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analogue worms attack


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Guest Backson

my girlfriend likes Mr Oizo, and she love's sub-bass right now.


would she like this?


Of course she'd like it.


yeah, that was one of those questions where I knew the answer but was seeking approval.


crunk & party = dated American hip hop world use of the 'trance' lead sound?

lambs anger is by far his weakest work as a musician, the opening sample 'some are good, some are bad, some are just OK' is a perfect way to describe the LP.

Transexual EP is ace though

I agree entirely. I once commented on this on the internet and Oizo himself replied and got very indignant.


I'm excited about his new movie

me too

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no doubt this is jazz and it's probably me who creates a lot of those other threads. and i completely agree that the rest of his discography is a little hit and miss (his sampling on the good tracks on Lamb's Anger, Positif, Gay Dentists, is fucking awesome).



but this thread is about the greatness of Ananlogue Worms Attack, which is seriously one of the classics of the era and style. brilliant

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Holy fuck this album is amazing, I remember hearing Flat Beat when I was about 16 and it really turned me onto a lot of new stuff when I was listening to lame Fatboy Slim stuff at the time. It's one of the few electronic albums I listened to before my tastes developed that has held up over time. No Day Massacre (which I always knew as Monday Massacre as well due to a Napster mislabel) is every bit as hot as it was back then. This album was way WAY ahead of its time, a huge album for modern hip hop in my opinion.

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oh that end part is great

it's on the Pourriture EP called Con Tact

-thank you from the bottom of my heart. i'm taking this cd home with me, it was truly fascinating.

-can I ask you something?


weehoh oeuuuuuwoehu ouhoehou hoeuhoeuoh

love it!

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Guest carthief

I just wanted to say, thank you for this thread.


I did not know who Mr. Oizo was, but I started listening the other day...


I had to track down basically everything he's put out. Thank you.

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Guest SyrFox

Yeah this album is really awesome. Definitely his best, though his two other ones are cool as well. Lambs Anger has some awesome tracks (Positif) but also some shit... eh. It's funnier to party to I guess - plus Lars Von Sen has hilarious lyrics if you understand french. I saw him DJing last year and he was really fun.

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