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^ I love jumping spiders! They're often quite colourful and always fascinating to watch. There's a huge one that lives in my house; well, he's huge for a jumping spider (15 mm). I've named him Victor and told him he can stay in my living room as long as he wants :wub:

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Totally - I can watch them endlessly too. I like leaning in to watch them and noticing them swivel their faces up to watch you back. Some of them have metallic, brightly-coloured fangs which they twitch constantly in intricate patterns - I'm convinced this is some sort of language.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Totally - I can watch them endlessly too. I like leaning in to watch them and noticing them swivel their faces up to watch you back. Some of them have metallic, brightly-coloured fangs which they twitch constantly in intricate patterns - I'm convinced this is some sort of language.


learning it would be pretty IDM

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I have a love/hate with most bugs. They fascinate me endlessly and inspire the living shit out of me, but so many species either scare the shit out of me or repulse me when confronted in close quarters. Obviously there are some i don't mind. All these pics are brilliant.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

spiders scare the shit out of me, tbh. but i normally don't have the heart to kill them. i try my best to get them in a cup or something, then dump them outside


this really is the worst picture on the web. i can stare at lemonparty longer than this thing. it's so....wrong




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Guest AcrossCanyons

a few of these things look cool - (the mantises), but the rest are difficult for me to look at for more than a second because i find insects the most disgusting horrible scary things in the world. a fear i will never conquer :(

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Guest joshier

spiders scare the shit out of me, tbh. but i normally don't have the heart to kill them. i try my best to get them in a cup or something, then dump them outside


this really is the worst picture on the web. i can stare at lemonparty longer than this thing. it's so....wrong


Yeah, I agree, it's not something I'd like to have at the corner of my eye as I eight my dinner, I don't have enough arms to capture all those, let alone cups.

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Guest Al5x

spiders scare the shit out of me, tbh. but i normally don't have the heart to kill them. i try my best to get them in a cup or something, then dump them outside


this really is the worst picture on the web. i can stare at lemonparty longer than this thing. it's so....wrong


Yeah, I agree, it's not something I'd like to have at the corner of my eye as I eight my dinner, I don't have enough arms to capture all those, let alone cups.


I live in Oklahoma & I regularly find giant balls of these guys, about that many a ball & several ball-colonies clinging to the ceiling of an outdoor structure. If you poke 'em once they all fall down and scatter. In boyscouts kids used to take their legs off one at a time and found it quite funny to watch them try and walk with only one or two legs. I've never really been scared of these "daddy long-legs" at all, but most spiders freak my shit out. Especially the big hairy ones.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

spiders scare the shit out of me, tbh. but i normally don't have the heart to kill them. i try my best to get them in a cup or something, then dump them outside


this really is the worst picture on the web. i can stare at lemonparty longer than this thing. it's so....wrong


Yeah, I agree, it's not something I'd like to have at the corner of my eye as I eight my dinner, I don't have enough arms to capture all those, let alone cups.


I live in Oklahoma & I regularly find giant balls of these guys, about that many a ball & several ball-colonies clinging to the ceiling of an outdoor structure. If you poke 'em once they all fall down and scatter. In boyscouts kids used to take their legs off one at a time and found it quite funny to watch them try and walk with only one or two legs. I've never really been scared of these "daddy long-legs" at all, but most spiders freak my shit out. Especially the big hairy ones.


what if it just......all fell

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I live in Oklahoma & I regularly find giant balls of these guys, about that many a ball & several ball-colonies clinging to the ceiling of an outdoor structure. If you poke 'em once they all fall down and scatter. In boyscouts kids used to take their legs off one at a time and found it quite funny to watch them try and walk with only one or two legs. I've never really been scared of these "daddy long-legs" at all, but most spiders freak my shit out. Especially the big hairy ones.


That's not very boy scouty of them. Further proves that scouts are pricks.

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Guest viscosity

i was gonna post an awesome video of a cicada i shot yesterday but my camera fucking bricked on me today



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Guest viscosity

i do have this



i would have taken brighter pictures, but this guy was alive, found him crawling up my headphone cord

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I found the same caterpillar from my pink picture again today, a bigger one even ... those weirdos.


It's funny how the arachnophobics aren't scared of Daddy Longlegs since Daddy Longlegs actually aren't spiders, and the other way round. A friend of mine is terrified of Daddy Longlegs (both the Harvestman and especially the Cranefly) but doesn't mind spiders all that much.


edit: ^ oh, yeah, WHAT is THAT, troon?

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