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Hallucinate Like You Just Took LSD


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

purty sure I will just enjoy some of the premium acid my friend is saving for me, its been a while, I love you lucy :wub: see you soon

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Last time i did an isolation tank experience the 'mind fuck' became a little bit too intense and i had to get early, the only small similarity i can draw to LSD is that i started to go on a disturbing mental tangent about people being blown away in Afghanistan. a friend of mine got back the night before and filled my head with horror stories.


it's a far different experience from LSD though, ganzfeld is very different feeling from other forms of sensory deprivation as well.

really weirdly i found out there's an isolation tank place about 1km from my house... just like a regular house. they seem to promote it more for stress relief and 'weight loss' rather than for communicating with dolphins or regressing back to primitive man. i wonder how they deal with that happening to people?


John Lily made a chart once establishing how long you have to be in the isolation tank on average to experience different types of effects. I think on his chart the 3 hour mark is when actual hallucinations start to occur, it would be funny if they'd let you rent it for the whole day. The longest i went was 3 hours, and at the very end of it i started having full auditory hallucinations of non existent infected mushroom style Autechre songs, it was extremely fun. I wish i could make on Cubase what i heard in the tank

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they got the floating tanks here its €59 per hour and they recommend to stay one hour :emotawesomepm9:


pretty expensive when you have to stay 3 hours to trip :shuriken:

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Guest abusivegeorge

Thanks, I will try it with eggs then, if it helps putting me to sleep even better lol.



Cool . Some people have used Toiler paper with positive results. (If you don't have ping pong balls and eggs in hand , i am sure you have toilet paper)




I like to catch my clean breaks in an eggshell whilst knocking a ping pong ball off the bathroom wall, this gives me practice in discipline and precision, and cuts toilet paper completely out of my life.

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Guest hahathhat

the ganzfield/deprivation/dark closet stuff is more like dxm than lsd.


the lsd visuals i've gotten fall into a couple categories:


1) shifting. whole field of vision is pretty normal, then it's like someone crossfaded to a slightly different field of vision, and things are a bit left or right of where i was seeing them before. only really kicks in when you sit and look. the best example of this is actually from a scorsese film -- casino. ace (robert de niro) is creeping up on his wife (sharon stone), who is in the other room trying to hire someone to kill him. as he opens the door... they do some shit with filming/editing/whatever that looks _exactly_ like this sort of visual. it's subtle, though! didn't notice it until my 3rd or 4th time watching the film.


2) light shit. had a blanket covering a window. the sun shone through. i stared at it for a moment, and it started to look like it was jewel-encrusted instead of just having light shining through. i found i could get this if i stared at it long enough sober. pretty, but not world-changing.


3) geometric patterns. by far the most interesting, and unique to lsd (out of anything i've tried, anyways). i watched a friend light some incense. when he flicked the lighter, it threw off some geometric patterns around the bright parts. i see more geometric patterns when i close my eyes. the patterns for flames, closed-eye whatever were actually pretty regular: pretty much all straight lines. horizontal lines seemed to be favored. then there'd be diagonals, on their own and in between horizontal lines. the flame spark had two diagonal lines going off the bright spots, and little + stars going along the lines, for example. it was red. the closed-eye ones would be all sorts of colors...


edit: i also get some wall-breathing and stuff, but lots of psychs do that.


okay, that's enough rambling about drugs for now. get back to work, hat!

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the ganzfield/deprivation/dark closet stuff is more like dxm than lsd.



3) geometric patterns. by far the most interesting, and unique to lsd (out of anything i've tried, anyways). i watched a friend light some incense. when he flicked the lighter, it threw off some geometric patterns around the bright parts. i see more geometric patterns when i close my eyes. the patterns for flames, closed-eye whatever were actually pretty regular: pretty much all straight lines. horizontal lines seemed to be favored. then there'd be diagonals, on their own and in between horizontal lines. the flame spark had two diagonal lines going off the bright spots, and little + stars going along the lines, for example. it was red. the closed-eye ones would be all sorts of colors...


Yeah geometric are the best. Especially like gear turning, and roygbiv colors going from left to right overlaying these shapes/images. And the slow back and forth morphing/waving a lot of textured visuals have.


Whenever I am really tired, have been up more than a day, or just look at the floor/carpet/wallpaper very intently it starts to wave back and forth still to this day. Has happened ever since my massive trip when I was 16. Took about 2 months to stop doing it all the time.

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Guest Babar

I read somewhere you can sense presences when you are in an isolation tank. Anyone experienced this.

This reminds me of ambien/stillnox. It makes me see people at the edge of my sight. Most of time they are children, and what's funny is that i'm totally convinced they exist.


i'm used to take LSA, and I don't find it brings a lot of hallucinations except that it enhances some emotion-related synaesthetic perceptions of mine.

2C-i is quite interesting too. You get a lot of positive afterimages (the colors stay the same when you close your eyes) and they last way longer.

Now if you take 2C-i and smoke a joint you'll get dream-like hallucination if you close your eyes. At one point I thought "i better not think about something frighening) an I saw this rotting horse head. That wasn't especially frightening but that was kinda sad.

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they seem to promote it more for stress relief and 'weight loss' rather than for communicating with dolphins or regressing back to primitive man. i wonder how they deal with that happening to people?


They sell the dolphin meat to the japanese, and the primitive men to the Ultimate Fighting League.


foe sireeus

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they got the floating tanks here its €59 per hour and they recommend to stay one hour :emotawesomepm9:


pretty expensive when you have to stay 3 hours to trip :shuriken:



you would always worry about how often they recycle the water, especially if it was some small hippy operation that was run out of their house. "Oh it's got so much salt in it we won't need to change it honey." ...


actually i wonders if you stay in there for too long whether you pickle. Now that wouldbe a pickle wouldn't it (soz sleep dep again)

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funny you mention that because every single time i've been in the tank i've been paranoid that i'm floating in somewhat pissy water. How often do they change that shit? Filling an entire tank of water with epsom salts fresh for every person would get expensive. I'm pretty sure ive floated in peepee water twice, but luckily it was psychedelic enough that it didnt totally ruin the experience. My dream purchase in my lifetime is to get an Iso tank, and i promise if you guys wante to use it ill clean it out for you :emotawesomepm9:


the last time i did a 3 hour session i snuck 100mg of ketamine in with me , it was such an intense bodily experience that i actually tried to fight the effects. Looking back on it i wish i had let go but for some reason i couldn't, i don't remember much of the experience beyond that.

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Guest hahathhat

funny you mention that because every single time i've been in the tank i've been paranoid that i'm floating in somewhat pissy water. How often do they change that shit? Filling an entire tank of water with epsom salts fresh for every person would get expensive. I'm pretty sure ive floated in peepee water twice, but luckily it was psychedelic enough that it didnt totally ruin the experience. My dream purchase in my lifetime is to get an Iso tank, and i promise if you guys wante to use it ill clean it out for you :emotawesomepm9:


sounds like the reason i've never tried an isolation tank


the last time i did a 3 hour session i snuck 100mg of ketamine in with me , it was such an intense bodily experience that i actually tried to fight the effects. Looking back on it i wish i had let go but for some reason i couldn't, i don't remember much of the experience beyond that.


sounds like an 800mg dxm trip

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psychedelics must be IDM


and psychedelic experiences are great. what is more interesting than exploring your own mind, when you really boil it down, it's the only thing we know for certain we have.

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i consider the whole experience of being alive a psychedelic experience, a controlled one, but a psychedelic experience nonetheless. and just looking at the human experience and what kind of world we live in, how can you not think it's a big elaborate trip.

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i consider the whole experience of being alive a psychedelic experience, a controlled one, but a psychedelic experience nonetheless. and just looking at the human experience and what kind of world we live in, how can you not think it's a big elaborate trip.



^Nice post azatoth! I'm with ya on that.




the last time i did a 3 hour session i snuck 100mg of ketamine in with me , it was such an intense bodily experience that i actually tried to fight the effects. Looking back on it i wish i had let go but for some reason i couldn't, i don't remember much of the experience beyond that.

I've never been in one of those, but I'm pretty confident that I would be absolutely terrified to do K in any kind of enclosed space, especially one I wasn't very familiar with. *shudders*

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i consider the whole experience of being alive a psychedelic experience, a controlled one, but a psychedelic experience nonetheless. and just looking at the human experience and what kind of world we live in, how can you not think it's a big elaborate trip.


absolutely, and all sensory deprivation is doing to you is freeing your your brain of 'distracting' sensory input. floating ina tank or putting on ganzfeld goggles enables your brain to become more free of it's sensory trappings, in a sense it can't even be called a 'natural high' because its in a way more natural than real-life. your brain seems to find the experiencing very calming like it needs it once in a while

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yeah a "deprivation high" is one thing. But sometimes I prefer the all out madness of silvery glowing in-motion pinstriped patterns. And the "going down the first big hill of a roller coaster" effect when lsd kicks in is just unbeatable. Maybe rivaled by ecstasy in a minor way since it can give you rushes, but it's no where near the ballpark.


To each their own, but I've really thought about this and I can't really consider a "hallucination" from "sensory deprivation" anything resembling the effects of lsd. The mindset, and your physical/mental state is so different it's not the same thing at all. Comparable, maybe a little. But nothing "like" lsd. It doesn't have the same detail or lingering visions that morph into other things. Lingering THOUGHTS yes often, but speaking strictly visual...just too different.

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