enemy. as soon as you get rid of those fucking conservative evangelical christians, your country can finally move forward.


seriously? you must not realized just how fucked our country is then


edit: it's a little crazy to me to see American propaganda actually convincing people who live in foreign nations of the good of our proposed 'public healthcare' option. If it's actually causing people in Australia to believe in it, it's pretty goddamned effective propaganda

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sorry to go off the rails a little bit there, i'm just at my wits end with both mainstream political parties and their leaders. it pains me inside to see both sides played against each other (the republican an democratic party) as if it actually means something substantial, it's a fucking smoke screen, a game to keep up all distracted from actually creating real change. None of these elected state representatives except a handful have any connection to real people. They are the modern equivalent of untouchables or royalty

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sorry to go off the rails a little bit there, i'm just at my wits end with both mainstream political parties and their leaders. it pains me inside to see both sides played against each other (the republican an democratic party) as if it actually means something substantial, it's a fucking smoke screen, a game to keep up all distracted from actually creating real change. None of these elected state representatives except a handful have any connection to real people. They are the modern equivalent of untouchables or royalty


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