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Elder Scrolls V SKYRIM !! !!-11-11


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just for a frame of reference, because im certainly no graphical expert, can someone point me to a modern game that has beautiful graphics? im trying to figure out what is considered "good" graphic design and "bad".


witcher 2, battlefield 3

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Guest viscosity

agree with the sentiments about this getting kind of repetitive.. franchises these days are more or less updates with every sequential release.. they maybe add a few features and give it a new skin but for the most part the fundamental gameplay stays the same. If I'm in the mood I may wanna play this but really, it just feels like any other open-world game


looking for games that push the envelope in terms of gameplay, ie portal, minecraft etc.

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you've already found portal and minecraft..


its just like any other huge consumer industry....lots of "meh" and you usually have to dig deep for something truly groundbreaking to show up...and even rarer is when some of these games some of the attention they deserve

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I don't understand why so many of you are skeptical about this game?


It's is awesome and worth every penny.




you've already found portal and minecraft..


its just like any other huge consumer industry....lots of "meh" and you usually have to dig deep for something truly groundbreaking to show up...and even rarer is when some of these games some of the attention they deserve


Are you using Skyrim as a example of a generic mainstream title or something?.. If it was Call Of Duty I could understand.. But Skyrim.. Really?


I know it's not groundbreaking or anything like that. But it don't have to be groundbreaking or reinvent the RPG genre to be a good game you know.

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So, I found a way to gain about 10 levels fairly quickly early on:




You need half-decent pickpocket skills for this, and about 1000 gold.


First, find someone who can train you, like Arcadia in Whiterun's “Arcadia’s Cauldron”.


You can train 5x per level. So, train once. Your experience bar will move a bit. Then, sneak behind the trainer, and pickpocket the money back. It's a large amount of gold, so your experience bar will move up again. Then train again, take the money again, train again, take the money again, etc.


If you're starting at a fairly low level, say 10, you will easily level up within the 5x per level training limit. So, level up, assign your perk point, then do another round of 5 training sessions.


Also, as your pickpocketing gets better, you can do more training sessions before you stop to take the money back. Obviously, you'll want to save before you pickpocket, otherwise you're screwed when you get caught.


Eventually you will either max out your pickpocket skill, or simply reach a level where 5x training and pickpocketing won't level you up anymore, at which point the jig is up.


Ideally, you'd do this at a trainer whose skills you really want to learn.




Almost every game I play, I find myself more interested in beating the game's system than beating the game itself.

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I might understand some people might find these games boring. But not pushing the envelope? I think this is one of the few big RPG series that is pushing the envelope.


This is the only free open world experience for me. The only world where all actions have repercussions and are persistent. It's much more varried than Oblivion, the way you get exposed to quests is better, overall quest quality is better, dynamic generated quests are awesome, npc-npc interactions make sense now etc. It's a much better game than Oblivion was.


All those games that have incorporated shitty telegraphed forced player choice should look at this game. This is how it's done.



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Guest AcrossCanyons

I've never thought Oblivion looked any good but this looks much more like fallout 3 and generally a whole lot more interesting. I'll half consider purchasing it in the future when the price has dropped.


Is Oblivion worth getting in the mean time if I think the graphics/voices/aesthetic seem horrible but the freedom interests me?


Every time I read/speak about it it piques my interest, then as soon as I watch a gameplay video it turns me off so much.

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Guest disparaissant

im surprised as hell i got this running on my lappy. it looks like shit but it is playable and it's entertaining enough for me to not mind it looking like shit.

i am enjoying it.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I love this game, the epic scale of everything, the amount of content, the endless fun is mind blowing. disagree that this is any sort of rehash sequel in comparison to mainstream expansions like Madden 7-11 or all of Call Of Duties since the first Modern Warfare. I've never played a Bethesda RPG for very long before but I can say that from what I've seen, I'm very glad I waited till this game.

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I don't understand why so many of you are skeptical about this game?


It's is awesome and worth every penny.




you've already found portal and minecraft..


its just like any other huge consumer industry....lots of "meh" and you usually have to dig deep for something truly groundbreaking to show up...and even rarer is when some of these games some of the attention they deserve


Are you using Skyrim as a example of a generic mainstream title or something?.. If it was Call Of Duty I could understand.. But Skyrim.. Really?


I know it's not groundbreaking or anything like that. But it don't have to be groundbreaking or reinvent the RPG genre to be a good game you know.


no man you got me all wrong. im considering selling an organ to come up with cash for Skyrim.

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Guest disparaissant

he was in some town that i randomly found while walking around hunting. i dont think he's gonna stay with me forever (starts a quest chain), but he's hilarious. weird new york accent and everything. telepathically.

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he was in some town that i randomly found while walking around hunting. i dont think he's gonna stay with me forever (starts a quest chain), but he's hilarious. weird new york accent and everything. telepathically.




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24 hours game play in 5 days - definitely not a good habit - but wow this game is everything I wanted and more


Playing as a battlemage style - one handed, light armour, big on enchantment. Latest quest involves killing the master vampire. THE MASTER VAMPIRE

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i have a really hard time finding / getting into combat in this game. i seem to spend most of the time stealing stuff from shops and houses. :\


i did finally face a dragon for the first time. i was in a tower, planning to snipe it with my arrows. it flew overhead a few times, burned the crap out of me, then the npcs killed it before i even got a hit in. wtf :\

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I loved Morrowind, Oblivion bored me every time I tried to play it, Fallout 3 was nice in the beginning but didn't catch me in the long term, and now...


fuck it, this game kicks ass. So immersive.


edit : if it would help me to find a job then it would be just the most perfect game ever

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

LOL at Chaosmachine... What a noob.


I popped in here to write a love letter to Skyrim:


Dear Skyrim:


I love you so.




Hopeless Addict #5,312,947.06

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