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Yoga day! about 1hr of ashtanga yoga and various ab exercises.


ashtanga is awesome. i love how it becomes a routine and you can start flowing during it. very cool.


Yes that is one of my favorite parts! Once you learn the sequences it becomes flowing like you said. I find the standing sequences the hardest (downward dog to runners pose to warrior 3 to half moon pose to reverse half moon to standing split, for example!) That sequence is a beast!


Ashtanga is way under rated I think. It builds strength, massive flexibility, breath control, etc. =)

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Guest fiznuthian

i think this thread will work well as a log for me from now on


Did military presses/overhead presses/whatever you wanna call it, broke a personal record on the heaviest set (85x8). Got some basketball in too. My whole body is worn out from the week but I feel fucking great right now. I decided to take tomorrow off so I will be completely ready for my last workout of Week 1, which is squat day. I've never sqautted before so it's time to learn. this is gonna be hard but a huge day indeed


nicely done!

hey on squats just remember to face your feet out (left and right) a little.. don't keep them straight in front of you.

made this mistake when I started them and regretted it.. gave me some bad knee pain and I couldn't squat much weight.

changed my footing and like magic they seemed a lot easier

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i think this thread will work well as a log for me from now on


Did military presses/overhead presses/whatever you wanna call it, broke a personal record on the heaviest set (85x8). Got some basketball in too. My whole body is worn out from the week but I feel fucking great right now. I decided to take tomorrow off so I will be completely ready for my last workout of Week 1, which is squat day. I've never sqautted before so it's time to learn. this is gonna be hard but a huge day indeed


nicely done!

hey on squats just remember to face your feet out (left and right) a little.. don't keep them straight in front of you.

made this mistake when I started them and regretted it.. gave me some bad knee pain and I couldn't squat much weight.

changed my footing and like magic they seemed a lot easier

thank you!!


Yeah I will. I am really tall so I have to take kind of a wider stance and probably will have my toes pointed out at more of an angle. Learning compound lifts has really shown me that I need to work on my full body coordination.

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Guest fiznuthian

Haha, they're brutal right? :diablo:




Gave this bad boy for a spin in a co-worker's gym 2 days ago..

Made the mistake of doing 60 seconds worth of sprint as hard and fast as I could possibly go..

WTF ergometer? It's been 2 days and i'm STILL sore from that machine.. Yesterday I felt like someone had hit my entire body with a sledgehammer.. And i'm pretty used to doing heavy lifts and sprints! :wacko:

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I should really spend more time rowing. It feels much more satisfying than running when you've finished, but damn it gets hard. I was running the other day on a machine just near a few rowers. A girl came in on her induction and proceeded to row pretty damn quick. I dunno if she was showing off to the PT or just thought she could do that. After a few minutes she finished and went to the water cooler. She was almost collapsing and went to be sick I think. Haven't seen her there since.

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I should really spend more time rowing. It feels much more satisfying than running when you've finished, but damn it gets hard. I was running the other day on a machine just near a few rowers. A girl came in on her induction and proceeded to row pretty damn quick. I dunno if she was showing off to the PT or just thought she could do that. After a few minutes she finished and went to the water cooler. She was almost collapsing and went to be sick I think. Haven't seen her there since.




yeah, some people unfortunately look at these people and think its easy as pie, so they might try to "show off". I can't tell you how many people have lifted weights next to me by swinging their back wildly with each rep, and giving me a pithy look because Im going slower with smaller weights (this is why I avoided lifting for so long in the first place).


I want to say something to them, but I feel like an amateur myself, and it's doubtful as to whether they will listen or not.

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Guest fiznuthian

I should really spend more time rowing. It feels much more satisfying than running when you've finished, but damn it gets hard. I was running the other day on a machine just near a few rowers. A girl came in on her induction and proceeded to row pretty damn quick. I dunno if she was showing off to the PT or just thought she could do that. After a few minutes she finished and went to the water cooler. She was almost collapsing and went to be sick I think. Haven't seen her there since.



Yeah that's a rowing machine for you.. torturous devices.

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moved up to 40 lbs. on biceps and triceps today! fantastic! not seeing any visual change, but the weight indicates progress! bout to get my next day of cardio and one rest day so i cant wait to see how ill perform next week.


Unfortunately I stayed the same at the pectoral exercises...which leads me to believe i may be overworking them. Is it normal if you are doing 3 sessions a week for certain sets to become harder (like, struggle a little more on the last two reps), or am I overdoing it?

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Unfortunately I stayed the same at the pectoral exercises...which leads me to believe i may be overworking them. Is it normal if you are doing 3 sessions a week for certain sets to become harder (like, struggle a little more on the last two reps), or am I overdoing it?


speaking as someone who does three total-body weight days per week, you can definitely get pretty tired for the last lifting session in the week. i'm not sure exactly what you do so YMMV, but i prefer to make sure the movements for each body part are somewhat different between weightlifting session, just to prevent quick adaptation and promote overall balance per muscle group.


for example, on chest, i'll toggle between dumbbell incline press first in the week, then regular dumbbell bench the next time, and a comparatively lighter set of flyes for the last workout. the rest of the groups follow that same logic, with the most exhausting exercises being placed earlier in the week when you're more rested.


i've really started to enjoy the total-body weights approach, but it can be easy to get too sore this way. you shouldn't really be sore by the time the next session rolls around but also not feeling exactly top-notch either. if you're not too sore to lift the same weights but miss out on a rep or two in the later sets, you're probably fine.

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moved up to 40 lbs. on biceps and triceps today! fantastic! not seeing any visual change, but the weight indicates progress! bout to get my next day of cardio and one rest day so i cant wait to see how ill perform next week.


Unfortunately I stayed the same at the pectoral exercises...which leads me to believe i may be overworking them. Is it normal if you are doing 3 sessions a week for certain sets to become harder (like, struggle a little more on the last two reps), or am I overdoing it?


wow, you've made some rapid gains.


also, i think maybe after a few weeks it would benefit you to "deload", as in a week of lighter lifting to let your muscles recover fully for the next few rounds of heavy lifting. and to the people who give you bad looks, fuck em, they have awful form and are due for a terrible injury. If you're an amateur with good form then you are way ahead of "more experienced" lifters who have no idea what they are doing

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moved up to 40 lbs. on biceps and triceps today! fantastic! not seeing any visual change, but the weight indicates progress! bout to get my next day of cardio and one rest day so i cant wait to see how ill perform next week.


Unfortunately I stayed the same at the pectoral exercises...which leads me to believe i may be overworking them. Is it normal if you are doing 3 sessions a week for certain sets to become harder (like, struggle a little more on the last two reps), or am I overdoing it?


wow, you've made some rapid gains.


also, i think maybe after a few weeks it would benefit you to "deload", as in a week of lighter lifting to let your muscles recover fully for the next few rounds of heavy lifting. and to the people who give you bad looks, fuck em, they have awful form and are due for a terrible injury. If you're an amateur with good form then you are way ahead of "more experienced" lifters who have no idea what they are doing


thanks! though technically I was lifting about this much (maybe a bit more) when I used to play offensive line in football..so I feel like Im just fitting back into my old, healthier body..minus perhaps about 5 pounds of fat. But for two months, the results are pretty phenomenal and im feeling pretty damn proud of myself.


Thanks for the advice...maybe ill start doing one or two workouts a week to just focus on lower-weight endurance?

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Just listen to your body. Doing lower weights you mostly wont get as sore unless you truck through to a long while doing ridiculous amount of reps which might be the goal but either way you have very little potential to hurt yourself. When doing a lower amount of weight it would make more sense that you could do 4 or 5 sessions in that week. The more weight you do the more possibility to hurt yourself, the more sore you will get. If you lift a lot a lot of weight to complete muscle failure it takes a while to recover and rebuild and you can be making efficient progress on 2 or sometimes only 1 session a week. I'm sure you already know that but yeah, the less weight you do the more you would want to be at the gym.


I'm trying to get my second wind to be even more discipilined with my intermittent fasting, fat, veggies protien diet and only drink with my buddies once a month instead of 4 times a month on average. I've got the most total muscle I've ever had and getting close to the lowest body fat I've ever had (in my adult lift) which is about 13% or something. I know this is going to start getting much more difficult to make progress. I'm going to continue going harder on total body big lifts, more running, more sprinting, more swimming, more cardio and more nutrition with less calories. More broccoli, more broccoli.

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moved up to 40 lbs. on biceps and triceps today! fantastic! not seeing any visual change, but the weight indicates progress! bout to get my next day of cardio and one rest day so i cant wait to see how ill perform next week.


Unfortunately I stayed the same at the pectoral exercises...which leads me to believe i may be overworking them. Is it normal if you are doing 3 sessions a week for certain sets to become harder (like, struggle a little more on the last two reps), or am I overdoing it?


wow, you've made some rapid gains.


also, i think maybe after a few weeks it would benefit you to "deload", as in a week of lighter lifting to let your muscles recover fully for the next few rounds of heavy lifting. and to the people who give you bad looks, fuck em, they have awful form and are due for a terrible injury. If you're an amateur with good form then you are way ahead of "more experienced" lifters who have no idea what they are doing


thanks! though technically I was lifting about this much (maybe a bit more) when I used to play offensive line in football..so I feel like Im just fitting back into my old, healthier body..minus perhaps about 5 pounds of fat. But for two months, the results are pretty phenomenal and im feeling pretty damn proud of myself.


Thanks for the advice...maybe ill start doing one or two workouts a week to just focus on lower-weight endurance?


well as my friend who is experienced with olympic lifts tells me, the best indicator of if you're ready to go to the gym is how you are feeling. Listen to your body pretty much. and I know that if you do lighter weights you can go more often. Heavier weights constantly will destroy your CNS

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Guest fiznuthian

Hm, they will certainly send a strong message to your CNS -> adaptive response..

I think with heavy weights rest is very, very important. My rule of thumb is if i'm still sore, I just don't go back.. I heal properly then go.

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Here's my routine: Mon Chest/Abs, Tues Arms/Legs, Wed Off, Thurs Back/Abs, Fri Shoulders, Sat Arms/Legs, Sun. Off. I would have cardio in there, but I have chronic bronchitis, so when I'm coughing I don't run. I eat lots of protein, and drink a gallon of water a day.


fuck yeah.

is the routine working well for you?

what improvements have you noticed?

Hell yes, I work at a furniture warehouse and people usually ask if I lift or take supps. I have shitty abs though. I love food too much lol. My boss calls me muscles.
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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Haha! Good shit Hoodie! That one ain't easy.


Finished the most intense hour session on the heavy bag ever, arms were shaking, suprised my legs weren't with dramatically more powerful kicks I was throwing like crazy. Was going to lift last night but decided I needed sleep, glad I didn't, been three days since I lifted now, I had a lot of extra power ready for that mission. Surprised a little how much power and stamina I had in a fasted state. Guess there might be something about your body giving more up when its kinda deprived in an instinctual effort to put out the energy to make the kill for dinner.


Ate bout 300 calories of almonds and pistachios, went to the gym to further earn a big rewarding but healthy dinner and after 15 minutes when shit was really starting to get serious my fucking nerdo homies harass the shit out of me to get back on TF2 coop. I gave in real quick knowing I still had to bike home and last night playing TF2 was the funnest gaming I've experienced in a while. Fucking internets, fucking video games, fucking friends, fucking phones. Barely made up for it slightly by furthering a little leg burn riding my bike home like a bat outta hell.

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Guest fiznuthian

squatted for the first time ever today. damn that felt good. but my legs feel like total jelly right now


But you've probably got buns of steel :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I was fucking murdered hungover from my old drummers birthday day party, put on Clark - Future Daniel again started to run and felt on top of teh whurld instantly. Finished the hangover destruction by putting on some metal, strapping on my HD280s tied to my head via a cheesy dress tie I've dedicated to the task, and proceeded to go mental on the heavy bag again. I think I've begun to enjoy beating the living shit outta that heavy bag more than any other work out I've ever experienced.

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apparently my mirrors are weird or with bad lighting or something, because i went to the beach with a friend and she said i was lookin pretty ripped. I do not see it.


oh yeah, did one of those stairmaster things (at least i think it was?)for the first time for cardio...and my legs feel like they are encased in cement.

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Just finished my 3rd week of commuting. My legs are so strong now, and my stamina is improving greatly. Ive had to really be sure to stretch daily, as my legs get so tight from all the biking. I feel amazing though.


Kind of disappointed that I am using up my energy on biking though... Resulting in not enough energy for good muscle building exercises. I feel like my upper body muscles are losing size a little from doing so much biking. I really need to up my food intake to keep up with it, but it's hard!

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Just finished my 3rd week of commuting. My legs are so strong now, and my stamina is improving greatly. Ive had to really be sure to stretch daily, as my legs get so tight from all the biking. I feel amazing though.


Kind of disappointed that I am using up my energy on biking though... Resulting in not enough energy for good muscle building exercises. I feel like my upper body muscles are losing size a little from doing so much biking. I really need to up my food intake to keep up with it, but it's hard!


man, no joke, start drinking homemade fruit smoothies every day. I shit you not. my energy levels are fucking through and beyond what I think used to be a roof.

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Guest fiznuthian

Just finished my 3rd week of commuting. My legs are so strong now, and my stamina is improving greatly. Ive had to really be sure to stretch daily, as my legs get so tight from all the biking. I feel amazing though.


Kind of disappointed that I am using up my energy on biking though... Resulting in not enough energy for good muscle building exercises. I feel like my upper body muscles are losing size a little from doing so much biking. I really need to up my food intake to keep up with it, but it's hard!


I think this is just from spending a lot of time doing aerobic exercise.. eating more probably won't help to be honest.


Just finished my 3rd week of commuting. My legs are so strong now, and my stamina is improving greatly. Ive had to really be sure to stretch daily, as my legs get so tight from all the biking. I feel amazing though.


Kind of disappointed that I am using up my energy on biking though... Resulting in not enough energy for good muscle building exercises. I feel like my upper body muscles are losing size a little from doing so much biking. I really need to up my food intake to keep up with it, but it's hard!


man, no joke, start drinking homemade fruit smoothies every day. I shit you not. my energy levels are fucking through and beyond what I think used to be a roof.



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