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The Human Centipede

Guest abusivegeorge

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This movie was just as nasty as you might expect, but with little in the way of comic release, aside from the ditziness of the two main chicks if that counts as anything more than annoying. But yeah, I'm glad I saw it. If you're going to see it once, may as well have it be on the big screen. It's a movie to feel sick to.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol, I'm not sure how to take that! It's worth seeing but go prepared, I guess is what you're saying!

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It was actually a lot better than I thought it was going to be. George, I'd go see it. It's not THAT gross ffs.

This is what I was assuming. The only movie that has really held up to the hype in terms of gore and whatnot is the Guinea Pig 2. Absolutely foul film and I actually didn't want to finish it because of that. This human centipede thing might actually be worth seeing though.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Excellent cheerz sneaks, I didn't realise anyone on here had seen it yet! I look forward to it.

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Lol, I'm not sure how to take that! It's worth seeing but go prepared, I guess is what you're saying!


Hehe, well kind of. It's not actually worth seeing, but I'm glad I did just because it's so stupid and bad. It's gross more because of the concept and what's occurring, not because of gore. If you're the sort of viewer who can just completely switch off and not feel any character empathy it's not so bad i guess. I'm the sort of viewer who if a character gets their Achilles' heal sliced I cringe and maybe grab my own. Yet I still love watching extreme movies like Audition, despite it being very hard to sit through when it gets nasty. I still like going through that, and in the case of Audition it's definitely a worth-seeing movie.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol, I'm not sure how to take that! It's worth seeing but go prepared, I guess is what you're saying!


Hehe, well kind of. It's not actually worth seeing, but I'm glad I did just because it's so stupid and bad. It's gross more because of the concept and what's occurring, not because of gore. If you're the sort of viewer who can just completely switch off and not feel any character empathy it's not so bad i guess. I'm the sort of viewer who if a character gets their Achilles' heal sliced I cringe and maybe grab my own. Yet I still love watching extreme movies like Audition, despite it being very hard to sit through when it gets nasty. I still like going through that, and in the case of Audition it's definitely a worth-seeing movie.


OK well I'm definetly going to see The Human Centipede, and I've never seen Audition so I'll check that out too. I know exactly what you're saying about the character empathy, and that bit in hostel where he gets his achilles heel sliced open fucking argh, man, I can feel the pain lol.

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Yeah man, that scene was the first thing that popped into my mind when I thought of that character empathy kicking in during a movie that was still kind of shit. The stuff that was occurring was disturbing enough for it to not have to be well executed for it to still get under my skin. What is it about the Achilles' heal anyway? For some reason that particular injury bothers me almost more than any other, despite it being one of less harmful/painful possibilities. I'd rather see an implied spike going through a dick.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol, I HAVE no idea, but it could be because, perhaps, that whole fear of not being able to walk, I mean once that achillies heal is sliced open your chances of escape on your own feet are practically nil. Seeing a penis spiked however, is more intriguing, I mean, that's interesting to watch, right?

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That could be part of it, but I wouldn't feel nearly that squeamish seeing someone's legs get lopped off in a movie, so there's got to be something more to it. Maybe it's because the Achilles heal seems like such a delicate vulnerable area that could easily get hurt anyway, whereas I find the idea of losing my legs completely less of a likely scenario. ? I have no idea if that's it either, but damned if the thought doesn't make me shudder instinctually.

And you're right, a spiked penis is more intriguing on the whole... :beer:

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Guest abusivegeorge

Yeah I have banged my achillies heel, mostly on the legs of chairs when at school quite a few times, and it seems to react like a funny bone. so that's probably it, you're more likely to have it damaged than your legs chopped off. If I lose my legs tomorrow though I'll be getting in touch with you first lol.

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Well it's pretty much entirely bleak with absolutely nothing lifting or tension-relieving about it. So unless you can just laugh at how horrible the situation is, it would be a depressing movie to watch. Sick for the sake of sick, no doubt about it.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i did not take it seriously of course. the guy who played the surgeon was a very good actor

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The surgeon was good, and I did laugh at the really bad bits. It was fun suffering through it with a few other people. But I'm not sure I've seen anything I'd consider grosser conceptually... surprisingly well made is maybe a stretch, but yeah it's not a really low budget amateurish movie or anything. And yes, I'll probably watch his planned 12 human centipede sequel --should be a winner.

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Guest abusivegeorge

There's a planned sequel? Lol


It better be grosser than braindead or I'll be back on here sucking some serious cock.

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You better believe it! He said he decided to hold back a bit on the first one to warm audiences to the idea of a human centipede. It was all to prepare people for the human centipede movie he really wanted to make with part II. Can't wait.

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