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do you work out?


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alright, finally fucked up. tried to do the same exercises that I do all the time on dumbbells on a barbell...almost immediately pulled something in my shoulder. fuuuuuuck.


I guess Ill take a few days to let that fix itself...in the mean time I can still do cardio and pushups...damn that pisses me off. hate barbells.

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Guest fiznuthian

alright, finally fucked up. tried to do the same exercises that I do all the time on dumbbells on a barbell...almost immediately pulled something in my shoulder. fuuuuuuck.


I guess Ill take a few days to let that fix itself...in the mean time I can still do cardio and pushups...damn that pisses me off. hate barbells.


Ouch :( What exercise were you doing with them?


I'm a barbell guy but I can't even count how many times i've strained something because of em..

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Guest fiznuthian

Every time I see Fiznuthian, I think Fig-newton...... Coincidence?


Haha. I hate fig newtons, but love figs ofcourse.

Fiznut was my shitty name in high school, and I added uthian to make it sound less stupid.


WATMM needs our own virtual yoga studio.. lets make one in Second Life. :lol:

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tomorrow im gonna learn how to do some olympic motions, particularly power cleans/hang cleans. light weight of course then deadlift. bring the pain!!!


edit: and im gonna try a row machine that you guys are raving about as my "pre-game cardio"

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I'm going to take my biking to the next level and ride to work, 3.5 miles away from my house (7 miles daily). There is a huge uphill street on the way to work (which will probably take me a 2-3 weeks to dominate). I'm really excited about this, the stamina, energy and overall health benefits i will get from this will be worth it.

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Big hills are great for strength training. I was doing 10 miles a day for a while, and that was probably the best shape I've ever been in.


We don't have a lack of hills in my city, though.

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I'm doing roughly 8 miles every morning. I'm not ready to bike home as well, so I bike to the nearest bus stop and catch the bus home (you can strap your bike to the front of the bus).


I think I'll start biking to the next stop down next week. And then the week after that, to the next stop etc, to build up to biking home at night.

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Monster work out day.....


17-20 minutes ab workout

90 minutes chest back and triceps

45 minutes cardio


Edit: didn't make it to the triceps unfortunately. Here was my workout! Basically a modified p90x chest/back workout.


Standard pushups: 2 sets of 39

Wide rows: 2 sets of 15, 40lbs weight each hand

Military pushups: 2 sets of 32

Dead lifts: 2 sets of 15, 60lbs each hand

Wide fly pushups: 2 sets of 38

One arm rows: 2 sets of 15, 50lbs weight per side

Decline pushups: 2 sets of 30

Heavy Pants: 2 sets of 15, 60lbs each hand

Diamond pushups (the ones where your hands make a triangle/diamond): 2 sets of 28

Lawnmowers: 2 sets of 15, 60lbs weight per side

Dive-bomber pushups: 2 sets of 19

Back flys: 2 sets of 15, 60lbs each hand

Bonus standard pushups: 20


20 minutes ab exercises. Didn't make it to the cardio, but I walk about 18km a day at work (where its very hot so I sweat a lot lol).







brought to you by vpx lol

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yeah i did the same thing this afterno on


edit: apart from the push-ups, rows, lifts, mowing, cardio, ab exercises and sweating

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jesus stephen, where do you work? or what do you do at work that requires 18km a day?


also, how much do you consume calorically? that must require an insane amount of caloric energy.



You seem to be doing fantastic, keep it up! Ive started doing wide arm pushups myself and they appear to be more effective, as well as better on my wrists for some reason.

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Im in great shape atm... flat stomach, got alot of energy for biking on hills/forest trails then in the past. Probably lost 10lbs since June and gained muscle as well, so body fat is lower. no idea how to measure that shit. don't care, because I don't see myself stopping my routine anytime soon. Will be focusing more on getting protein and building muscle now though, but just adding that to the routine. Biking is too much fun.

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jesus stephen, where do you work? or what do you do at work that requires 18km a day?


also, how much do you consume calorically? that must require an insane amount of caloric energy.



You seem to be doing fantastic, keep it up! Ive started doing wide arm pushups myself and they appear to be more effective, as well as better on my wrists for some reason.


Thanks for the encouragement! I'm going to keep at it. Eventually I'll get up the courage to post pics lol. =)


It's only recently I've been seeing such massive gains, I attribute it mostly to quitting alcohol (I still drink, but not habitually anymore).


Im the plant supervisor at a recycling facility. All I do for about 7hrs of my working day is walk the floor back and forth lol.


I actually don't consume a whole lot of calories, because I'm trying to lose some fat (currently ranging between 14-16% BF, 220lbs is my weight)....


I take in about 2000 calories a day, sometimes less, on weekends a LOT more.


2 out of my 5 meals are protein shakes (225 calories each shake) and 2 of the the remaining 3 are chicken breasts (or salmon filets) and mixed vegetables for fiber (320-500 calories each meal).


So sometimes I'm only taking in 1200 calories lol. I don't ever feel tired or sickly though. I supplement with vitamins and bcaas + omegas...




Edit: also, every day is a workout day for me, 7 days a week. I do a heavy lifting day, and then instead of a "rest" day like most people take, I do intense cardio or yoga, an hour of stretching, or at least an ab workout.


I'm really trying to get fit!


Good luck SR4!!

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another update,with a fantastic hilarious sidebar:


I went to the beach to swim with a ladyfriend that Im trying to get good with instead of lifting. I think from now on Im going to do two lifting sessions a week instead of three, because I was immediately able to make another 5-10 lbs. up in progress on every single exercise. This might sound pathetic to some of you more developed vets, but I was really, really proud of myself when I realized I was benching about 30 lbs. less than my body weight. Who knows, maybe in a few months Ill get there!


Also, I really can't say enough how fucking badass inverse curls are. If you seriously want to "bro" out for a second and feel those guns like Big Poppa Pump, do 3 sets of those at the end of a bicep workout. Unbelievable. Just make sure to lift half of the weight you can lift with hammer curls. It also does a hell of a forearm workout at the same time!


So on that note, my nightmare happened yesterday. While I was quietly minding my business and lifting in the corner of the gym, three tough-looking guys come over and basically do that thing where they talk really fucking loudly about how beastly they were. They gave me some grief busting my balls when I went over to switch up weights, commenting on how light they were, etc. I just sorta smiled and nodded it off, and kept to myself. So started on the inverse curls, and one of the guys starts laughing because I'm using a 30 lbs. barbell in what appears to be a normal curl. So he talks to his bros about showing me what its all about, and grabs a 60.


What happened next was one of the funniest moments of my life. He did about two reps and practically threw his shoulder out on the third. I had to immediately walk out of the room and laugh my ass off, Im almost positive they heard me. That shit doesn't happen in real life, it was like straight from a Jon Hughes 80s movie.


I came back in to finish up about three minutes later and noticed he was taking a "rest", while the other two were wildly throwing their backs up and down doing normal curls.


Apparently they are on a team of some sort. WTF coach?

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lol, those guys sound like total tools and they got what they deserved


also, i too recently hit the benchmark of benching 30 lbs under my body weight... just a couple months ago i couldn't do a good form rep of 115 lbs and now I can put up 155. That's progress! and my body seems to be adapting to the deadlifting/squats, the first week i struggled but now the weight i started with seems easy, next cycle i might be able to bump up by 15 lbs (as opposed to 10). I know it's nothing special but it feels good that I can finally do over my bodyweight for an exercise. Coming from having like no muscle just a year ago, i feel its a major stride.


nutrition wise, ive been eating a lot cleaner, and its doing wonders for my body (and mind). i can already see visible results.. it's insanity to me. and i feel more alert and less lethargic all the time


gonna start trying to incorporate some form of cardio into one of my off days (i lift 4 days a week), but im not sure what to do yet, maybe buy a jumprope or something?

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team sport

edit: cycling obv





but i'd say don't do something that involves gripping something with your hands, variety is the sriracha of life innit

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i used to play basketball alot but i always ended up injuring myself, like 3 months ago i broke my finger. tennis sounds fun. i hate running but maybe swimming could be fun


oh man tennis is a fucking amazing workout, but it can also be easy to injure oneself if not careful. Running around on tennis courts does a number on your knees; make sure you have solid, extremely comfortable and supportive shoes before going out there. I learned that lesson after playing it two hours straight for 5 days. Couldn't do it again for a week or so.

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the one time i played tennis i got terrible tennis elbow, is that just cause i was new to it?


might be. how were you hitting the ball? Im far from a decent player, but I don't think ive yet to experience tennis elbow.

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Guest fiznuthian

another update,with a fantastic hilarious sidebar:


I went to the beach to swim with a ladyfriend that Im trying to get good with instead of lifting. I think from now on Im going to do two lifting sessions a week instead of three, because I was immediately able to make another 5-10 lbs. up in progress on every single exercise. This might sound pathetic to some of you more developed vets, but I was really, really proud of myself when I realized I was benching about 30 lbs. less than my body weight. Who knows, maybe in a few months Ill get there!


Also, I really can't say enough how fucking badass inverse curls are. If you seriously want to "bro" out for a second and feel those guns like Big Poppa Pump, do 3 sets of those at the end of a bicep workout. Unbelievable. Just make sure to lift half of the weight you can lift with hammer curls. It also does a hell of a forearm workout at the same time!


So on that note, my nightmare happened yesterday. While I was quietly minding my business and lifting in the corner of the gym, three tough-looking guys come over and basically do that thing where they talk really fucking loudly about how beastly they were. They gave me some grief busting my balls when I went over to switch up weights, commenting on how light they were, etc. I just sorta smiled and nodded it off, and kept to myself. So started on the inverse curls, and one of the guys starts laughing because I'm using a 30 lbs. barbell in what appears to be a normal curl. So he talks to his bros about showing me what its all about, and grabs a 60.


What happened next was one of the funniest moments of my life. He did about two reps and practically threw his shoulder out on the third. I had to immediately walk out of the room and laugh my ass off, Im almost positive they heard me. That shit doesn't happen in real life, it was like straight from a Jon Hughes 80s movie.


I came back in to finish up about three minutes later and noticed he was taking a "rest", while the other two were wildly throwing their backs up and down doing normal curls.


Apparently they are on a team of some sort. WTF coach?


Haha dude that's a great story.

Seriously, fuck those people.. :diablo:


Hey guys how many of you are still eating ketogenically? How you been doing in the gym with your lifts?


I'm getting frustrated by high-carbin' in that I really, really miss being able to go without food for a long time. Just isn't possible on a high-fruit diet whether I feel good or not.. 6+ hours without a snack and i'm sufferin' :(

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