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Proberbly one of the worst genres of all time but do you think it produced any gems? I never got involved in all that Blur vs Oasis malarkey. I just remember at the time loads of people getting into all of this. I suppose for all its faults it at least made muppets use their ears and at least take a passing interest in music.


I got to say to the high-brow music snobs that the first Oasis album still punches in the right places. I think thats a classic album. Blur I was never to keen on but on the albums they released there was always a few gems like To The End, The Universal the self titled album had some tunes on too. Suede's Dog Man Star is another classic (never liked any of there other stuff). And Pulps Different Class was brilliant.


Brit Pop. Hate it or loathe it? What do you reckon?


I sense a bombardment of vitriol and hate! But I always used to remind my friends how much they hated Oasis yet when they came on the radio they would be bopping and singing along to it LoL.

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Modern Life Is Rubbish, Parklife, Suede, Dog Man Star, Coming Up, His'n'Hers, Different Class, This Is Hardcore, Definitely Maybe, Dizzy Heights, Casanova. Good era for pop music.

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the boo radley's giant steps is an absolutely incredible, monstrous psychedelic shoegaze album - unfairly lumped in with britpop. nearly everything they recorded after that was crap. a LOT of pulp is brilliant, they again got lumped in with that genre in a very unfair manner; pulp were around a long time before that. blur's parklife is a good album. i suppose the first two oasis albums are okay if you like that sort of thing, which i do not.

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Guest Greg Reason

the whole thing bored the shit out of me but i like blurs 'think tank'.


Think Tank was bloody brilliant. 'Out of Time' is truly stunning.


The old Blur is pretty cool if you're into that Kinks sorta vibe. The Great Escape is probably the strongest of the early records. Some of that is still really enjoyable today, unlike their first couple of records which sound horribly dated now

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reminds me of a girl a long time ago, fittingly enough.

pulp's last album was produced by scott walker and is very underrated imo.



the way they combined dub and beatles and mariachi horns on this just blows my fucking mind

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'common people' is an absolute masterpiece that they never matched.



I'd agree with that. It's a lyrical masterpeice.


Still no love for the first Oasis album? I reckon I could be the only WATTmer who likes it then. Columbia, Bring it on Down and Slide Away all fantastic tunes, sure I guess they were ripped off but sometimes you must put that to one side. I remember Hetfield of Metellica chortling over who he nicked a lot of riffs from for Master of Puppets (obviously sped up a fraction!). The journalist was like 'Who? Who?' Hetfield just winked and said nothing.


Oasis have made dire stuff ever since but I guess Blur eventually as time went by won 'The War'. Typical British media bullshit.

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Guest Dirty Protest

apparently himself and sice are back recording together.


The last gig in London was ace; Sice was there, we played well and The Union Chapel is possibly the most beautiful venue in the land. Jimmy Webb, in thanking me from the stage, called me a ‘doll’ and a ‘beautiful cat’ so a decision that had been lurking around my head these past few months was made. This was to be my last live performance and there will be no more records for the foreseeable future. Everytime I play or record I end up losing money and the all the good albums and great reviews in the world won’t make a difference to that.


I’m going to concentrate instead on writing songs for other people. I don’t know how to do this but I do know where to begin; I want to spend what little free time I have nowadays working on my writing. It does feel like weight has lifted. I’m not one of those men who leave bringing up the kids and most household stuff to the little woman. We share everything and I’ve been trying to do too much lately with the usual result being that I completed nothing to anyone’s satisfaction, least of all my own.


I will still write stuff on here, chart my way through this new phase of my life and I will be posting new songs and demos whenever I can, so stick around. It might even get interesting.







I was gutted when the Boo Radleys split, their last few albums were some of the best pop music ive heard. The man can write pure pop music in a way that seems to be long forgotten about.

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I hated pretty much all Britpop at the time and I hate it now. Apart from 'Modern Life Is Rubbish' which is a good album. And 'C'mon Kids' by Boo Radleys, which is ace.

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Oasis have always made my ears bleed. Not just my blood, but the blood of a dozen children, sacrificed on the alter to the god of self loathing musical wankery.


I always liked Blur, and still do. Remember going to my local indie shop as a kid and picking up Great Escape on cassette tape. Those were the days!

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

yeah pulp were really the golden goose in amoungst the plebs n shite.


i like blur/oasis but pulp aged better than anythign else from that era.



been listening to john peels festive fiftys recently and its always a pleasure when he plays pulp





i bought alot of albums back in britpop days and pulp and blur is probably all i still listen to.

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Seeing Pulp at Reading in 2000 was a real treat. I didn't think they would be able to top Beck but they were certainly up to the task.

Pulp and Blur are the two standouts for me from that era, with the odd tune from others contributing to nostalgia.

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this is hardcore is their masterpiece though, not different class


To some extent this is true. One could certainly make the argument that This is Hardcore is more focused and as a result sounds more cohesive. I prefer Different Class, but that's probably because of the nostalgic feelings it brings out in me.


Kaini: We Love Life is good, but falls a bit short of Different Class and This is Hardcore for me...

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

their last album was a bit late is all. the world had moved on and i had too. maybe now it'll sound better. i remmeber the single being a corker. sunrise?

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