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Obama authorizes assassination of US citizen


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Today, both The New York Times and The Washington Post confirm that the LTM forum has now expressly authorized the CMA to kill 420range no matter where he is found, no matter his distance from a forum. I wrote at length about the extreme dangers and lawlessness of allowing the Executive Branch the power to murder U.S. citizens far away from a forum (i.e., while they're sleeping, at home, with their children, etc.) and with no due process of any kind. I won't repeat those arguments -- but I do want to highlight how unbelievably Orwellian and tyrannical this is.


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Okay , although i don't agree with Obama on this one , i have to say Alarmist (People like Alex Jones and ET) will love this , they will tell all their sheep listeners how Obama is going to kill them all , making the tensions in the country even more stronger.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

yes, I heard about this. is a u.s. citizen's life worth more than a non-citizen?

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yes, I heard about this. is a u.s. citizen's life worth more than a non-citizen?


Clearly, remember when they killed all them pirates for one lil' ol citizen?

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Guest Ominous

The problem I see is that Obama isn't a citizen; so, not fair! It's just another example of a Muslim extremist ordering an assassination of an American Patriot.

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teabaggers thinking Obama can authorize their assassination is not a good thing.


i dont think you've been following, teabaggers and most republicans think that Obama isn't going FAR ENOUGH with his policies against 'terrorism' if anything they are mad at him for not targeting more american citizens who happen to be muslim. Thanks for posting this Kcinsu

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yes, I heard about this. is a u.s. citizen's life worth more than a non-citizen?


in an existential and moral sense no, according to US law yes


my boy greenwald summed it up pretty nicely


(1) As a legal matter: whether right or wrong, Constitutional guarantees restrict what the U.S. Government can do to: (a) American citizens wherever they are and (b) foreign nationals on U.S. soil or in U.S.-controlled venues (such as GTMO and Bagram). The Constitution doesn't regulate what the U.S. Government can do to foreign nationals when not in the U.S.


(2) As a practical matter: there are unique dangers from allowing a government to detain, eavesdrop on and kill its own citizens -- in terms of domestic control, unchecked political power and the like - that's the hallmark of every tyranny.


(3) This has nothing whatsoever to do with American exceptionalism. It's true for virtually every country in the world -- not just the U.S. -- that citizenship confers rights and privileges vis-a-vis one's own government that non-citizens don't enjoy.


Bush administration never proposed assassinating any US citizens with no due process or trial (at least not on paper) Obama has gone much farther than Bush in this regard.


maybe this is why Obama took proposed supreme court nominee Dawn Johnsen off the roster, she wrote an essay last year laying out the civil liberties abuses by George W Bush and explained what the new president must not do. Gels with candidate Obama's policies, but not president Obama's policies



The question how we restore our nation's honor takes on new urgency and promise as we approach the end of this administration. We must resist Bush administration efforts to hide evidence of its wrongdoing through demands for retroactive immunity, assertions of state privilege, and implausible claims that openness will empower terrorists. . . .


Here is a partial answer to my own question of how should we behave, directed especially to the next president and members of his or her administration but also to all of use who will be relieved by the change: We must avoid any temptation simply to move on. We must instead be honest with ourselves and the world as we condemn our nation's past transgressions and reject Bush's corruption of our American ideals. Our constitutional democracy cannot survive with a government shrouded in secrecy, nor can our nation's honor be restored without full disclosure.

quote by Dawn Johnson
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teabaggers thinking Obama can authorize their assassination is not a good thing.


i dont think you've been following, teabaggers and most republicans think that Obama isn't going FAR ENOUGH with his policies against 'terrorism' if anything they are mad at him for not targeting more american citizens who happen to be muslim. Thanks for posting this Kcinsu



interestingly enough, Rush Limbaugh just today actually criticized Obama for doing this...probably the only thing ive ever agreed with Limbaugh on, though obviously this is purely for partisan attack fodder.

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btw its an incredibly stupid thing to do politically, for the reasons Awepittance gave plus,



look at how we (the American executives) decide how to determine if a killing like this is justified...almost every rule given is incredibly flimsy.

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yesterday i finally got back 1,000 stickers i had made of shepard Ferry's Obama design with the phrase 'war is peace' underneath it. I figure that most (99%) of Obama criticism would/could be mistaken for right wing propaganda or talking points, so i wanted to make something that was clearly not a republican anti-obama slogan.

I handed one to a DNC money taker who came to my door yesterday and she immediately wanted to talk to me about tea partiers and how they are the real threat, not Obama or his policies.

I told her basically that the reason why she wants to talk about tea partiers instead of Obama is because his Bush like polcies are inexcusable, the tea partier focus acts as a distraction from actually reversing a lot of the damage bush done. she had almost no defense of his actual policies Ie: assassination of american citizens. Thought it was kind of funny and it inspired me to go sticker the hell out of Berkeley especially, i still see Obama 08 stickers on 50% of cars driving around there. If anybody wants them ill sell them at cost (50cents)

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Teabaggers are a biggest threat to the stability of the nation.


Obama policies on war and the patriot act are totally wrong, but we should first focus on the people that are threatening to START A FUCKING ARMED REVOLUTION.

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you're feeding into a manufactured media frenzy. this is how the democrats always get you to vote for them 'the right are scary' , fuck the right ignore them, but instead shows like Rachel Maddow and Olbermann, and Daily show spend 75% of their air time talking about the opposite side? Why give so much air time to your enemey? the whole thing is a fucking joke, ignore the dudes they aren't as powerful as you might think


on the other hand, carrying on extremely neoconservative polices under the guise of liberalism/democratic values is much more damaging to this country in the long term (not to mention the damage done to the english language, now socialism = assassinating US citizens?).

the republican party has always used crazy people/extremists/christians to spread their talking points, they dont actually run the republican party. They are total pawns

this 'starting an armed revolution' is not a new right-wing concept, have you heard of the militia movement? It's existed practically since the John Birch society, a 1950s group of republican extremists


Edit: basically what im trying to say Boxing Day is that this isn't new, extremists within the republican party have talked about before you and i were born starting an armed revolution in this country to bring it back to the 'good ole' days' , its not going to fucking happen. It's totally disingenuous because these same people didn't seem to mind Bush's push towards big government, its just like being into a football team for most of them. To take them seriously i think is exactly what they want, to the republicans bad press is obviously good press

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The difference is that now , extremists have gone mainstream (Glenn Beck) , they have the fucking confidence.


I think nothing will happen , but still , these idiots have guns , i don't like them hanging around my socialist ass.

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