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Samples that appear in Aphex which appear elsewhere.


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That one sample in Isopropophlex/Isopropanol (can't be fucked to remember/figure out what it's saying at the moment) showing up in the Come To Daddy video is pretty cool.

You mean the bit from "the SOund of Music"? I never liked that in the video for some reason. Dunno why...


If that's what it's from, yeah. I just like it in the video because I remember the "AHA!" moment I had when I recognized it from another song of his.

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Guest bunty

I mean, it's the fucking song's name after all.

Which is probably the reason you can't countenance it being heard otherwise. Regarding the consonant sounds, it's processed to fuck, so you're going to expect artefacts. Only if you already know what it's supposed to say are you going to be sure of what is/isn't an artefact

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Guest Calx Sherbet

anyone who is hearing anything other than "Come on you Slags" is probably listening to it backwards/has ear muffs on/is functionally retarded/deaf.

it sounds like "I WANT SEX" to me but now you mention it I can also hear "COME ON YOU SLAGS" as well :D :spiteful:


i didn't know people were hearing anything other than the title, but now i'll never unhear the sex thing.


what about the "L" in slags? it's so pronounced.


and the "you"




i hear "come on you slags" so blatantly I'm wondering if those saying it's "i want sex" are trolling


Have to say I agree. I mean, it's the fucking song's name after all.


Rich knew this debate would happen years in the future.

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After reading this thread and being thoroughly frustrated with my own ears(yeah I know who gives a fuck it's just 2 seconds of a track whatever) I played back that specific part like 20 more times, it sounds like there's a sample that's hardly even touched and the same clip over it that's distorted. The one that's slightly buried is obviously saying "Come On You Slags" and the one on top sounds like "I WANT *loud gasping A sound, as it is in the word face*" and together they sound, as long as I'm not focusing too hard on dissecting it like I am now, exactly like "I want Aphex" every time I've heard it and I wouldn't be surprised if it was his intention. But I'm the only person hearing specifically that so I guess you can ignore this whole post. :emotawesomepm9:

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what about the "L" in slags? it's so pronounced.


and the "you"




i hear "come on you slags" so blatantly I'm wondering if those saying it's "i want sex" are trolling




wasn't there a thread here about a new(ish) track that used the same vocal from xtal?


Track is Journey To The End Of The Night on Aim's Cold Water Music I think.


Could very easily have been sampled directly from Xtal though.

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to be honest I always hear it as "I want sex", the flanger on the sample makes everything distorted so that as it is rising it filters the noise into an "iouwa" sort of sound, if im not listening to it very loud this is all I really notice, the "I WANT" words pop in. But it does say "come on you slags", i think a thread a couple years ago clued me in on that. But I still, honest to god, believe it's "heat".

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Guest Calx Sherbet

My kid sister, at age 10, claimed the TB-303 line in Polygon Window "Untitled" was like a human voice saying:


"You're all alone"


ha, i like this

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