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Guest Gary C

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I can't imagine why anyone would be excited for this. I highly doubt it's going to be significantly different from IV... in fact I think the Saints Row games kind of surpassed GTA at this point and proved that this kind of open world stuff is played out... that is until they introduce new aspects. But we'll see, I could be wrong. I'm pessimistic about this one, though.

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what's the difference between expressing a lack of excitement about it before you've played it and expressing excitement about it before you've played it? nothing.


I'm tired of game companies reguritating the same thing over and over. this is just going to be GTA IV with a sort of san andreas add on pack and a new story. and since I've always found the stories immature and the characters unlikable, i doubt there is anything here for me.


I want them to introduce new concepts and ideas into the game. you're right, I don't know, maybe they've intigrated a conversation system or more interactivity with the "locals" but I rather doubt it

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I'm sure it'll be a very exciting game; look at Red Dead. Rockstar did brilliantly on that game. good story, great acting and pretty solid multiplayer -- and that isn't all. graphics, atmosphere and those euphoria physics make the game even more fun. I'm SO looking forward to this. glad they're taking more time to polish it up a bit :)

"I'm tired of game companies reguritating the same thing over and over."

imo, rockstar, along with Valve are one of the few companies to NOT do this...

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I guess my main problem is that GTA3 felt like a revolution. And frankly the only games I ever feel enthusiastic about are the ones that are revolutionary. Because I've already played San Andreas and IV. The experience of these games no longer has mystery or novelty for me. I've never liked most video game stories because they often just feel like really, really bad/awkward movies. I don't play games for stories, I play games for immersion and a new experience of being someone else or just basic interest in gameplay mechanics.


I'm personally very much disgusted with the lack of innovation in game companies these days. It's shocking how far they've fallen. I mean, can we really dispute this? Look at all the NEW INNOVATIONS introduced every single year in the 90s and even some years in the 00s. And now look at the past 3 or 4 years. The only innovations have been by indie companies in games like Journey, which is a great game. Everything else is just corporate regurgitation and basically the stinking shit of marketing firms converted into energy pellets and then crammed together into trash cubes, sculpted into the form of games.


But without any sort of innovation in GAMES there is almost zero value in them. Because what made the greatest games the greatest games was that they were a brand new experience when you played them.

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I don't play games for stories, I play games for immersion and a new experience of being someone else or just basic interest in gameplay mechanics.

i don't really see what you are looking in the GTA series for, then... all the games are heavily focused on story with the fun of knocking down fat people and jumping off tall buildings. the story is the main focus


maybe check out the new SimsCity game? :emotawesomepm9:

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What made GTA3 good was never the story. What made the game good was very much the gameplay and feeling of driving cars around a big city and killing people and running from the police. The feeling of freedom and the innovation of the game in introducing this unbridled sense of criminality was essentially the only thing the games had going for them. The story has always been cheap and tacked on. Nobody is going to remember the characters like they remember the characters from classic films, for example. What they'll remember is running around a city killing people... because that was a totally new experience for them. If you play games for story then I feel sorry for you... gameplay should obviously always come first in terms of importance.

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Let me revise that: story CAN be very good, and very entertaining. But it should never be the only reason to keep playing the game.


At the least, it should function as a guiding thing to guide the gameplay forward. Put you into new areas, introduce new weapons or whatever. That's at the least.


If the story wants to be way better than that, then it should be. And often it is. But when the story is excellent and the gameplay suffers, for me personally I'm really not willing to play the game. I'd rather just watch the cutscenes on Youtube so I don't have to waste 12 hours of my life playing repetitive and poorly designed gameplay sequences just to see what happens next.



This isn't really a problem for me because usually I find game stories to be amateur hack jobs! But now I'm just being a dick. I just long for the game industry to start moving forward because I really think it's been stagnating and nothing anyone says can make me feel differently. I'd go as far as to say that anyone who doesn't feel the same is just wrong, and can be proven wrong.

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Guest Pennywise

I thought mgs4 was ruined by constant cut scenes. You dont actually get to do a lot in that game, especially compared to mgs3. fuck that

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Saints Row 2 is the stupidest game I've ever played (and not in the good way).


You're driving a poop truck, and you're spraying people/buildings with poop... so fucking funny...


If you're a 14 year old teenage boy, you might enjoy it.

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Saints Row 2 is the stupidest game I've ever played (and not in the good way).


You're driving a poop truck, and you're spray people/buildings with it... so fucking funny...


If you're a 14 year old teenage boy, you might enjoy it.

You should totally try Saints Row 3. It's like they took everything even remotely intelligent or smart about the second one and flushed it down the toilet.
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I don't know.. I think there's something to be said about the daft fun of a Saints Row game. I don't find they have the longevity of a GTA, but they're basically like an alternate universe version. The humour is often a little forced and rubbish, but the games themselves are solid.


Not a GTA beater, but it's definitely not unwelcome. There are MUCH WORSE sandbox games around. I would say if you can pick it up cheap then go for it. I'm talking SR1 and 2 though, not tried 3.

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Well.. Volition deserves some credit for not just completely ripping GTA, like every other crime open world game used to do. But the direction they're going, is just not for me. Just like I didn't like all the silly jetpack stuff later in the GTA:SA campaign.


The first Saints Row was actually pretty fun (probably because it was one of the first next-gen open world games, this generation).


But if I want to play a game for just the sandbox elements, and over the top stuff. I'd rather play Red Faction: Guerilla or Just Cause 2.

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The Saints Row games were really fucking good. You're just forgetting how much fun you had with it. GTAIV was massive but way too depressing/grimdark storywise. If anything, the new turn for GTAV seems to have been inspired by the SR games.

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