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Who created us?


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As humans become more and more able to create virtual realities capable of simulating intelligence, and when you consider that there could very well be more intelligent life in the universe also capable of simulating intelligence, it becomes more likely than not that we are not living in the top layer of simulation in the universe.


Think about it. Say, for example, there are seven layers of simulation, six below us. We, world A are simulating world B, which is simulating world C, all the way down to G. The intelligence in each layer does not know about the intelligence in the layers above (unless it starts to ask philosophical questions like us). As we look down on the lower layers, who's to say that we are in the uppermost layer? If the bottom layers don't know what is above them, surely it is possible that there are layers above us that we are not awake of?


Yes in essence I think there is no Top Layer each layer feeds off of each other layer in an infinite loop of layers that may very well just circle back to each other. The question then of course would be who started the loop? Typically no matter what explanation we try and give for the origin of everything, for instance the Big Bang theory with its infinite series of expansions and contractions we always come to the same paradox (Zeno's paradoxes). However, I think the program theory for the existence of everything makes the most sense because when you think of the Big Bang and ask yourself ok sure it had stuff in it and it explodes but what put the stuff in it? Well if everything is programed then the same way we put content in games/programs would be the same answer to how everything got to be where it is in our reality. Also you could think of our inability to find a definite answer to this paradox as a limit or parameter brought upon by the coder or maybe even the possibility of less and less "RAM" as a result of a never ending/running loop.


For example, something to this effect.




This goes back to me imagining you're a little kid every time I read anything you write.

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As humans become more and more able to create virtual realities capable of simulating intelligence, and when you consider that there could very well be more intelligent life in the universe also capable of simulating intelligence, it becomes more likely than not that we are not living in the top layer of simulation in the universe.


Think about it. Say, for example, there are seven layers of simulation, six below us. We, world A are simulating world B, which is simulating world C, all the way down to G. The intelligence in each layer does not know about the intelligence in the layers above (unless it starts to ask philosophical questions like us). As we look down on the lower layers, who's to say that we are in the uppermost layer? If the bottom layers don't know what is above them, surely it is possible that there are layers above us that we are not awake of?


Yes in essence I think there is no Top Layer each layer feeds off of each other layer in an infinite loop of layers that may very well just circle back to each other. The question then of course would be who started the loop? Typically no matter what explanation we try and give for the origin of everything, for instance the Big Bang theory with its infinite series of expansions and contractions we always come to the same paradox (Zeno's paradoxes). However, I think the program theory for the existence of everything makes the most sense because when you think of the Big Bang and ask yourself ok sure it had stuff in it and it explodes but what put the stuff in it? Well if everything is programed then the same way we put content in games/programs would be the same answer to how everything got to be where it is in our reality. Also you could think of our inability to find a definite answer to this paradox as a limit or parameter brought upon by the coder or maybe even the possibility of less and less "RAM" as a result of a never ending/running loop.


For example, something to this effect.




This goes back to me imagining you're a little kid every time I read anything you write.


Kid I suppose is a relativistic term depending on your age which at the moment of writing this I'm not aware of. So maybe I am maybe I'm not, regardless, I fail to see your point.

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Kid I suppose is a relativistic term depending on your age which at the moment of writing this I'm not aware of. So maybe I am maybe I'm not, regardless, I fail to see your point.

Point being that this idea that you've postulated is immature and narcissistic. Nothing about the universe or the world supports or even suggests that this theory is true. Look at all the flaws. The universe was not built for life. The majority of it is vast emptiness. To assume that there is some higher dimension that put any thought into our design is asinine.


Also, you're bringing this up like you're the first person to think of it, which further supports my little kid theory. I remember my uncle telling me this when I was a child. It has been the subject of books, movies, and comic books. I find the idea just as banal and self-indulgent as any organized religion.


And another thing:


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Kid I suppose is a relativistic term depending on your age which at the moment of writing this I'm not aware of. So maybe I am maybe I'm not, regardless, I fail to see your point.

Point being that this idea that you've postulated is immature and narcissistic. Nothing about the universe or the world supports or even suggests that this theory is true. Look at all the flaws. The universe was not built for life. The majority of it is vast emptiness. To assume that there is some higher dimension that put any thought into our design is asinine.


Also, you're bringing this up like you're the first person to think of it, which further supports my little kid theory. I remember my uncle telling me this when I was a child. It has been the subject of books, movies, and comic books. I find the idea just as banal and self-indulgent as any organized religion.


Really... immature and narcissistic. So I suppose to you then any philosopher trying to explain the mysteries of life using logic or references are immature and narcissistic as well.


How do you know the majority of space is empty? Have you seen all of space and traveled its vastness to say with certainty it is empty? How do you know for sure what is even conscious? Every atom that makes us up every particle for that matter could very well be a piece of consciousness that fundamentally makes you believe what you believe or I what I believe considering the same stuff that make up your keyboard and everything else around you are made up of the same stuff that make up you and I. Some ignorant individuals would argue that plants are not conscious even though they are living and breathing simply because we do not hear them speak. I apologize if at any moment I made it seem like I was the first person to come up with this stuff but excuse me for putting things in my own words and not copying and pasting and excuse me for thinking and formulating my own thoughts to further endeavor the subject.


And you know what I'm glad you don't conform and have your own opinions on things but to call others immature and narcissistic (Further more me a "kid") because you don't exactly agree is extremely asinine.

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Who the fuck cares, step outside and enjoy what you have. You'll never find any definite answers.

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yeh well if we are in a computer simulation, who the fuck made the computer? its a crappy explanation for our existence. Same thing about God, what created God?


There still no other theory that makes sense.


What was before the big bang? Where did the matter in the universe come from?


Matter came from nothing, a result of random fluctuations in the quantum foam.

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Who the fuck cares, step outside and enjoy what you have. You'll never find any definite answers.


Its not life that bothers me its the shit this guy is telling me.



yeh well if we are in a computer simulation, who the fuck made the computer? its a crappy explanation for our existence. Same thing about God, what created God?


There still no other theory that makes sense.


What was before the big bang? Where did the matter in the universe come from?


Matter came from nothing, a result of random fluctuations in the quantum foam.


Where did Quantum Foam come from?

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Guest Funktion

whoah guys, what if like, what if man... what if we are robots???? and god is simply us and we are projecting ourselves through the universal consciousness' subconscious unconscious and inside all atoms are other universes and the universe is a big brain and time is cyclical and [copy and paste transhumanism wikipedia page] and quantum physics means that reality is just a perception caused by waves in the simulation of our future's past imagination?


what i mean by that is the ideas you have brought to this thread, ziggomatic, are extremely banale and uninteresting to anyone over the age of 16.

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whoah guys, what if like, what if man... what if we are robots???? and god is simply us and we are projecting ourselves through the universal consciousness' subconscious unconscious and inside all atoms are other universes and the universe is a big brain and time is cyclical and [copy and paste transhumanism wikipedia page] and quantum physics means that reality is just a perception caused by waves in the simulation of our future's past imagination?


what i mean by that is the ideas you have brought to this thread, ziggomatic, are extremely banale and uninteresting to anyone over the age of 16.


Then why on earth do you comment... and if you really think that you should read Gödel, Escher, Bach and get back to me or maybe talk to Nick Bostrom at Oxford University.

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yea, i would think these questions should actually interest anybody over 16 more than under. if you're over 16, which it doesn't sound like, then you have some rearranging of priorities to do, dude. anybody who thinks that they REALLY have better things to do then ponder questions than this in the grand scheme of things is in for quite a shock when they come to die.

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what i mean by that is the ideas you have brought to this thread, ziggomatic, are extremely banale and uninteresting to anyone over the age of 16.


this question won't interest too much someone that has been thinking about them since before he was 16, i think that was the point.

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Each kingdom grows directly from the kingdom below it. The lowest, densest kingdom is the Mineral Kingdom. From the Mineral Kingdom grows the Plant Kingdom, from the Plant Kingdom grows the Animal Kingdom, and from the Animal Kingdom grows the Human Kingdom. We (humanity) all owe our physical bodies to the Animal Kingdom. This a simple process of evolution; and argues that the most advanced and evolved minerals become plants. Likewise, the most advanced and evolved plants become animals, and the most advanced and evolved animals became humans. The Kingdom of Heaven (in Christian terminology) grew out of the Human Kingdom through a process of evolution. Evolution cannot and will never stop, and so, out of the Human Kingdom grows the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is entered into through the door of Initiation. It is the consciousness which results from the union of soul and personality. The mode of achieving that union is through meditation which is the means by which the true Being, the Higher self, or soul, and its reflection – the man or woman in incarnation – are fused together in the soul-infused personality. When the soul incarnates, it takes a vehicle composed of material energy which inhibits the reflection of the divine purpose of the soul (Will, Love, and Intelligence), because the energy of matter is inert and unrefined. The purpose of coming into incarnation again and again, thousands upon thousands of times through the evolutionary journey, is to gradually spiritualize the matter of this planet, which we in turn do through spiritualizing the matter of our own bodies. Gradually, through the incarnational process, the soul brings to each body more and more subatomic matter which is literally light. And as this occurs, we also demonstrate, gradually, the nature of the soul; we become ensouled. The purpose of our evolutionary existence, then, is to manifest the souls qualities on the physical plane, and so to spiritualize matter. Meditation provides a more-or-less scientific means of contacting the soul and gradually becoming at one with the soul, so that it can manifest potently on the physical plane. When we see such individuals, we perceive them as radiating meaning and purpose -- for example, exceptionally creative artists, scientists, politicians or educators. Such persons are quite obviously governed by a force altogether different from the norm. That is the energy of the soul, pouring through them, making them the creative beings who enrich our culture and civilization.

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Each kingdom grows directly from the kingdom below it. The lowest, densest kingdom is the Mineral Kingdom. From the Mineral Kingdom grows the Plant Kingdom, from the Plant Kingdom grows the Animal Kingdom, and from the Animal Kingdom grows the Human Kingdom. We (humanity) all owe our physical bodies to the Animal Kingdom. This a simple process of evolution; and argues that the most advanced and evolved minerals become plants. Likewise, the most advanced and evolved plants become animals, and the most advanced and evolved animals became humans. The Kingdom of Heaven (in Christian terminology) grew out of the Human Kingdom through a process of evolution. Evolution cannot and will never stop, and so, out of the Human Kingdom grows the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is entered into through the door of Initiation. It is the consciousness which results from the union of soul and personality. The mode of achieving that union is through meditation which is the means by which the true Being, the Higher self, or soul, and its reflection – the man or woman in incarnation – are fused together in the soul-infused personality. When the soul incarnates, it takes a vehicle composed of material energy which inhibits the reflection of the divine purpose of the soul (Will, Love, and Intelligence), because the energy of matter is inert and unrefined. The purpose of coming into incarnation again and again, thousands upon thousands of times through the evolutionary journey, is to gradually spiritualize the matter of this planet, which we in turn do through spiritualizing the matter of our own bodies. Gradually, through the incarnational process, the soul brings to each body more and more subatomic matter which is literally light. And as this occurs, we also demonstrate, gradually, the nature of the soul; we become ensouled. The purpose of our evolutionary existence, then, is to manifest the souls qualities on the physical plane, and so to spiritualize matter. Meditation provides a more-or-less scientific means of contacting the soul and gradually becoming at one with the soul, so that it can manifest potently on the physical plane. When we see such individuals, we perceive them as radiating meaning and purpose -- for example, exceptionally creative artists, scientists, politicians or educators. Such persons are quite obviously governed by a force altogether different from the norm. That is the energy of the soul, pouring through them, making them the creative beings who enrich our culture and civilization.


I like this, I thank you.

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Each kingdom grows directly from the kingdom below it. The lowest, densest kingdom is the Mineral Kingdom. From the Mineral Kingdom grows the Plant Kingdom, from the Plant Kingdom grows the Animal Kingdom, and from the Animal Kingdom grows the Human Kingdom. We (humanity) all owe our physical bodies to the Animal Kingdom. This a simple process of evolution; and argues that the most advanced and evolved minerals become plants. Likewise, the most advanced and evolved plants become animals, and the most advanced and evolved animals became humans. The Kingdom of Heaven (in Christian terminology) grew out of the Human Kingdom through a process of evolution. Evolution cannot and will never stop, and so, out of the Human Kingdom grows the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is entered into through the door of Initiation. It is the consciousness which results from the union of soul and personality. The mode of achieving that union is through meditation which is the means by which the true Being, the Higher self, or soul, and its reflection – the man or woman in incarnation – are fused together in the soul-infused personality. When the soul incarnates, it takes a vehicle composed of material energy which inhibits the reflection of the divine purpose of the soul (Will, Love, and Intelligence), because the energy of matter is inert and unrefined. The purpose of coming into incarnation again and again, thousands upon thousands of times through the evolutionary journey, is to gradually spiritualize the matter of this planet, which we in turn do through spiritualizing the matter of our own bodies. Gradually, through the incarnational process, the soul brings to each body more and more subatomic matter which is literally light. And as this occurs, we also demonstrate, gradually, the nature of the soul; we become ensouled. The purpose of our evolutionary existence, then, is to manifest the souls qualities on the physical plane, and so to spiritualize matter. Meditation provides a more-or-less scientific means of contacting the soul and gradually becoming at one with the soul, so that it can manifest potently on the physical plane. When we see such individuals, we perceive them as radiating meaning and purpose -- for example, exceptionally creative artists, scientists, politicians or educators. Such persons are quite obviously governed by a force altogether different from the norm. That is the energy of the soul, pouring through them, making them the creative beings who enrich our culture and civilization.

The "soul" doesn't exist. It's called a brain and it's part of your body and when your body dies, all of the organs including the brain die with it.

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Where did Quantum Foam come from?


see, it's the chicken and the egg scenario. but you'll never know, dude! nobody will. at least not yet and not us, 'joe public'.

and you'll drive yourself mad trying to figure it out. - been there. we're just not made to know everything!

humans are idiots, slaves, arrogant fools in the grand sheme of things. simples.

and the sooner you accept that and enjoy the we short life you have, the better. :)

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The "soul" doesn't exist. It's called a brain and it's part of your body and when your body dies, all of the organs including the brain die with it.


you suck, duuude. Lol


dunno about u but i think (shit) with my head but feel everything in my chest/stomache (where the soul is 'meant' to be)


3/4 heart. always.

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Where did Quantum Foam come from?


see, it's the chicken and the egg scenario. but you'll never know, dude! nobody will. at least not yet and not us, 'joe public'.

and you'll drive yourself mad trying to figure it out. - been there. we're just not made to know everything!

humans are idiots, slaves, arrogant fools in the grand sheme of things. simples.

and the sooner you accept that and enjoy the we short life you have, the better. :)


Yeah I understand but I still enjoy the discussion. So many unnecessary deaths have come from Religion and Religion being a product from those seeking an answer. If we can come up with a less violent and manipulative answer then I think we are better off. And as time goes on I think if we continue the discussion we will get closer and closer to the answer but if we shun those who try and think about it or simply ignore the question and live on ignorantly like we all always do, then we will never know will we.

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The "soul" doesn't exist. It's called a brain and it's part of your body and when your body dies, all of the organs including the brain die with it.


you suck, duuude. Lol


dunno about u but i think (shit) with my head but feel everything in my chest/stomache (where the soul is 'meant' to be)


3/4 heart. always.

Hell yeah, bro.

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Yeah I understand but I still enjoy the discussion. So many unnecessary deaths have come from Religion and Religion being a product from those seeking an answer. If we can come up with a less violent and manipulative answer then I think we are better off. And as time goes on I think if we continue the discussion we will get closer and closer to the answer but if we shun those who try and think about it or simply ignore the question and live on ignorantly like we all always do, then we will never know will we.


you are right..


please carry on. i will shush.

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