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tuesday night drunk thread.


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i need a spliff so bad.


shit, id settle for some shwag in a pipe made from an apple.


quoted for truth. I put a lot of money in christmas presents for my girlfriend and her parents so I dunno if I'll be getting any ganja the next month. it's a weird thing about weed how you can't get addicted but after a while you could really go for a spliff just to beat the stress.


when someone told me about using an apple as a pipe, i thought it was bollocks. what an odd thing to do.


i had the same reaction but it was one of my rastafari buddies who did that shit, and the last thing he'd do was waste weed, so I'm pretty sure it's a good way to go.

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that's a fucking good price. 5 grams for 50€ here if you're lucky.. mostly OK but sometimes they get this nasty ass good shit out of nowhere, like pollem and other stuff. will send you halfway across the galaxy. so you never really know what you get.. part of the fun I guess.

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my mate's best price cos he's a connection point. he's also a manic k-head that talks too much, so i'd rather do business in a coffeshop <3

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quoted for truth. I put a lot of money in christmas presents for my girlfriend and her parents so I dunno if I'll be getting any ganja the next month. it's a weird thing about weed how you can't get addicted but after a while you could really go for a spliff just to beat the stress.


Yeah man. The missus got laid off not too long ago, so we're pretty hard up. Every "extra" dime I've had lately has had to go to her children's xmas gifts. I know I can get addicted to weed, because I am. It's been 3 days and good lord I'm craving.

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quoted for truth. I put a lot of money in christmas presents for my girlfriend and her parents so I dunno if I'll be getting any ganja the next month. it's a weird thing about weed how you can't get addicted but after a while you could really go for a spliff just to beat the stress.


Yeah man. The missus got laid off not too long ago, so we're pretty hard up. Every "extra" dime I've had lately has had to go to her children's xmas gifts. I know I can get addicted to weed, because I am. It's been 3 days and good lord I'm craving.


I kinda felt the same some time ago but I know it's just this idea in your head. And I mean that in the nicest way possible because it's a really thruthful idea in your head about how weed makes everything better, and it really does. I miss weed.

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Guest uptown devil

I know I can get addicted to weed, because I am. It's been 3 days and good lord I'm craving.

true that. i was at a few times a day for the past few years and recently decided to stop. the first week was a bitch.. i'd sleep for ten hours, wake up feeling totally exhausted, take a nap a few hours later and still wake up feeling tired. and the dreams were fucking ridiculous. every day that happened. it's been a few weeks now and the tiredness is gone, but my desire to get lifted is not.

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Guest uptown devil

i felt the need to check myself i guess. it was just sort of fucking with my mind, making me way more apathetic and lazy than i want to be. almost to the point of emotional sterility. in the past it's always been a creative catalyst and a motivator, as in i'd smoke and then immediately feel the need to make music or art, go on a hike, clean up, accomplish something.. whatever, but towards the end i would get high, veg out and feel like shit about being unproductive. not to mention it seems to be a drain on self confidence and esteem.

i'm moving out to colorado in a week, so i'll probably pick it up again.. hopefully in moderation this time (though that's never the case). i have to admit, the time i spend making music dwindles significantly whenever i stop smoking. sad, really.

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Ahh, I get you. I get the apathy sometimes, but rarely. It really helps my ADD. I usually get more music stuff done when high then not, but I reckon I don't need it to make tunes, it just helps me stay on task. It also helps with dealing with a 7 year old who doesn't listen to me or her mother. haha.

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Guest uptown devil

haha yeah, i bet. i'd also have to agree with you on not needing it to make tunes.. but if i sit down to make music not high, i'll get up or get off task within 15-30 minutes. if i smoke first, i'll sit there for three hours twisting knobs with my mouth hanging open before i realize what happened. i'm probably ADD as well, though i've never pursued a diagnosis or done any reading about it.


i was definitely just smoking way too much and it was reversing the positive effects and amplifying the negative ones.

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  • 3 weeks later...

finished the grey goose i ad and was forced to finish some random bottle of kirkland vodka someone left here. then i finished what was left of my gin. now imm drinking a stella. oh fuckl. it's monday.

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Guest placidburp

chugging my second bottle of wine and had lots of cheap lager and a nice brandy/baileys....and some port...my head hurty...

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Guest underscore

Good alcoholic beverages taste a lot better than weed.




I often feel like a derpderp because I could never see myself agreeing, baph.

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personal preferences are not derpderp, underscore! I just like acting like a pretentious connoisseur twat whilst actually getting off my cock inebriated. lol I'm a prick

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