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Guest Rambo

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Bit of a wtf. I just had the inspiration to go onto wolfram alpha and put in 21st december 2012


it is:

707 days until that date

505 weekdays

Exactly 101 weeks

Exactly 1 year, 11 months and 1 week til that date


i repeat, wtf




ps i'm not wasted




edit. a bit more context because i realise this might not sound as weird as it seemed to me. I was doing my teeth before bed and i wondered how many days it was until december 21st 2012, that's actually why i went onto wolfram alpha

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I typed in "give you a broken nose" and it shows me how many people get diagnosed with broken noses in the US, + age, sex, percentage...

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2012, guys


this can't be just a coincidence


was that sarcasm? Right, ban everyone. Ban me even. Just fucking do something. Anything.

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basically the joke is on humanity... and shit.... anyway, because i'm making an ark. I wont actually be laughing but the joke will still be a funny one. But just in theory and not in practise. But at least i'll know.

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I type in "ban cardan" and it shows me all kinds of comparative data between banovce, slovakia.. and cardan, france. omg this is so cool!

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my friend works in a phone store and he kept telling customers about me on wolfram alpha. I'd love to have heard his segways flol



edit. also, no-one cared

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