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Bored at Work

Guest Gary C

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Guest Richy

plan out an elaborate, yet highly disturbing murder. Factoring in your costs, materials, victim, potential witnesses and alibi. You can then let your imagination do the rest to see if you are successful, or if you get caught by the police. It's usually a good idea to completely erase all spreadsheets or word documents when you are finished, just to be safe.

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Guest vodor

today at work i decided that i needed more structure in my life and that i wasn't really qualified for the task so i handed over authority to a google spreadsheet. i got quite a bit of cleaning done tonight and i have to watch a movie in 2 minutes.


and pretty soon i think the spreadsheet is going to tell me to add some of the links and suggestions in this thread to a google document so that i can have a look at them tomorrow at work (watmm is blocked, you dirty bastards).

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Guest bitroast

work in outbound call centre.

i'm in too open an environment to just slack off and read lols (forums are blocked i know that much).

i generally just find myself reading ridiculous complaints and cases that have been escalated to the highest department when i have nothing better to do. occasionally will find things that'll put a smile on my face /lamelamelame

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Guest disparaissant

So does anyone have a job that doesn't entail sitting on your arse in front of a computer all day?

i babysit a 16 month old child 4 days a week and deliver newspapers in a bad part of town at 3 in the morning every day. i think babysitting is the more terrifying of the two jobs.

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Guest Gary C

So today I have been mostly doodling catastrophic events in holiday brochures.


I also joined Twitter, so random links from the likes of Ebert, Simon Pegg and Derren Brown have been keeping me midly entertained as well.

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  • 6 months later...

Exciting revelations here, deep in the Brochure Mines.


"E3" branding has been removed from properties featuring KidsWORLD facilities. A new activity will take its place; Street Cheer!

Cheerleading in the street.


We're through the looking glass here.


Updates to follow.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest ezkerraldean

whoa, you chaps all have lame jobs... why did you choose them? what did you chaps study? do you all live in cities/suburbanland?


(no offense lol, i'm probably coming off as really arrogant but it's not deliberate lol)

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Guest Iain C

whoa, you chaps all have lame jobs... why did you choose them? what did you chaps study? do you all live in cities/suburbanland?


(no offense lol, i'm probably coming off as really arrogant but it's not deliberate lol)


doesn't your job involve larking around in the wilderness? fuck that. i like civilisation - educated people, bars, buildings higher than 4 stories, that kind of thing.

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Guest Gary C

Oh, Iain, I'm so fucking bored. Sorry, I didn't get back to you last week, but I was almost catatonic through exhaustion.


Two weeks ago, I spent a week in Magaluf being an extra for the Inbetweeners Movie.

The group consisted of roughly 50 Club 18-30 reps, 50 sales assistants, and then maybe 5 people from 'head office' (where I am). The flights, hotel (breakfast and dinner) were all paid for by the company. Lunch was provided by the Production Company and anything after 7pm was your own responsibility.

I was in a room with two windsurfing instructors who were probably the most genuinely funny and decent people out of the group. There were some good sales assistants, but I grew tired of them in the last few days. The reps themselves could be good to talk to, but it was impossible to gauge with them as it's their job to talk to everybody on a holiday and try to include them in groups and events. They were all very good at doing exactly that though.

So, we spent 5 days. Maybe 6 days. It's hard to tell now. Most of the week (10 hours a day) was spent on a 'Party Boat', a catamaran anchored up far enough away from the coast to give the illusion of a luxurious summer destination. So for 8 out of the 10 day-light hours on the boat the 100 of us would mostly be herded between the lower and upper decks depending on where they were shooting. Everybody upstairs for 4 hours, whispering or trying to maintain silence during filming, but generally having a pretty good time anyway. Although we were sadly sober there was more than enough of us so that we could entertain ourselves almost every day. During the tiring, hungover, days a lot of time would be dedicated to idly gazing out of the windows.

The boat only left and returned once a day, so the cast were stuck on that boat for 10 hours with us too. They were as you'd expect, normal young guys joking between themselves. Not really acting like swaggering dicks, but mostly talking to the people they knew. They clearly focused hard on their 'acting', each needing time alone to quietly recite lines to themself over and over again. But they were all pretty cool. Almost everyone had a conversation with each of them.

The nights after shooting were spent getting bladdered in very chavvy 18-30 bars. R'n'B/dance music. No drinking games really. The reps had been told to tone it down as they were supposed to be representing the brand properly around the film-crew and there was no warning when a camera-crew would stroll down the street and start filming. There were chants of 'shot shot shot', some silly 'double doorbell' dance routines but that was it.

I got drunk every night, hammered a handful of times and managed to wake up 5.40 and be ready to leave at 6am every single day. Punishing.

Oh yeah, on the very first night they gave us all a spray-tan - to make it seem like we'd been out all summer, but I still got my nose burnt on top of the boat.


Funniest memory for me is Day 4, after we're all now very much aclimatised to what we have to do and mostly hungover and bored. For the 5th time that afternoon the director shouts 'Turning over!' and the flat four-four beat starts. Everyone's heads lift up and their feet shuffle from side to side. We have to be silent, so we usually mime insults and jokes to each other. In particular a few of us would break out the most corniest dancing possible in a competition to put each other off. The music stops after 3 loops and we have to continue shuffling silently as the actors are filmed doing shots at the bar.

Whilst pulling out my best George Michael I look around and notice the complete abject weariness and depression on every single persons faces. I can't wait to see the film and note the hungover depressed faces supposed to be having the 'best time ever' on a Club 18-30 Party Boat.


You will never get me into a Club 18-30 resort ever again. You will never even get me into an All Inclusive basis hotel ever again. It was fun though, and certainly an experience that I'll remember. Any lasting friendships? Probably not. There were a lot of good people, but no-one that I really had much in common with aside from being stuck on a boat, football, playing cards, drinking or leering at women.


Oh yeah, they made me sign a Disclosure Agreement, but fuck that.


The four lads each get new girlfriends. Simon doesn't even get Carly in the end, he finds a new girlfriend and dives off the boat to go win her back. He's ultimately picked up by a rescue helicopter at sea.

The nerdy guy can't handle tequila and vomits over a lot of people.

Jay sticks a rolled-up £20 note up his arse and then gives it to a notorious arsehole of a character to snort coke with.

I think the tall guy dry-humps some bird on the boat as well.


It doesn't look amazing to be honest. I wasn't really a fan of the Inbetweeners until the second series and I would have expected that their last hurrah, the Movie, would be the most x-rated possible. But I think they're sticking with a safe formula and are probably going to try to skim the lowest certification possible in order to get the largest possible audience. Oh well, such is the film business.

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Guest Gary C

Incidentally, if I'm seen in the finished film at all, it'll be during the 3 seconds in which the actors first step onto the boat. I'm doing to 'lawnmower' directly behind them. :facepalm:

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ive had hard labor jobs all of my adult life other than working at kinkos. Finding a career or a job that I love has been the most challenging effort of my life. I dont know what to do. Im lost. I wish I could have a job that was more fun than being at home. Even deciding what major to pick to finish my degree has left me totally confused. I hope i figure it out someday

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Hell yes. I might hit that up here in a bit, as my job's going pretty slow today. :)


But damn, I wish I had a job where I got to pretty much jack around the whole time after I finished my work. I'm really just sick of wearing headphones and dealing with people that don't even know what the Medical Service Bureau is, which is just about everybody.


These views are my own and do not reflect the views of MSB or its other employees.


My bands are kinda falling apart, so I'm probably gonna head back to being a full time student soon and try and snag myself a CS degree. Then I can hit up companies that create DAWs and try and get myself a nifty job. Renoise just hired some new peeps (including dblue!), so I might try and squeeze in there even before I'm done if they'll have me.


Aside from that though, do you guys have any good suggestions for decent-paying jobs that pay more than $10/hr and aren't too stressful?

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oh hey tv tropes link, here goes another evening down the drain.

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Guest ezkerraldean

Aside from that though, do you guys have any good suggestions for decent-paying jobs that pay more than $10/hr and aren't too stressful?

do this

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Aside from that though, do you guys have any good suggestions for decent-paying jobs that pay more than $10/hr and aren't too stressful?

do this

That sounds pretty awful honestly. I've got school to be finishing up and a dwindling but still present social life. I've also yet to get my Canadian citizenship made official. Plus it sounds like there'd be heights involved, and I'm deathly afraid of those.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

So does anyone have a job that doesn't entail sitting on your arse in front of a computer all day?


physical labor sucks balls early in the morning, i'd prefer this^

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