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Are Scottish people offended. . . .

Guest El_Chemso

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on a semi related note to anyone from norway or denmark, in sweden it's just assumed that all danes and norwegians understand swedish, so are we subtitled in your countries? i've seen norwegians on tv here without subtitles, and i understand most of it, but danish is fucking impossible.



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I have some relatives from Maine and while they're perfectly intelligible I can't listen to them without laughing, regardless of subject matter, AAAAAAAAYUHHHHHHH.

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of course if i was on tv for any reason and they sub-titled me i'd be pretty fuckin annoyed.

Being on Telly would make meh really chuffed, it would. Aye.


Subtitled so the rest of us can understand

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About the Scottish accent - I'm a non-native English speaker but I haven't had a problem with it. I quite like it actually. When I first heard it, I couldn't believe it was for real. Some Scots sound more like they're from Eastern Europe or something. But still cool. Irish however is more difficult and less cool sounding.


this i do find offensive.


the Eastern Europe bit or the not having trouble understanding bit? :crazy:

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