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Rand Paul (son of Ron Paul)

Guest blicero

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Guest blicero


Also, tea-baggers have co-opted the true libertarian intent - and they've diluted the politics of party.



Whoa. I totally agree. Didn't see that coming.

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Guest disparaissant

I'm not a usamerican :emotawesomepm9:

it doesnt even have anything to do with that, most of my friends dont give a shit, and yet you get me going on the stuff and i can't fucking shut up about it. it's like cat drugs or some shit i dunno.


i mean fuck me, i stayed up all night watching the UK election results, ITS A GODDAMN ADDICTION

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Guest disparaissant

turn tv off, it helps.


i do, i actively avoid political programming, don't even watch the daily show anymore for the most part. i just end up inevitably reading it online. and im not about to give up my horrific internet addiction.

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Guest disparaissant


don't dig it. music mostly.


lol ive seen naylin palin, it was turrible.

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Guest disparaissant

ahahaha i used to have one and i'd just end up bitching about politics. i think i just need to give in and accept the fact that im always going to be the overopinionated cunt who wont shut up about politics and who is no fun at parties.

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libertarians are left wing nutters

legalise weed

gay marriage

might as well join democrats


naw they want to deregulate everything, period, and turn america into a hellish corporatocracy the likes of which have only ever been seen in futuristic cyberpunk role-playing games.



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Guest disparaissant

libertarians are left wing nutters

legalise weed

gay marriage

might as well join democrats


naw they want to deregulate everything, period, and turn america into a hellish corporatocracy the likes of which have only ever been seen in futuristic cyberpunk role-playing games.




yes! i wanted to work something in there about deckers and all but that was just too much effort. and it would out me as the giant fucking geek i am.


oops. shit.

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it was turrible.


lol, Charles Barkley impersonation.

shut up and jam!


omgaiden, that had the funkiest soundtrack (after Toe Jam & Earl, natch).


Also, lol shadowrun.


Edit: Rand Paul should campaign in one of these:




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Guest Helper ET

ok are you guys done your little chat?


hey heres a good idea, lets all divide and label ourselves into different political groups, and argue about what we think we are or want to be. meanwhile well allow a renegade group of ultra-rich elitist psychopaths enslave humanity and poison our food, water, and air to control us and eventually depopulate us completely


you need to expand your consciousness. allow space for a greater reality, one that encompasses all you know, and more. your awareness has no relevance on the situation of the planet. ultimately chaos reins, then the intelligent, and then the weak are used as tools. you, and everyone you know, are literal slaves. you will never see the master. you will never defeat or overcome the master, without a massive human resistance against tyranny. unfortunately, the establishment has been moving through deception and lies, towards imprisoning, and enslaving the entire human race, for years, and so it is inevitable that they will eventually reach their goals, and it is also reasonable to assume that someonehas to experience that at some point in time, and so it seems, due to all indications, that we are that someone, who must endure a resistance to a global takeover to the likes this planets history has ever known, lest we and our families be ordered to concentration camps, thrown in dirt pits and shot


for gods sake people, wake up, or you will be killed! do it now!

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Guest disparaissant

ok are you guys done your little chat?


hey heres a good idea, lets all divide and label ourselves into different political groups, and argue about what we think we are or want to be. meanwhile well allow a renegade group of ultra-rich elitist psychopaths enslave humanity and poison our food, water, and air to control us and eventually depopulate us completely


you need to expand your consciousness. allow space for a greater reality, one that encompasses all you know, and more. your awareness has no relevance on the situation of the planet. ultimately chaos reins, then the intelligent, and then the weak are used as tools. you, and everyone you know, are literal slaves. you will never see the master. you will never defeat or overcome the master, without a massive human resistance against tyranny. unfortunately, the establishment has been moving through deception and lies, towards imprisoning, and enslaving the entire human race, for years, and so it is inevitable that they will eventually reach their goals, and it is also reasonable to assume that someonehas to experience that at some point in time, and so it seems, due to all indications, that we are that someone, who must endure a resistance to a global takeover to the likes this planets history has ever known, lest we and our families be ordered to concentration camps, thrown in dirt pits and shot


for gods sake people, wake up, or you will be killed! do it now!


meh i already gave them my firstborn, im covered. fuck you got mine.

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Guest Helper ET

where gone, has your fear of death? you are in such a lackadaisical trance, that not only do you not value your fellow man, but you dont even value your own life. you resemble a computer. you cant even conceive what im explaining to you right now

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Guest disparaissant

where gone, has your fear of death? you are in such a lackadaisical trance, that not only do you not value your fellow man, but you dont even value your own life. you resemble a computer. you cant even conceive what im explaining to you right now

beep boop syntax error does not compute

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where gone, has your fear of death? you are in such a lackadaisical trance, that not only do you not value your fellow man, but you dont even value your own life. you resemble a computer. you cant even conceive what im explaining to you right now

why fear death?


crap - I replied to an ET post...

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I have a theory that most libertarians are actually republicans but are ashamed to admit it so they call themselves "libertarians" because it makes them sound smarter and cooler.

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the media must really be starved for a non-oil spill story to give this guy so much air time, when he goes around spewing shit like the Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional, and should be a states rights issue. WTF is he for realz???

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I'm all for civil liberties, nothing is more important than individual freedom to me... but when the civil rights act leads to supreme court cases like ricci vs. destefano - you have to start to wonder if the attempt to balance the scales is really just shifting them in the opposite direction...

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