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someone clue me in on this gordon brown PR mess

Guest hahathhat

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my thread was really just about his facepalm gesture...


but re: gordon brown's pr mess - i think it's a combination of media hate, public anger and him not really being a people person. all adds up to an election campaign pr nightmare.

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After he had been talking to a lady on the street about eastern europeans coming to England he jumped into his car and drove off but he had obviously forgotten that his microphone was still on so they started babbling on about what a disaster it had been and then he called the lady a bigot.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i like my prime ministers looking like gristled worldly wise old men who drink lashings of port and sherry, rather than fresh faced naive schoolboys like cameron and clegg.


you think cameron would have been a strong leader in ww2, instead of churchill?

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Guest margaret thatcher

no one's denying that she's a bigot.

it's one of the mysteries of human behaviour that people in britain become bigoted when they get old.

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Guest margaret thatcher

brown's fine. he's just not an attractive people person, and since 51% of the electorate is female, he's not going to win.


honestly, the only comments i've had from girls regarding this election is "oh that clegg's good looking" or "cameron's wearing a nice tie".

i suppose policies are irrelivent when you've got a nice face.

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no one's denying that she's a bigot.

it's one of the mysteries of human behaviour that people in britain become bigoted when they get old.


no. old people were brought up bigoted

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Guest margaret thatcher

no one's denying that she's a bigot.

it's one of the mysteries of human behaviour that people in britain become bigoted when they get old.


no. old people were brought up bigoted


that's actually quite probably true.

incidentally, i had a leaflet in the post today from the "english democrats", whose candidate is some elderly chap. one of their policies is to "end multiculturalism". so i added it to the bnp leaflet i had through the other day.

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Guest ezkerraldean

that's actually quite probably true.

incidentally, i had a leaflet in the post today from the "english democrats", whose candidate is some elderly chap. one of their policies is to "end multiculturalism". so i added it to the bnp leaflet i had through the other day.

lol what pricks


i thought they were single-issue.



getting pissed off with all these assumptions that a hung parliament would be bad. most of fucking europe is in perpetual coalition and they're doing fine (except greece lol)

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Guest chunky

britain's had 13 years of open door policy towards immigration

many cities and towns have completely changed

churches are closing down

mosques are going up in their place


this immigration policy is the cause of the labour party, which is the traditional party of the working class

labour politicians are following marx/gramsci/trotsky or whatever

BUT labour voters dont give a fuck about ideology, they want to live in their own country with its own language, religion, and culture


so basically brown approached an old labour voter who complained to him about this change in immigration over the last 13 years and he agreed with her

then he got into his car, with his microphone on, and called her a bigot, revealing his true belief that actually hes not on the side of the working class


the problem is, the labour party doesnt represent the beliefs of the white working class any more. it believes in its own agenda of open borders where anyone can come to live in britain. and now the working class feels abandoned, it is deserting the labour party in favour of small parties like the BNP (which is a creepy white nationalist party with a leader who reminds of kim jong il or joseph stalin or some other creep demagogue dictator)

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britain's had 13 years of open door policy towards immigration

many cities and towns have completely changed

churches are closing down


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Guest ezkerraldean

lol Clegg was in Leicester and his little group thingy was infiltrated by Labour uber-supporters with massive red placards, they got hounded out and their signs ripped up


i know one of them too lol

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Guest ezkerraldean

britain's had 13 years of open door policy towards immigration

many cities and towns have completely changed

churches are closing down

mosques are going up in their place


towns and cities would change anyway even with no ethnic movement e.g. decline of industry

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm now registered in the number 1 target constinuency for lib dems to take away from conservatives, so my vote might actually count for once. the difference was only about 300 in the last election

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Guest chunky

the point isnt whether immigration is right or wrong

it's that the core labour voters don't like it

and the labour leaders do like it

there's a split in opinion that is destroying the labour party

and thats what this PR mess is about


personally i dont vote and i wouldnt advocate shutting the door on immigration

but labour have gone too far, there's a lot more to the story but i suppose its outside the scope of the thread

try this story if youre interested (lol :-) in british immigration policy


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So chunky basically what you're saying is the labour voters are a bunch of racists?


That article you posted a link to is woefully short on anything that could be considered even close to a useful piece of information.

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Guest chunky

no. many labour voters didn't ask for mass immigration, they didn't vote for mass immigration, but they got it anyway, and now they're pissed off.

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Guest chunky

"Mr Neather said: "Earlier [unpublished] drafts I saw also included a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the government was going to make the UK truly multicultural.


"I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended - even if this wasn't its main purpose - to rub the right's nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date."


The "deliberate policy" had lasted from late 2000 until "at least February last year", when the new points-based immigration system was introduced,"

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So by joining the very open minded BNP they're not saying that they're racists they're saying they just want peace and harmony for all?


Those aren't details, those are bits of innuendo and hearsay.

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