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Charlie Sheen


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i understand. i probably would have hated it any other day. not just charlie sheen day.




it bereaves me though, that charlie sheen day even exists.


it's like... is there any question about it? they're trying to drive him up further... the guy is an addict, a fuckup. just leave him be and he will solve his own problems. it's sad, that they make this news. what has it been, like 7 weeks now that this shit has been making headlines? i mean, come on. i mean this sincerely, if you don't see how this is a problem - that sheen is such major news - then you're brain dead.

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Sheen has said funny things, but it's really people laughing at a mental illness

all good jokes involve laughing at a mental illness. it's totally ok.

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blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i dont get it.


The only thing interesting or noteworthy about any of this shit is just that it's funny...

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Guest hahathhat

i want to set off a stink bomb on the set of 'the view' so i can watch them all pretend it doesn't smell absolutely nauseating

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blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i dont get it.


The only thing interesting or noteworthy about any of this shit is just that it's funny...


i disagree. it's funny, i can see that. you can see that. a whole lot of people can't, but that's not the point.


the point is that this isn't news, this isn't important, and this isn't ANYTHING BUT one TINY celebrity's life... out of nowhere, and now it's important. 7 weeks straight. important. interesting. funny. entertaining. on and on. what do you people think about all day?


hmm, what else is going on in the world? what fucking else man? can anybody tell me?


so, in summation, don't say i don't get it. sick of 'chill people' who laugh at everything while the world burns, sick of memes, sick of the view, sick of the media




one angry person looks like the asshole and a fool. but someone needs to be angry. or else we'll just have a load of people complacent with their TV shows and their Charlie Sheen important newscast bullshit. dare i say, charlie sheen himself would agree with me.



lets not forget the guy has been violent towards women several times, including... i believe... shooting one of his wives accidentally!


i want to set off a stink bomb on the set of 'the view' so i can watch them all pretend it doesn't smell absolutely nauseating


lol! exactly!

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why are you accusing people of FOCUSING THEIR ENTIRE LIVES charlie sheen..


there is no evidence that anyone here is doing that. they report it on the news to fill up air time because there is nothing else to report. those stations have to get a mix of positive/lighthearted/comical stuff and negative dark depressing shit . they cant just have OMG THIS IS THE REAL WORLD LOOK HOW HORIBLE IT IS because that would make people feel like shit constantly.


just because people are talking about charlie sheen in this thread doesnt mean thats ALL they fucking focus on.

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do what i do and ignore c harlie sheen news and seek out the real shit. i don't understand why you're letting this bother you so much or why you're so surprised that the entire world is so infatuated with it. this is nothing new.

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Maximus is right (dear God did I just type that?)


It's just a funny thing. It's not "important", its just funny. It makes me laugh. It causes me enjoyment. I don't know charlie sheen and I don't really care about him or his personal life. But what he did made me giggle. That's it. That's all. I still have plenty of time when reading about the news & shit to get serious and be thoughtful about other, actually important things.


Vamos, I think perhaps maybe you've smoked a little too much Charlie Sheen?


There are pressing issues in the world to get angry about. This is not one of them.

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i'm not surprised. i know it's nothing new. i just wanted to express my personal anger about it in here because it bothers me. i'm not wrapped up in this fury over "the view" or charlie sheen or any of that... just i have the anger inside of me at what's going on in this world and i know other people do too. so i wanted to express that for myself and for them.


in a thread on the internet!



anger isn't always/ever rational. however, more people should be angry. that's all.


There are pressing issues in the world to get angry about. This is not one of them.



100% disagree though. this is the media we're talking about. this is what trains the people. this is where the people get their information. pressing issues don't get solved without healthy media.





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i'm not surprised. i know it's nothing new. i just wanted to express my personal anger about it in here because it bothers me. i'm not wrapped up in this fury over "the view" or charlie sheen or any of that... just i have the anger inside of me at what's going on in this world and i know other people do too. so i wanted to express that for myself and for them.


in a thread on the internet!



anger isn't always/ever rational. however, more people should be angry. that's all.


You really need to experience more and not just rely on all the media you absorb. There has always been terrible shit going on and there always will be, not to try to diminish that, but if you actually go out and do interesting stuff you'll find hell hasn't frozen over and it's not the apocalypse out.

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i'm not surprised. i know it's nothing new. i just wanted to express my personal anger about it in here because it bothers me. i'm not wrapped up in this fury over "the view" or charlie sheen or any of that... just i have the anger inside of me at what's going on in this world and i know other people do too. so i wanted to express that for myself and for them.


in a thread on the internet!



anger isn't always/ever rational. however, more people should be angry. that's all.


You really need to experience more and not just rely on all the media you absorb. There has always been terrible shit going on and there always will be, not to try to diminish that, but if you actually go out and do interesting stuff you'll find hell hasn't frozen over and it's not the apocalypse out.



i know it's not. but.....


a lot of people don't. you see?


this is a media thing, not a sheen thing or a libya thing.


i'm going to stop ranting now though, i think i've made my point to the best of my abilities. the point being that the media is a major part of the root of the world's problems.


everyone has their own part to play in changing the world. people should be valued for their individual skills. perhaps my skill is expression, expression of the anger and the disenchantment. i'm not a very 'bright' or practical person. that's for sure.

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we voted in Bush, went to war in Iraq, we watched it all slip right through our fingers. i don't mean we didn't try to stop it, but a whole lot of people wanted it to happen and they didn't have a fucking clue what was going on. that should be proof enough that my ranting is based very much in the reality that people can't think for themselves and that the tube dictates their opinions and thought processes/perceptions.



anyway, 0% paranoia in that above paragraph, you have to understand that fact. it's full on mind control. maybe 10% paranoia. but it's massive truth in there and i feel like many take that for granted - the other population. the unknown 'shadow of' the population. the collective unconscious. etc.


not clear thoughts, just trying to share.


i'm out!

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Maximus is right (dear God did I just type that?)


It's just a funny thing. It's not "important", its just funny. It makes me laugh. It causes me enjoyment. I don't know charlie sheen and I don't really care about him or his personal life. But what he did made me giggle. That's it. That's all. I still have plenty of time when reading about the news & shit to get serious and be thoughtful about other, actually important things.


Vamos, I think perhaps maybe you've smoked a little too much Charlie Sheen?


There are pressing issues in the world to get angry about. This is not one of them.



ur starting to wake up like the rest of us . i dont know if it was me or ET or both of us but either way get used to it u will get a lot more truth bullets from me yet.

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Maximus is right (dear God did I just type that?)


It's just a funny thing. It's not "important", its just funny. It makes me laugh. It causes me enjoyment. I don't know charlie sheen and I don't really care about him or his personal life. But what he did made me giggle. That's it. That's all. I still have plenty of time when reading about the news & shit to get serious and be thoughtful about other, actually important things.


Vamos, I think perhaps maybe you've smoked a little too much Charlie Sheen?


There are pressing issues in the world to get angry about. This is not one of them.



ur starting to wake up like the rest of us . i dont know if it was me or ET or both of us but either way get used to it u will get a lot more truth bullets from me yet.

would those bullets be fired from an autoaimed weapon?

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but, this show, imo, is good, and because it's good (like other shows) it has become successful, and it's not just because Sheen is in it. Cryer is a hell of an actor.


you should stop before the water rises past your neck, that way you won't completely drown

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Guest fiznuthian

I think most people view the media as sensational and take it with a grain of salt.


most? lol, are you from here?

there's a lot of good folks and good minds here but man,

this place is chock full of shit


how did GWB get voted in twice anyway? fox news?

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most? lol, are you from here?

there's a lot of good folks and good minds here but man,

this place is chock full of shit




so it looks like the Serotonin levels in Sheen's brain have gone back to normal


he is far more sane/normal on this Howard Stern interview - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo6S6MGG0yM

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Guest the anonymous forumite

so it looks like the Serotonindopamine levels in Sheen's brain have gone back to normal

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Guest Lube Saibot

biking in...


blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i dont get it.


HAHAHAHAHAHA Al5x, best "fixed" of the month, irl lol, :beer:


so, yeah, vamos, forget what i said about quitting weed, you're worse OFF it.


oscilik, far from me to co-sign any of lowest-common-denominator-ambassador MAXIMUS MISCHIEF (or sirch or whoever you're fighting with)'s remarks, but you're like the awkward shut-in cousin of the highest-common-denominator, let it go, he's a moron, and your comebacks are like fighting fire with beige fanny packs.


everybody else, affectionate docking all around. *unsheathes penis*

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