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Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt


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Guest disparaissant

i cant even begin to express my dislike of her. i won't even try, i'll get too angry.

this was my favourite bachmann moment


hiding in the bushes at a gay rights rally. why? who knows? who cares?

i think that was one of her first high-profile moments, too. the fact that she's a serious contender for the republican party right now is pretty telling.

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Guest hahathhat


"It leads to the personal enslavement of individuals, because if you're involved in the christian fundamental lifestyle, it's bondage. It is personal bondage, personal despair, and personal enslavement, and that's why this is so dangerous. we need to have profound compassion for people who are dealing with the very real issue of spirital dysfunction in their life, and religious identity disorders."

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damn david gregory actually being journalistic in this interview


I am hoping ron paul wins the gop candidacy, he is the most sane of the republican choices and he is more progressive with drug laws, foreign policy, and abuse of power (wiretapping) compared to obama. new perspectives are desperately needed in our current "democracy"

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Guest Al Hounos

as much as i may agree, even discussing this woman gives her credibility that she does not deserve. she should be ignored just like the screaming bible thumper on the street corner.

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as much as i may agree, even discussing this woman gives her credibility that she does not deserve. she should be ignored just like the screaming bible thumper on the street corner.


completely agree, if anything focusing on people like her and Sarah Palin will just make people throw their vote to Obama out of fear or hatred for Republicans, a way for them to forget about the battered wives syndrome they've had for the past 4 years


but seriously you want to talk the word evil, what do you call Obama whitehouse murdering civilians on a daily basis from videogame like drone aircraft?

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As a Minnesotan, who's had to put up with her bullshit for years all i can say to the thread title is... well... no shit, huh?!

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Guest Stoppit

In regards to the title 'Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt', I'm not so sure. In the UK, we've somehow ended up with Cameron as PM, an Eton and Oxford educated, and one would assume, relatively intelligent man. When Cameron makes a decision, he knows exactly what he's doing, namely serving himself and the other extremely wealthy people of this country. He knows when he makes austerity cuts, puts money into funding private alternatives to the NHS, attempts to sell off national forests to landowners, supports Murdoch and his news empire etc etc. he's making decisions that will be detrimental to the majority of the population. That, to me, is evil.


Bachman on the other hand, as with Sarah Palin, just seems to have a shockingly low IQ. I'm wondering if she actually has the intelligence to be evil. In the UK, generally speaking, you have to be a bit more creative with your unpleasantness. An extrovertly homophobic or racist politician will rarely be taken seriously (although it is fairly obvious that some of them hold more 'traditional' views, if only behind closed doors). I would hope that someone that expresses such ridiculous opinions openly, as Bachman does, is too stupid to realise how idiotic she sounds. I say that with an optimistic view of the American people. Of course, if she were to become President, I would lose all faith in them and assume they were all as stupid as she is. I'm still trying to work out who actually voted Conservative in this country.

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Guest viscosity

yeah this is all massively retarded.


the only question I have though.. what's the evolutionary purpose of homosexuality?

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what's the evolutionary purpose of homosexuality?




what's the fucking evolutionary purpose of mustard? what's the evolutionary purpose of snooker? what's the evolutinary purpose of your idiotic question?

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In regards to the title 'Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt', I'm not so sure. In the UK, we've somehow ended up with Cameron as PM, an Eton and Oxford educated, and one would assume, relatively intelligent man. When Cameron makes a decision, he knows exactly what he's doing, namely serving himself and the other extremely wealthy people of this country. He knows when he makes austerity cuts, puts money into funding private alternatives to the NHS, attempts to sell off national forests to landowners, supports Murdoch and his news empire etc etc. he's making decisions that will be detrimental to the majority of the population. That, to me, is evil.


Bachman on the other hand, as with Sarah Palin, just seems to have a shockingly low IQ. I'm wondering if she actually has the intelligence to be evil. In the UK, generally speaking, you have to be a bit more creative with your unpleasantness. An extrovertly homophobic or racist politician will rarely be taken seriously (although it is fairly obvious that some of them hold more 'traditional' views, if only behind closed doors). I would hope that someone that expresses such ridiculous opinions openly, as Bachman does, is too stupid to realise how idiotic she sounds. I say that with an optimistic view of the American people. Of course, if she were to become President, I would lose all faith in them and assume they were all as stupid as she is. I'm still trying to work out who actually voted Conservative in this country.


Pretty much this. There are a lot of idiots in the U.S. who would support a candidate like this, but not enough for her to have a legit chance of being President (at least I hope so). The far right voters are a very vocal minority but a minority nonetheless.



what's the evolutionary purpose of homosexuality?




what's the fucking evolutionary purpose of mustard? what's the evolutionary purpose of snooker? what's the evolutinary purpose of your idiotic question?



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Guest viscosity

not saying people can't do their thing.. but if reproduction serves to filter those who are most fit for survival, seems as though homos will need to be sperm doners or find a surrogate mother. question is valid if you consider it even partially a genetic trait

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not saying people can't do their thing.. but if reproduction serves to filter those who are most fit for survival, seems as though homos will need to be sperm doners or find a surrogate mother. question is valid if you consider it even partially a genetic trait


I think his point was that evolution isn't some rigid dogma that everything falls in line with. There are many things going on in human life that don't have any perceived evolutionary purpose.

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Guest Stoppit

One of the best things about being human, rather than say, a slug, is our ability to break from the restrictions imposed by 'the selfish gene'. We are not controlled entirely by the need to pass on our genetic information. That's why we have art, science and Steven Seagal movies.

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Guest disparaissant

not saying people can't do their thing.. but if reproduction serves to filter those who are most fit for survival, seems as though homos will need to be sperm doners or find a surrogate mother. question is valid if you consider it even partially a genetic trait


humans have evolved well beyond the point of "filtering those fit for survival." medical science has made sure of that.

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not saying people can't do their thing.. but if reproduction serves to filter those who are most fit for survival, seems as though homos will need to be sperm doners or find a surrogate mother. question is valid if you consider it even partially a genetic trait


humans have evolved well beyond the point of "filtering those fit for survival." medical science has made sure of that.



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Guest disparaissant

well i was thinking more in the sense of people with down's or whatever that just would have been thrown down a well a few hundred years ago. but yeah.


also i mean the fact that i don't fuck men doesn't mean i don't want kids.

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