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less accurate definition but still a good example:


nonlinear = right brain


linear = left brain

Throughout the research I have done, there seems to be conflicts within the scientific community over the right brain vs left brain functionalities. Some say the left is the artistic brain and the right is the sensible, logical "serious" brain -- but I see no clear evidence for this yet.

A lot of my university pyschology textbooks discuss neuronal structures, different components of the brain that carry out specific tasks e.g. hippocampus for memory, amygdala for emotional response etc.. But only a handful of people I have heard lecture on a physical and clear differentiation between the left and right sides of the brain.

The two brains are connected on a subcortical level - so the basic, underlying functions in the brain that are 'unconscious processes' connect the two regions. All other 'higher', conscious activities that occur within the cerebral cortex are in the upper areas of the brain -- troon where did you find that there is a left vs right brain dichotomy?

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i have to agree with you on that. the whole "two globes" thing always seemed waaay too simplified to me.



doesn't everyone always say we know about 10% of what actually occurs in the brain?..or something to that effect.



anyway, the brain is f***ing awesome.

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guys only think with one brain: their dick! lol


am i right guys? am i right?




*shakes head* haha


great stuff

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the spirit's ruling over the mind and the body is what it seems most logical to focus on. the body and the mind can so easily become overly

dominant in this holy trinity relationship. most do not concentrate or even know their spirit which can emanate from the white hole in

the center of the heart even though this is the most important part. most people focus on the world and physical things to much.


as far as right brain left brain definitions and comparisons go this one below is to my liking




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