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Anonymous and others start leaking


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PayPal Vice President on why they blocked payments to Wikileaks:


"State Dept told us these were illegal activities. It was straightforward."

"We first comply with regulations around the world making sure that we protect our brand"

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WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops


Many of DynCorp's employees are ex-Green Berets and veterans of other elite units, and the company was commissioned by the US government to provide training for the Afghani police. According to most reports, over 95 percent of its $2 billion annual revenue comes from US taxpayers.


And in Kunduz province, according to the leaked cable, that money was flowing to drug dealers and pimps. Pimps of children, to be more precise. (The exact type of drug was never specified.)





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WikiLeaks: China Pressured Google on Internet Censorship


The newly released cable, along with another dated July 2009, claim that the Chinese government took repeated efforts to force Google to meet its demands on Internet censorship. From 2007 to 2009, Google received numerous request for the company to remove the Google.com link from the Google.cn page.

At one point Chinese officials even asked the country's three state-owned telecommunication companies to stop working with the search giant as a form of retribution, an unnamed source in one of the cable's claimed. An unidentified source in another cable believed Google was being "harassed" following the company's three-year history of facing periodic blockages of its services by the Chinese government.



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If anything serious happens to him, he'll release the password to the extremely damaging stuff...


Dude's blackmailing the world... :beer:


i doubt it would be seriously damaging, or else wikileaks would have released it already. from what i've heard, the diplomatic cables are a portion of what is on the insurance file, so we could probably expect more things like that.



I think it's very possible Wikileaks is holding some things... This is a very sensitive situation... What makes you the expert? :orly:

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paypal admits government pressure. from the guardian news blog:



12.59pm: PayPal has suggested that it was leant on by US government to cut off the funds to WikiLeaks.


Tech Crunch reports on comments made by PayPal's vice president Osama Bedier at Le Web conference in Paris.


He was asked why PayPal had blocked payments to WikiLeaks:


Bedier's answered: "State Dept told us these were illegal activities. It was straightforward." The answer was met with boos from the mostly European audience.


Bedier basically admitted that PayPal has complied with governmental request, "We first comply with regulations around the world making sure that we protect our brand," he said...


When asked about Mastercard.com going down earlier today and whether or not Paypal had fears of retaliation, "One of the signs that you're a successful payments company is that hackers start to target you, this case isn't anything different."



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So will these attacks stop when Assange is released and WikiLeaks is left to its own devices? I guess the intention is to cause so much disruption to these companies that they will flip their stance and lean on governments for his freedom. Of course that's simply not going to happen. Anonymous need to step up and maintain these attacks because at the moment it's not affecting anyone.

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The full set consists of 251,287 documents, comprising 261,276,536 words (seven times the size of "The Iraq War Logs", the world's previously largest classified information release).


From a linguistic perspective, this is gold. I think the biggest text corpus ever compiled is the Corpus of Contemporary American English - 400 000 000 words.

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guys you should really check if the mastercard.com page is up again. I mean this is important for everybody's business. check as often as you can. maybe you should use a tool to check constantly

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If anything serious happens to him, he'll release the password to the extremely damaging stuff...


Dude's blackmailing the world... :beer:


i doubt it would be seriously damaging, or else wikileaks would have released it already. from what i've heard, the diplomatic cables are a portion of what is on the insurance file, so we could probably expect more things like that.



I think it's very possible Wikileaks is holding some things... This is a very sensitive situation... What makes you the expert? :orly:


i'm not an expert, obviously. but think about it: if wikileaks is holding back very important information for the sake of blackmail, they're being hypocrites. i'd like to think the insurance file would be the cables and other documents but maybe without names removed, you know? or maybe evidence of the governments of the world trying to fuck over wikileaks through espionage. i sincerely doubt it's something like a video of george bush sucking osama's cock (in other words, something groundbreaking and related to world politics).

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If anything serious happens to him, he'll release the password to the extremely damaging stuff...


Dude's blackmailing the world... :beer:


i doubt it would be seriously damaging, or else wikileaks would have released it already. from what i've heard, the diplomatic cables are a portion of what is on the insurance file, so we could probably expect more things like that.



I think it's very possible Wikileaks is holding some things... This is a very sensitive situation... What makes you the expert? :orly:


i'm not an expert, obviously. but think about it: if wikileaks is holding back very important information for the sake of blackmail, they're being hypocrites. i'd like to think the insurance file would be the cables and other documents but maybe without names removed, you know? or maybe evidence of the governments of the world trying to fuck over wikileaks through espionage. i sincerely doubt it's something like a video of george bush sucking osama's cock (in other words, something groundbreaking and related to world politics).



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one of assanges lawyers is calling the insurance file a "thermonuclear device"... maybe its all bullshit, i dont know.. at the very least, im sure it contains something more severe than what we've seen so far..

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"While we don't have much of an affiliation with WikiLeaks, we fight for the same reasons," the group said in a statement on its website. "We want transparency..."


"Anonymous" wants transparency?


yeah wtf?

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why would you pay attention to a statement by "anonymous". no one can speak in behalf of the group, it's just a bunch of people that agreed on a trolling cause. they have no other unifying purpose or ideology.

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People I know get sucked into that hive mind mentality, including a lot of people here at watmm. That's why. You're right though, they're not the part of this debacle to be focusing on... just thought it was a strange comment on "their" part

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why would you pay attention to a statement by "anonymous". no one can speak in behalf of the group, it's just a bunch of people that agreed on a trolling cause. they have no other unifying purpose or ideology.


very true. still getting plenty of media attention today though, which is good.

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RE: Insurance File.


I don't think WikiLeaks has given us anything about the 9/11 attacks yet, so I'm betting it'll involve that.

Probably not the 'government attacked itself' shit, but something terrifying anyway.

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If anything serious happens to him, he'll release the password to the extremely damaging stuff...


Dude's blackmailing the world... :beer:


i doubt it would be seriously damaging, or else wikileaks would have released it already. from what i've heard, the diplomatic cables are a portion of what is on the insurance file, so we could probably expect more things like that.



I think it's very possible Wikileaks is holding some things... This is a very sensitive situation... What makes you the expert? :orly:


i'm not an expert, obviously. but think about it: if wikileaks is holding back very important information for the sake of blackmail, they're being hypocrites. i'd like to think the insurance file would be the cables and other documents but maybe without names removed, you know? or maybe evidence of the governments of the world trying to fuck over wikileaks through espionage. i sincerely doubt it's something like a video of george bush sucking osama's cock (in other words, something groundbreaking and related to world politics).




i know... i posted that earlier in the thread. lol.


another consideration: perhaps the information is something that is too dangerous for them to publish now. what i mean is, if you have evidence of something like russia and china plotting the united state's destruction... well, putting it out there would be like dropping an atom bomb, yeah.

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