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Mass Effect 2 For PS3


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EA announced today that Mass Effect 2 (formerly 360/PC only) will be coming to PS3 in January 2011. This almost certainly means that ME3 (since it was a planned trilogy) will be cross-platform.


For the 360 owners who played ME2, what do I have to look forward to? The reviews were generally good, but does the game live up to the hype?

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the only thing i know about mass effect 2 is that you can have sex with aliens. that is the only thing i know about the game, i hope that helps

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I've finished it twice and each play through was around 30 hours so yeah.


I'm not sure if it'll have the same appeal to PS3 users since they most likely haven't played Mass Effect 1 and won't have the ability to import ME1 profiles into ME2 - which was a great feature and created a sense of continuity.

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the only thing i know about mass effect 2 is that you can have sex with aliens. that is the only thing i know about the game, i hope that helps


Glad you told me, because that's the first thing I look for in any video game. :facepalm:

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How about anyone who's played the game? Good? Bad? Liked? Disliked?


I loved it. A lot of people complained about the lack of RPG elements that BioWare decided to remove to make it more accessible and and a fast-paced game (at least compared to the clumsy action element from the original) but I really think they did a great job with the new action oriented gameplay. It still has all the typical ask-a-whole-bunch-of-questions-and-open-up-new-side-quests, but in comparison to other RPGs (for instance their own Dragon Age) they decided to strip the game from all the micro managing and instead focused on buying upgrades which then automatically upgrades whatever item it is you've bought upgrades for.


But the missions are great, great characters, great dialogue, great everything. I bet the PS3 version will include all the DLC so if you're a completist then you're in for a 30+ hours treatment.


Also, sexy female characters.


why is xbox360 users get demos at least 24 hours before ps3 users?


I think I read about this the other day. It has something to do with Microsoft updating their Marketplace in the morning whereas Sony doesn't upgrade their's until late at night... or something like that.

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It's great but I think PS3-only owners will be missing out on playing the first one, mostly because you can import your save, and if you don't in ME2, by default, one of the best characters from the first one is dead. Lame.

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why is xbox360 users get demos at least 24 hours before ps3 users?




p.s suck it you need to opinion of us humble 360 users :gamer:


You get demos first due to when MS updates their storefront.




How about anyone who's played the game? Good? Bad? Liked? Disliked?


I loved it. A lot of people complained about the lack of RPG elements that BioWare decided to remove to make it more accessible and and a fast-paced game (at least compared to the clumsy action element from the original) but I really think they did a great job with the new action oriented gameplay. It still has all the typical ask-a-whole-bunch-of-questions-and-open-up-new-side-quests, but in comparison to other RPGs (for instance their own Dragon Age) they decided to strip the game from all the micro managing and instead focused on buying upgrades which then automatically upgrades whatever item it is you've bought upgrades for.


But the missions are great, great characters, great dialogue, great everything. I bet the PS3 version will include all the DLC so if you're a completist then you're in for a 30+ hours treatment.


Also, sexy female characters.


why is xbox360 users get demos at least 24 hours before ps3 users?


I think I read about this the other day. It has something to do with Microsoft updating their Marketplace in the morning whereas Sony doesn't upgrade their's until late at night... or something like that.


Yeah, dat's rite. Thanks for the insightful mini-review. Looking forward to it, as I have always liked the cut of Bioware's jib.

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why is xbox360 users get demos at least 24 hours before ps3 users?




p.s suck it you need to opinion of us humble 360 users :gamer:


You get demos first due to when MS updates their storefront.




How about anyone who's played the game? Good? Bad? Liked? Disliked?


I loved it. A lot of people complained about the lack of RPG elements that BioWare decided to remove to make it more accessible and and a fast-paced game (at least compared to the clumsy action element from the original) but I really think they did a great job with the new action oriented gameplay. It still has all the typical ask-a-whole-bunch-of-questions-and-open-up-new-side-quests, but in comparison to other RPGs (for instance their own Dragon Age) they decided to strip the game from all the micro managing and instead focused on buying upgrades which then automatically upgrades whatever item it is you've bought upgrades for.


But the missions are great, great characters, great dialogue, great everything. I bet the PS3 version will include all the DLC so if you're a completist then you're in for a 30+ hours treatment.


Also, sexy female characters.


why is xbox360 users get demos at least 24 hours before ps3 users?


I think I read about this the other day. It has something to do with Microsoft updating their Marketplace in the morning whereas Sony doesn't upgrade their's until late at night... or something like that.


Yeah, dat's rite. Thanks for the insightful mini-review. Looking forward to it, as I have always liked the cut of Bioware's jib.


Also, knowing that you're a bit of a Star Wars geek, just like me, I know you will like it.

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Guest blicero

good but over-hyped. some improvements over the original, but not too many.


if you've never played ME, you're in for a treat. if you have, it's largely more of the same. but that's not so bad.

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Although I perfer the first Mass Effect to the second one (I'm a sucker for micromanagement of the inventory and stuff like that), this is friggin awesome!


I perfer to play games on my PS3 anyways, will just give me another excuse to run thru this a few more times.


Lack of ME1 import won't hurt that significantly. You miss out on a few extra scenes. I'm sick of the council and the human ambassador anyways.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Why are we still promoting console fan boy wars for such a ridiculous reason like he I can get the game you have had for a long while on my console now SUCK IT common

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Why are we still promoting console fan boy wars for such a ridiculous reason like he I can get the game you have had for a long while on my console now SUCK IT common


Your Fort is Collapsing, Blanket.

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Guest ZeroHour

i just found a huge amount of mass effect 2 porn for watmm. just in case anyone wants it you know, just in case


do share

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse




not hating, I think this fan boy-ism is just ridiculous, especially with the reason for the OP. If I played games a lot more I would buy a ps3 and would have a 360, PC and a PS3 with no internal dialogue of loyalty to any of them. Having fan boy wars might be fun to you but I think its just getting old.

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not hating, I think this fan boy-ism is just ridiculous, especially with the reason for the OP. If I played games a lot more I would buy a ps3 and would have a 360, PC and a PS3 with no internal dialogue of loyalty to any of them. Having fan boy wars might be fun to you but I think its just getting old.


Oh, lighten up or I'll change your username to Wet Blanket Fort Collapsed Under It's Own Weight.


Go install a video card that gives you 1 billion by 1 billion res and runs at 5000 frames per second :emotawesomepm9:

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