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do you work out?


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Smetty - if you're lifting to build muscle mass - try and increase the weight rather than the reps. Even if you only increase by the smallest plate (another advantage of free weights), you're making your muscles work that much harder. If you're lifting to build endurance, then you're on the right track.

Also - post-workout protein shakes - 2 or 3 eggs, some milk, peanut butter and a banana. Unless you can't stomach raw eggs (though you can barely taste them), in which case just get some protein powder.

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yeah i drink some whey protein in milk after every workout. sorta gritty but whatever.



someone told me if you are lifting to build mass,




Set 1: 8

Set 2: 8

Set 3: at least 8, but go until form is compromised


and then added that if you are able to do 15 comfortably, its time to move up. is this accurate?

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@Chen, I'm 22. My job consists of me moving around all day, pretty much active for the whole 8 hours.


Been keeping a heart rate log for a month (since i started biking) ..


Some average readings ..


First week - Resting Heart Beat - 88-80 (110-100 on adderall), during work 120-108, workout 172-150


Most recent averages - Resting - 68-64 (88-78 on adderall), during work 118-96, workout 150-140


I see progress (my energy levels are increasing and i feel happier overall), i'm still getting the random panic attack (i worry too much) but is not as bad as before.

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yeah i drink some whey protein in milk after every workout. sorta gritty but whatever.



someone told me if you are lifting to build mass,




Set 1: 8

Set 2: 8

Set 3: at least 8, but go until form is compromised


and then added that if you are able to do 15 comfortably, its time to move up. is this accurate?


Better to add weight, you build muscle by ripping (damaging) it, and you rip it by making it resist more. So by adding weight, you are challenging your body way more. Arnie, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler - all these guys and many more past Mr. Olympia champions do heavy weights. Hell it's Coleman's only famous quote - "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, nobody wants to lift no heavy ass weights". Now I'm guessing you don't want to be a bodybuilder, but you do want to gain mass. That's the way to do it.

Oh but make sure you can keep your form.


@Chen, I'm 22. My job consists of me moving around all day, pretty much active for the whole 8 hours.


Been keeping a heart rate log for a month (since i started biking) ..


Some average readings ..


First week - Resting Heart Beat - 88-80 (110-100 on adderall), during work 120-108, workout 172-150


Most recent averages - Resting - 68-64 (88-78 on adderall), during work 118-96, workout 150-140


I see progress (my energy levels are increasing and i feel happier overall), i'm still getting the random panic attack (i worry too much) but is not as bad as before.

YO303 - well I don't really know what you mean by active, but that's not so bad. Your first week resting heart rate was a bit high (IMO, I am not a doctor etc. etc.) but the cycling seems to have gotten it down so that's awesome. Keep it up!

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Guest Franklin

@Chen, I'm 22. My job consists of me moving around all day, pretty much active for the whole 8 hours.


Been keeping a heart rate log for a month (since i started biking) ..


Some average readings ..


First week - Resting Heart Beat - 88-80 (110-100 on adderall), during work 120-108, workout 172-150


Most recent averages - Resting - 68-64 (88-78 on adderall), during work 118-96, workout 150-140


I see progress (my energy levels are increasing and i feel happier overall), i'm still getting the random panic attack (i worry too much) but is not as bad as before.


Hey 303,


You probably want to focus on you aerobic fitness for now, before getting into anaerobic stuff, so you might think about limiting your exposure to heart rates of 170 and over. going over that wont hurt you at all but if you train at that heart rate you wont see your resting heart rate decline after a while. All this is tough to tell because I dont know your max heart rate, but it's likely in the 185-200 range based on your age. I would be holding 150-165 for long periods in training with maybe only a couple of dips (less than 2 mins) into the 170s. When your muscles are built up working in the 160s likely won't feel bad at all and then you can start pumping up the heart rate to do anaerobic stuff.


Also, are the panic attacks related to concerns about your heart rate? Because even if you hit your max heart rate a couple times a workout you'd still be fine, you'd just get extremely winded and your muscles would be screaming. Doing this as a middle-aged man with narrow arteries might be an issue, but you should be fine at 22 dude.


Consider the life of a professional cyclist --- sometimes training 4-8 hours a day of heart rates in the 130s-150s with frequent dips into anaerobic of 180s/190s for sprints etc. Hearts can take that kind of stuff!

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yeah, for my 30-35 interval workout the top heart rate I shoot for is about 170-175. Anything over that is anomalous and only occurs for a few seconds on the highest interval..


plus, take it from me, I used to be a real heavy smoker, my lungs are half shot, and i can do it no problem now! baby step your way up...be sure to manage the line between comfort level and intensity...don't be afraid to push yourself! (just don't,...you know...overdo it).




today i did stock on the truck, and have an underarmor shirt on (makes working in the freezer a hell of a lot easier), and decided to be cheap on laundry and just go straight to the gym for cardio. Ive never felt so naked in my entire life. Skin tight, nipples poking out of the fabric and a little gut pooch for all to see. Not doing that ever again.

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i was on a bus yesterday and a topless buff dude was jogging by with a rucksack on, sweating like zelah on vacant.cc, and a hot posh woman said "who jogs in this weather?"..yes, indeed. fitness thing has actually got out of hand. people telling me to go running because i seem a bit down (not because i'm fat, i'm not fat). fuck you, i'm on my feet all day and i do exercise on top of that, but not exercise that involves my feet too much. so what? actually i look down because the high from exercise has worn off and now i feel even worse.

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it's $109 a month for unlimited classes, which is about the same as a gym membership, i guess? i've been going every day though, so it's definitely worth it.


and thanks, smetty :D

Is $109 a month actually normal? That is crazy money to spend imo altho I know nothing about yoga. My gym costs £10 a month...


i was looking into joining a gym and they all wanted to charge $70-80 a month, if i recall correctly.


and anyway, i'm not personally paying for it, so the price doesn't bother me.

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Guest AcrossCanyons

it's $109 a month for unlimited classes, which is about the same as a gym membership, i guess? i've been going every day though, so it's definitely worth it.


and thanks, smetty :D

Is $109 a month actually normal? That is crazy money to spend imo altho I know nothing about yoga. My gym costs £10 a month...


i was looking into joining a gym and they all wanted to charge $70-80 a month, if i recall correctly.


and anyway, i'm not personally paying for it, so the price doesn't bother me.

My gym is a "budget gym" (no pool/sauna/cafe/unnecessary extras) but the more expensive gyms here cost around £40 per month so that would be about right.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

today i did stock on the truck, and have an underarmor shirt on (makes working in the freezer a hell of a lot easier), and decided to be cheap on laundry and just go straight to the gym for cardio. Ive never felt so naked in my entire life. Skin tight, nipples poking out of the fabric and a little gut pooch for all to see. Not doing that ever again.


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Guest Frankie5fingers

never really worked out in my life. so i thought you guys could give me some tips. so heres the story, im a HUGE nut for Ninja Warrior and every time i watch i just wanna work out all day. (i have a crazy dream of participating in NW. sounds a little silly cause i doubt i could do the things those guys can do) so ive started working out, but my real trouble is that ill work out for about a week and then just completely stop for who knows how long. this has givin very little result but nothing close to what i want. can anyone suggest something that will help me stop from giving up so soon, or is this just a personal problem that i gotta figure out myself?

PS. the reason i stop isn't cause its too hard or anything (in fact i love the feeling from working out), just that ill say "ill do it tomorrow". and then turns into a downhill slope from there.

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Guest Franklin

procrastination and injury are the ninja warrior's worst enemies.


Put up a Ninja Warrior poster on your front door and another beside the mirror where you would look at yourself when you get out of the shower.


Also, maybe set up some attainable goals to reach for whilst carving your figure for NW.

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never really worked out in my life. so i thought you guys could give me some tips. so heres the story, im a HUGE nut for Ninja Warrior and every time i watch i just wanna work out all day. (i have a crazy dream of participating in NW. sounds a little silly cause i doubt i could do the things those guys can do) so ive started working out, but my real trouble is that ill work out for about a week and then just completely stop for who knows how long. this has givin very little result but nothing close to what i want. can anyone suggest something that will help me stop from giving up so soon, or is this just a personal problem that i gotta figure out myself?

PS. the reason i stop isn't cause its too hard or anything (in fact i love the feeling from working out), just that ill say "ill do it tomorrow". and then turns into a downhill slope from there.


start small and work your way up.


some famous Greek guy carried a baby calf over his head across his field everyday, until it was a grown bull. that's some legendary example of strength training there.

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Started to work out again after taking a break ( I got lazy for a few months). This time though I'm going a weird and different route using free weights, jumping over/on top stuff, dropping to the ground and getting back up(boot camp exercise), and regular old push-ups and sit-ups. Liking it so far specially since I can do it all in my basement and blast music!

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I just got a new job, so now I can afford a membership at the climbing gym... Im super psyched! Not only do they have climbing (top rope and bouldering) they have weights, and various cardio machines, a sauna, and free yoga classes to members etc. Ive been wanting to become a member for awhile now... my girlfriend is a member, so I got in free once a month, and then paid out of pocket for other times. Now I can go consistently, and save money. Awesome!


I did my first 5.10B 2 days ago. Nothing hardcore in the scheme of things, but an advancement either way!

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Guest Frankie5fingers

thanks Smetti and Franklin. maybe i was diving in too fast with too much and it just discouraged me.

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i need to stop forgetting the weekly day off. i think my body is temporarily burned out after a ten hour shift on my feet today. we shall see whats up tomorrow. maybe get some running in.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I decided running, sprinting and hiking aren't enough for building the strengthen every muscle and ligament my legs to support my bad knee (that's been doing well recently) as best as possible and because winter is coming (one does not simply run in the snow) I got a gym membership again for 29 bucks a month at the same gym with new management that charged me 48 dollars a month a couple years ago.


I'm very confident about my path to <>7% body fat, ripped as fuck, better shape than my apex in high school. Combing the smartest diet I can afford, the most ambition and discipline I've ever had in my life with running, sprinting, hiking, heavy bag insanity, pull ups, core workouts AND now access to all the weights and machines at the gym. With all that variety I don't see myself getting burned out or bored as I now start to push even harder with my workouts and diet.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I drink a fuck ton of green tea everyday. I only get carbohydrates from vegetables (which sometimes eat more of than most vegetarians)((whom could usually be more accurately described as carbovores), I don't avoid fat. I avoid all sugar, don't eat any grains and only eat fruit like once every few days. I attempt to get about this ratio of calories from macronutrients: <> 50% fat, 25% protien, 25% carbohydrates.


With my budget most commonly I eat a lot eggs, broccoli with cheese, caramelized onions!, canned tuna, cucumbers, almonds, pork chops (always will cook with a shit ton of caramelized onions!), chicken, peanuts, pistachios, salads. I would like to buy more grass fed beef and eat big salads everyday once I get a better job.

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