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what is your most juvenile habit?

Guest tht tne

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Masturbation is hardly juvenile.


When me and my mates are drunk we just kinda speak nonsense and make up our own words. We could go literally hours without having a comprehendable conversation.

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screwing with people, for sure. just saying the most ridiculous things with the utmost confidence. for example, I was in the car with my mom in alaska and we were talking about AIDS (I think we were listening to queen), and I say "oh well we don't have to worry about AIDS up here, it can't survive in a cold climate" and when she said "really?" it was just the most satisfying thing.


Having infatuations that are never acted on or even mentioned.


yeah these two

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When me and my mates are drunk we just kinda speak nonsense and make up our own words. We could go literally hours without having a comprehendable conversation.


This sentence unleashed a whole flood of endorphins, pal. :flower:

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Guest disparaissant

as for actual, non-fun juvenile habits, im fairly passive aggressive and mopey and i cry entirely too much.

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Guest hahathhat

if a rule is stupid, i will go out of my way to break it. general resentment of someone trying to control me, resulting in any number of childish responses. confusing people.


also, sometimes i fantasize about cutting sarah palin off mid-sentence with a loud fart. like:


"...and that's why we need to teach our children that america is- " PPPPFFFrt


then the whole audience loses it with laughter, and it ruins her flow for the rest of the speech. would be the most amazing thing ever.

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Guest hahathhat

today i ran around barefoot in a thunder storm stomping in puddles.


i entirely forgot about this sort of thing.


- puddles yes

- POPPING PLASTIC BAGS! or juice boxes

- lighting things on fire

- playing around with water at the sink

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