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Kitchen shock - Chinese Take Away Calender

Guest Rambo

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Guest Rambo

This calender was given to mother free of charge by our local Chinese take away and has been in my kitchen for months. I musn't have looked at it properly until now.





Just look at those eyes.



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It would be awesome if they were mating, but they're pandas, so there's only about a 2% chance of that being the case.

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just say what you see

I mean just look at the eyes... and the male's teeth... it looks aggressive to me :p maybe its a joke like that because pandas cba with mating.

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Guest Rambo

The amazing thing is that i genuinely didn't even notice how great this calender was for about 4-5 months. If that's not a reminder that i need to stop and smell the roses and once and while, i don't know what is. I mean, what else am i missing that's right under my nose?

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Guest hahathhat

The amazing thing is that i genuinely didn't even notice how great this calender was for about 4-5 months. If that's not a reminder that i need to stop and smell the roses and once and while, i don't know what is. I mean, what else am i missing that's right under my nose?



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Guest Rambo

lol i've been focussing on the rapee so much that i didn't really notice just how great the raper is. He is kind of staring into nothing, lol, look at him. He has done this so many times before - it never ends. You know when you're just staring through something?



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LOL I love how he's gritting his teeth - I can imagine him saying, "YEAH - FUCK YEAH - I'M - GONNA - POUND - DAT - PANDA - PUSSY - SO - FUK - ING - HARD!!!"



yea the teeth really make it. lol.

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Guest Adjective

just say what you see

I see two brothers in the middle of an emotional hurricane. (the lower panda) Wubchuss is suddenly stricken with terror at the thought of rebuilding the relationship he once had with his mother (in the background). Puovçois (mounted & younger panda) falls immediately with his brother to embrace him before he touches the ground, but cannot support the weight of his brother's pain. We're left suspended in this moment of uncertainty and starving for some sort of delicious comfort.


The lower left view appears to be a practice sketch that the artist left in the composition to add a clinical perspective. This dampens the power of emotions captured in the rest of the work, so that one is not too sad to eat.

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