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the "fake it 'til it comes" manifesto

Guest tht tne

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Guest tht tne

i'm gonna post a thread every day until Fred McGriff steps his watmm up consistently, and if he delivers the lol once or twice and then vanishes again i'll be watching

these threads will be inconspicuous: they may be in ylc, advertising my new tracks, they may be in music discussion, enlightening you knucklefaces: 1 thread daily

perhaps you are in solidarity with me that watmm needs more beak, and i would implore you to raise the public profile of said threads by replying in the style of Fred

just as an angel of the lord told zacharias that john the baptist would go before them in the spirit and power of elias let's revive our lost prophet in these modern times

can we resurrect the original, groin-grabbingly good creative director of watmms past? he has left us alone but shafts of light sometimes grace the corner of our rooms

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I don't think your idea would work.

Would Fred really read it your thread

for the first place? You would still

post threads almost daily regardless

of Fred's activity, am I right?

Where were you all this time, though?

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Guest tht tne

i changed my mind, 'bye again


edit: but i think you noobs need to realize how much watmm needs Fred or a Fredalike, if that's possible

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Guest tht tne

just one more thing and then i'll leave y'all alone... like it or not, Fred was our leader... now you're all alone in a sea of troon/MAXIMUS MISCHIEF/vamos scorcho/hahathhat/Salvatorin... there are more problem members than contributors and people who really care about watmm are in the minority... good luck

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