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4 year old finds bag of weed in his Xbox video game

Rubin Farr

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Do parents ever check used game purchases? How many more kids are gonna get a console with cock wallpaper or porn clips on them, much less a free bag of drugs? I'll admit if I was a kid I'd take the porn, lol.



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"But what if he'd thought it was sweets, and started munching away? It doesn't bear thinking about."


Personally, I'd be more worried about the kid eating the tobacco :D


Had a friend who used to work in a used bookstore, you'd be surprised how often you find someone's forgotten bag of grass smushed up in a book or something. Of course I do live in Canada, so YMMV

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why would he think it was sweets? what is he, some kind of idiot? and even if he did eat it, it wouldn't do fuck all...stupid bloody media non story scaremongering twats.

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And what's just as funny is the fact that the father is sitting there with a frowny face starring into the camera as if he's saying, 'shame on you, UK', when his 4-year-old son if holding a 16+ game his father just bought him.


why would he think it was sweets? what is he, some kind of idiot? and even if he did eat it, it wouldn't do fuck all...stupid bloody media non story scaremongering twats.



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Guest ms-dos

he would've gotten *really* sick if he had eaten the tobacco, and if the memory stuck, he might've formed a life-long aversion to tobacco.


probably not the worst thing in the world.

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Guest uptowndevil

why are americans so shocked that brits use tobacco in joints :/ :/ :/ :/ :trashbear:


well what the fuck is the point??

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Guest AcrossCanyons

why are americans so shocked that brits use tobacco in joints :/ :/ :/ :/ :trashbear:


well what the fuck is the point??


weed is expensive and smoking is fun?


tobacco mix = more joints.

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Guest hahathhat

largely because of this board, i tried rolling with tobacco for a while. i tried putting it in pipes. i came away largely underwhelmed; concluded that the tobacco just gives the smoke that shit cigarette taste even if you only use a little. i'd rather smoke the weed straight and enjoy it properly.

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