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mescaline via san pedro

Guest cuntainer

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just wow. i don't think i can stop talking, it's almost 6am and i should really go to bed.


and yeah i viewed it as like, you have to submit to the plant before it submits to you, you have to pass the test before you can move on to the next stage, and only the strong willed are worthy of the experience, and the test was trying to consuming a fairly large quantity of something that tastes beyond revolting, and i was determined to push through the pain of trying to consume it all, through the constant gagging, and i passed the test, and i reaped the rewards, and just everything is amazing.


thank you san pedro.


thank you watmm.





did you experience any nausea? how much actual cactus length did you start with? I'm curious because i have about 3-4 feet of frozen san pedro right now and am considering the plunge again. I never was able to get a strong trip off it before because i couldn't consume more than like a shot full of liquid.

im curious though , a lot of people say about 1.5 feet of san pedro is about the strength of a 1/8th of cubensis mushrooms. I find this a little bit hard to believe, but compared to other hallucinogenic drugs you've done what was it like

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Guest Scrambled Ears


"what i feel like right now: picture this, a scene from a movie, some guy finally made it to the top of a mountain, after all that hard work he's at the top, he stands up, camera changes to show the most amazing view, he raises his arms and yells in triumph. amazing."



pan camera back...this is a film! real life begins for us

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Guest Scrambled Ears

i dunno, i've definitely had some pretty spaced out times after smoking, no less than hundreds, but never anything close to LSD or other hallucinogens. In fact, whenever I'd take really clean, strong acid (400+ mcg.), I found that I'd be so completely high that smoking weed had net zero effect on me, because I was so blown out into another world already (and usually couldn't even hold a pipe straight or understand the meaning of what i was doing, heh). Was completely immaterial.


ya ive been there too on acid but try to stay away from those super strong trips...dont wanna end up between the garden, a dream, and the looney bin for eternity. you should try some super strong brownies though. i know in upstate ca they make a thing called sky pie which has anywhere upwards of an ounce in each pie...deadly

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Guest cuntainer


just wow. i don't think i can stop talking, it's almost 6am and i should really go to bed.


and yeah i viewed it as like, you have to submit to the plant before it submits to you, you have to pass the test before you can move on to the next stage, and only the strong willed are worthy of the experience, and the test was trying to consuming a fairly large quantity of something that tastes beyond revolting, and i was determined to push through the pain of trying to consume it all, through the constant gagging, and i passed the test, and i reaped the rewards, and just everything is amazing.


thank you san pedro.


thank you watmm.





did you experience any nausea? how much actual cactus length did you start with? I'm curious because i have about 3-4 feet of frozen san pedro right now and am considering the plunge again. I never was able to get a strong trip off it before because i couldn't consume more than like a shot full of liquid.

im curious though , a lot of people say about 1.5 feet of san pedro is about the strength of a 1/8th of cubensis mushrooms. I find this a little bit hard to believe, but compared to other hallucinogenic drugs you've done what was it like



at a guess i'd say i started with maybe 6 inches of cactus around 4 inches in diameter, followed by another maybe 12 inches of cactus around 3 inches in diameter.

i spent a fair amount of time, peeling the thin outer layer, plastic film like, from the cactus cause apparently it causes nausea, trying to leave as much of the dark green outer layer on cause apparently that's where it's at in the highest quantities, then i cut out the core cause apparently that's bad too.


when consuming first i tried spoonful's of what was left of the boiling process, had maybe 60-75% of it that way and kind of couldn't go on after that so i thought i'd save the rest for when i got to my mates house, then i saw that he had bought a whole heap of rags, and he put his remains into a rag and squeezed all the liquid out into a saucepan and then transferred it to a pint glass, so i decided to do that for the rest, and discarded the relatively dry remains, i found that squirting some lemon juice in my mouth, holding it, then washing it down with a sip of the liquid cancelled out a lot of the bitter taste and it was a lot easy to get down, way less gagging.


what i did was, the night before i hardly ate, i had some soup before bed, then i didnt eat all of yesterday, all i consumed was like a gulp of milk early, followed by later the cactus, which was very filling and yes i did experience nausea, but for a good few hours, but sometimes i'd mini vomit in my mouth and think it was gonna be actual vomit, but it was just thick saliva, all of it, so i just swallowed it again, and felt fine, apart from the sick feeling in my stomach, then maybe 4.5 hours after i first started, the nausea went away and i felt completely fine, although at random times during the night i'd feel a bit sick for short periods, but at the same time it was all good, i never felt like i had to rush over to a basin or anything, and i also had half a dozen ballantyne chocolate mints while waiting for the effects to kick in, and then a pink lady apple when i was peaking, so i think maybe my lack of eating helped with the nausea.


previously only ever having weed and the one time i had some dried mushrooms that didnt work cause of the minimal dose, i can't really compare the experience to anything else apart from weed, i've never had mdxx pills or anything, though i am probably going to try them sometime over the next few weekends, so i will be able to compare it then.

but comparing it to the most i've tripped on weed, it was extremely less intense, but that feeling of wanting to completely overload all my senses was something different and new, and cool.

comparing it to mellow weed experiences, there was none of that, i'm stoned as fuck feeling, my head was so clear, no delay in thought process or anything, though i did get lost in the moment of things when i wanted to do multiple things at once (oh grab all my things, no get changed, no check my phone messages, oh i was grabbing all my things, oh fuck i was getting changed etc..) which i experience with weed too, but it was still a lot clearer. maybe i experienced euphoria similar to mdxx pills, but again i will be able to compare it in a few weeks time, but it wasn't really like, oh i feel intense love for everything, it was just like, i was in a really positive, excited mood before i started, and that mood was enhanced, instead of feeling high, i just felt free of things holding me back, like some mental barrier had been removed and i could experience life with out being held back by negative thoughts and feelings. i just felt free and so open minded and positive.

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Guest cuntainer

felt really peaceful and great pretty much all day yesterday, given that i had 3.5 hours sleep, no comedown at all, went to bed early, but i had a bit of a restless sleep and i had some pretty strange dreams, dreamt about things that i haven't dreamt about in a long time, and the first time i remember dreaming a lot in quite a while. wonder if this was just a coincidence or had something to do with what i ingested the previous day.


woke up to my alarm 20 minutes ago, felt tired at first but i feel really good again now, got a bit depressed towards the end of last night, but i usually feel down in spirit when tired so it was understandable, all in all i feel good.


what were other people's post "high" experiences like?

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haha, you're in perth? what club did you go to? i recommend going to sin (goth club) next time you're tripping. i went there while peaking on acid once and it was a very hilarious experience. people started to look like skeletons!

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Guest cuntainer

went to capitol/amplifier, mostly stayed in the capitol section, full of complete cunts, but it had songs that i didn't hate, mostly, which is rare for perth clubs, dunno if i'd be keen for a goth club, would any attractive females go there?


perth fucking sucks, i hate the general mind set of everyone, male or female, too many egos clashing, too narrow minded, breaks my spirit.

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went to capitol/amplifier, mostly stayed in the capitol section, full of complete cunts, but it had songs that i didn't hate, mostly, which is rare for perth clubs, dunno if i'd be keen for a goth club, would any attractive females go there?


perth fucking sucks, i hate the general mind set of everyone, male or female, too many egos clashing, too narrow minded, breaks my spirit.

lol, why do you think i left? that and the fucking abysmal opening hours of most stores. that said though, i do have a great bunch of friends in perth, we just tend to stay away from most douchebag-populated venues. i remember when amplifier used to be awesome :wacko:


ah, sin is mostly populated by young poser-y goth types these days, a lot of very attractive ladies attend, but beware - most of them are insecure as fuck, heh.

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Guest cuntainer

it says you are female, are you attractive?


why cant i meet any girls that have similar music tastes in perth? do they all move to melbourne?


but i am attracted to insecure girls so that actually makes me want to go there. poser-y goth types makes me less interested.


yeah i moved to perth a few years ago (jan 07), from an even bigger (but smaller) shit hole (albany), and i think that was just before the metros invaded capitol, and amps has always been full of "too cool for the world" types that i dont really enjoy being around, what a shit place to live really, i hear melbourne is better, but i'm too lazy/have no organisational skills to do anything about moving away from this shit hole state. maybe when my best friend moves it'll give me more incentive.

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it says you are female, are you attractive?


why cant i meet any girls that have similar music tastes in perth? do they all move to melbourne?


but i am attracted to insecure girls so that actually makes me want to go there. poser-y goth types makes me less interested.


yeah i moved to perth a few years ago (jan 07), from an even bigger (but smaller) shit hole (albany), and i think that was just before the metros invaded capitol, and amps has always been full of "too cool for the world" types that i dont really enjoy being around, what a shit place to live really, i hear melbourne is better, but i'm too lazy/have no organisational skills to do anything about moving away from this shit hole state. maybe when my best friend moves it'll give me more incentive.

it says a lot of things! do i look like a girl?


check out the bakery, lots of arty awesome stuff happens there:



basically any artrage gigs will have a high concentration of super cute arty girls. who knows, you might even find one who is into idm :emotawesomepm9: .. i have on a few occasions!


the good thing about perth is that it has a really friendly music/art scene. basically there's not many people doing interesting art in perth but those few who do tend to help each other out quite a lot.


if you wanna meet some interesting people i could probably introduce you to some of my friends when i'm in perth, which will be early october, just give me a pm if you wanna meet up for a few beers or something!

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Guest cuntainer

it says you are female, are you attractive?


why cant i meet any girls that have similar music tastes in perth? do they all move to melbourne?


but i am attracted to insecure girls so that actually makes me want to go there. poser-y goth types makes me less interested.


yeah i moved to perth a few years ago (jan 07), from an even bigger (but smaller) shit hole (albany), and i think that was just before the metros invaded capitol, and amps has always been full of "too cool for the world" types that i dont really enjoy being around, what a shit place to live really, i hear melbourne is better, but i'm too lazy/have no organisational skills to do anything about moving away from this shit hole state. maybe when my best friend moves it'll give me more incentive.

it says a lot of things! do i look like a girl?


check out the bakery, lots of arty awesome stuff happens there:



basically any artrage gigs will have a high concentration of super cute arty girls. who knows, you might even find one who is into idm :emotawesomepm9: .. i have on a few occasions!


the good thing about perth is that it has a really friendly music/art scene. basically there's not many people doing interesting art in perth but those few who do tend to help each other out quite a lot.


if you wanna meet some interesting people i could probably introduce you to some of my friends when i'm in perth, which will be early october, just give me a pm if you wanna meet up for a few beers or something!


man fuck yeah that sounds like a good idea, i'll even shout you some cones if you're into that, and if i have some at the time, which most likely i will.

hopefully i dont have a drug test coming up then..


like yeah i dont really know how to meet new people and shit, people i'd actually want to meet and converse with. i just kind of went to a few clubs in perth with friends and hated all of them and decided that all of perth is shit, but i'm sure that's not the case, i just dont know where to go and what to do.


and i didnt look at your profile til just now and i realise that you aren't female, s'all good.

just i could punch chicks in the face that like black eyes peas and shit, i dont care how hot you are... (i wouldn't actually punch a chick in the face either)

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Guest cuntainer

it only has the add as friend option showing, and i clicked that, but i think this is incorrect?



just checked my settings and it had it disabled, all good

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and one day i do wanna go to arizona or something and have a proper peyote trip. maybe one day...


you are in perth. if you have the time, head up route 95 for about 1000 km until you get to collier range or Karijini national park. that is basically arizona.


1000 km away:



???? km away:



you can just pretend that the locals traditionally do mescaline

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Guest cuntainer

that setting looks fucking amazing, i'd love to be able to have a mescaline trip there, really fucking cool, maybe one day i will.




moving on..


taken pseudo-ecstasy for the first time finally.


1st one was 5.5 hours ago, had the 2nd an hour later.


apparently they're decent mdxx but unfortunately not the real thing.


so finally i can compare something else to mescaline, and this is alright, like it gave me a boost in energy, and i'll see what happens when i go to the clubs later, but for now it's just been a good boost in mood and energy, and i've been talking literally non-stop for hours, which has been really cool, so i'm having a good time, but no feelings of love for everything and euphoria.

this is nothing compared to mescaline, mescaline put me in the clearest mind set i've ever been in, and i felt amazing, and everything was fucking cool. hard to describe, but way better then mdxx.


cant wait to do acid, hopefully within the next few months, just need to find some.



oh and i've had a couple of cones over the last few hours so that's helped contribute to my mood, it's been real cool.

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and one day i do wanna go to arizona or something and have a proper peyote trip. maybe one day...


you are in perth. if you have the time, head up route 95 for about 1000 km until you get to collier range or Karijini national park. that is basically arizona.


1000 km away:



???? km away:



you can just pretend that the locals traditionally do mescaline


or some hawain baby woodrose. It's local stuff right ?

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HBWR must be the most overrated psychedelic there is. It never gave me anything more than slight visuals and accelerated thought patterns and a heavy body load with nausea. And I tried it in all kinds of ways. Nothing compared to acid/shrooms.

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Guest cuntainer

just hitting 6am, had a good night, but not even interested in doing it again, unless i had the real thing.


pretty much just felt like i was on dexies, and probably wont be able to sleep for a while yet.

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