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The only way to lose weight


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Guest fiznuthian

well, she certainly did it.

she's fairly attractive now even if not perfect.


its fucking hard to go from being that unhealthy to decently healthy.. so don't be too hard on her.

and if the UK is anything like the US, 90% of grocery store food is

heart stopping, artery clogging non-nutritional shit.

then vegetables and healthy meats just get more expensive because only the few fucking eat it.



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Me: most of the food I eat are veggies or grain (strictly organic), juicing every morning, martial art class 4 days a week... never get sick and rarely feel low on energy... "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT".. it's true

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Guest Calx Sherbet

the only way to lose weight is to expend more calories than you eat. that's it.


i think a typical person burns 1500 calories a day NOT counting exercise. if that's true, i maintain healthy weight simply by existing

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Guest fiznuthian

yeah, and on top of the calorie counting just choosing to eat some, even if just some, vegetables and fruits in your diet helps things along..

there's compounds that reduce LDL cholesterol and help maintain proper body weight in some veggies, fruits, and my personal favorite: mushrooms.


i think the problem a lot of people have is that eating high GI foods causes chaotic spikes in blood sugar and insulin.

a big mcdonalds meal or a pizza makes people feel cozy after eating it, but its only a matter of time before the massive spikes drop

and when they do it makes them feel like shit and not want to get up and move. "ugh, i think i ate too much" then its naptime or couch potato time.

it can be a vicious cycle, and i'm pretty sure sugar/fat cravings are physiological once adjusted to high amounts.

people who eat junk are not going to crave nutritional foods, and even if they do choose to eat them it may take some time before they begin feel satiated by them.

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Required Tools:


* Aluminum Foil

* Car

* Food




* Don't place your food amidst too many wires, it could cause problems with your engine connections.

* Wrap your food well so it doesn't drip onto your car's important parts.


Quick Tips:


* Don't forget to bring condiments to accompany your meal.














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