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I'm pissed off that I can't get past something I guess is so simple and early on.


It's a knight that you find down a set of stairs facing the other way. Fucker keeps killing me. I could ignore him and go to two towers and a stone bridge with some big fucker on it, but I feel I'm missing something if I can't kill this knight.


Where am I going wrong? All this talk of spells an' shit, I don't seem to have any of yet??? Is this normal???

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I'm pissed off that I can't get past something I guess is so simple and early on.


It's a knight that you find down a set of stairs facing the other way. Fucker keeps killing me. I could ignore him and go to two towers and a stone bridge with some big fucker on it, but I feel I'm missing something if I can't kill this knight.


Where am I going wrong? All this talk of spells an' shit, I don't seem to have any of yet??? Is this normal???


Sounds like the first real knight you encounter in the game, atop a castle of sorts if I'm not mistaken - you probably need to level up a bit more, because that mini-boss on the bridge will eat your lunch at this point if you can't easily beat the knight.

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I'm pissed off that I can't get past something I guess is so simple and early on.


It's a knight that you find down a set of stairs facing the other way. Fucker keeps killing me. I could ignore him and go to two towers and a stone bridge with some big fucker on it, but I feel I'm missing something if I can't kill this knight.


Where am I going wrong? All this talk of spells an' shit, I don't seem to have any of yet??? Is this normal???


You talking about the black knight in Undead Burg? All he is doing is guarding a ring.In these games you have to realize there are some enemies you simply must skip until you get more powerful.


You will get some spells when you rescue a spell trainer from the lower undead burgs (which you can access after you get a key from the chapel enterance). He is behind a locked door, that you need a "residence key" to open. The key is sold by the merchant in the undead burg.


If you are talking about pyromany, you will unlock your first pyromancy trainer when you free him from the depths, which will most likely happen after you beat the lower undead burg mentioned above.

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Anor Londo for the 1st time. Just accidentally killed the fire keeper by setting the controller down awkwardly on the couch. Lovely.


Although this can be a pain its no big deal. You lose this bonfire due to other reasons later in the game. I won't spoil. There are 2 other bonfires in anor londo.

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Well you can opt to not lose that bonfire, depending on your choices. At least, based on my choices, I never lost the bonfire. I know how/why you lose it because I became obsessed with the lore...but just chose to opt out of that decision until NG+


Really can't wait for the DLC now, I must add. I might breakdown and get the PC version just so I can access the DLC earlier. WE WILL SEE.


What would be nice was if you could transfer your character from xbox to pc and vice versa. I did this with Skyrim so that I could play on my laptop at work on the weekends, which was awesome.

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Well you can opt to not lose that bonfire, depending on your choices. At least, based on my choices, I never lost the bonfire. I know how/why you lose it because I became obsessed with the lore...but just chose to opt out of that decision until NG+


While this is true, I think its far more beneficial on your first playthrough to lose this bonfire.


Not sure if you noticed this or not, but after Anor Londo goes dark, 2 Dark Moonblade humans appear at the bottom of the steps before O&S's room, and I think its by far the easiest soul farming location in the game.




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The main reason I chose to not do what needed to to be done to make it go dark was for the ore that I was mining from those large Golem knights. After that, I was so rinsed on Anor Londo that I just bounced.


But yes, I knew about that farming bit. I was a bit wary of it because I read that they were quite difficult, and the level that I was in the game already (80ish), I chose not to bother. I think I was sort of out leveled in certain spots, due to how much time I spent in Darkroot Garden.

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Ahh you talking about Titanite chunks. I think its slightly easier to do this in the klin since is a guarunteed drop every time, but by the time you are already in the klin you are only grinding for NG+ and trophies/achievements.


They are not that bad, one guy two hands his sword and has heavy armor, the other one can parry and wears no armor. Both can be backstabbed pretty easily but if you were faith based you could of Wrath of God them twice. I think I farmed them on my last char when I was about level 40ish to upgrade all my weapons and even out of my build. Its no big deal, something to keep in mind if you roll through there again. All the mobs get easy if you die to them enough (unlike Demon's souls *grumbles at tendency mechanic* :D )

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Ahh you talking about Titanite chunks. I think its slightly easier to do this in the klin since is a guarunteed drop every time, but by the time you are already in the klin you are only grinding for NG+ and trophies/achievements.


They are not that bad, one guy two hands his sword and has heavy armor, the other one can parry and wears no armor. Both can be backstabbed pretty easily but if you were faith based you could of Wrath of God them twice. I think I farmed them on my last char when I was about level 40ish to upgrade all my weapons and even out of my build. Its no big deal, something to keep in mind if you roll through there again. All the mobs get easy if you die to them enough (unlike Demon's souls *grumbles at tendency mechanic* :D )


Yeah, kiln is definitely the best place for farming titanite.

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I'm pissed off that I can't get past something I guess is so simple and early on.


It's a knight that you find down a set of stairs facing the other way. Fucker keeps killing me. I could ignore him and go to two towers and a stone bridge with some big fucker on it, but I feel I'm missing something if I can't kill this knight.


Where am I going wrong? All this talk of spells an' shit, I don't seem to have any of yet??? Is this normal???


Sounds like the first real knight you encounter in the game, atop a castle of sorts if I'm not mistaken - you probably need to level up a bit more, because that mini-boss on the bridge will eat your lunch at this point if you can't easily beat the knight.


Ok, I'll try and bypass both and get myself some more levels. Maybe I need to explore a bit more, however up to now it is seeming fairly linear.


I'm pissed off that I can't get past something I guess is so simple and early on.


It's a knight that you find down a set of stairs facing the other way. Fucker keeps killing me. I could ignore him and go to two towers and a stone bridge with some big fucker on it, but I feel I'm missing something if I can't kill this knight.


Where am I going wrong? All this talk of spells an' shit, I don't seem to have any of yet??? Is this normal???


You talking about the black knight in Undead Burg? All he is doing is guarding a ring.In these games you have to realize there are some enemies you simply must skip until you get more powerful.


You will get some spells when you rescue a spell trainer from the lower undead burgs (which you can access after you get a key from the chapel enterance). He is behind a locked door, that you need a "residence key" to open. The key is sold by the merchant in the undead burg.


If you are talking about pyromany, you will unlock your first pyromancy trainer when you free him from the depths, which will most likely happen after you beat the lower undead burg mentioned above.


Cheers for the info. I'll get back to it this weekend and hopefully get a bit further.

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Ahh you talking about Titanite chunks. I think its slightly easier to do this in the klin since is a guarunteed drop every time, but by the time you are already in the klin you are only grinding for NG+ and trophies/achievements.


They are not that bad, one guy two hands his sword and has heavy armor, the other one can parry and wears no armor. Both can be backstabbed pretty easily but if you were faith based you could of Wrath of God them twice. I think I farmed them on my last char when I was about level 40ish to upgrade all my weapons and even out of my build. Its no big deal, something to keep in mind if you roll through there again. All the mobs get easy if you die to them enough (unlike Demon's souls *grumbles at tendency mechanic* :D )


Yeah, kiln is definitely the best place for farming titanite.


Actually, the ore was more of a side benefit for me, from farming those Iron Knights, now that i remember properly. I stayed in that area simply to farm souls, so that I could buy Twinkling Titanite from the Giant vendor to upgrade my Giant Armor set to +5. I think I was using Twinkling for something else, too..can't remember though! Kiln was aight for me, but by that point I was ready to finish the game. I did farm some, but wanted to get to Gwyn and start NG+......and then I promptly bought Dragon's Dogma and started playing that :[

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How many characters and what levels are they at, acid1?


Nothing that impressive. I've mentioned them in this thread. I have a Str/Pryo, pure Int, and a dex/faith all around SL120. My pure int char was the easiest, my dex/faith was the most fun. I started a vit/gouge yesterday with the intention of using an element weapon (Iato I think ..) , I don't know how far I'll get.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does the ending you choose in NG effect the NG+ playthrough, or does everything reset? I only have the Bed of Chaos and Gwyn to beat. I'm a SL 89, should I level up more? What are the most important things I need to do before I start NG+? Can I leave the Kiln after entering or am I stuck there till Gwyn is defeated?

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Does the ending you choose in NG effect the NG+ playthrough, or does everything reset? I only have the Bed of Chaos and Gwyn to beat. I'm a SL 89, should I level up more? What are the most important things I need to do before I start NG+? Can I leave the Kiln after entering or am I stuck there till Gwyn is defeated?


No, it just all resets.

You should be fine at SL 89, you might want to level up some more, but you will do that along the way probably.

You need to farm the shit out of the kiln, and upgrade armour and weapons.

You can leave all you want.

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Thanks! I feel a bit overpowered tbh. I'm using a +15 Zwiehander, so I'm one shot or 2 shotting everything just about. Shit, I don't consider myself a great player, and I beat the 4 kings, demon firesage, sif, and a few others without even dying. My wife just started this game the other day as well, and she's surprisingly good at it. She's stuck at the Capra demon atm.

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Bed of Chaos is the most annoying fucking boss on the planet. Gwyn is cake.


What, you don't like his troll-like sweeps that knock you instantly into the pit?

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I have to give them props for acknowledging how big of a dick that boss is, and keeping any damage you do to it in place when you return. Otherwise I would have quit forever in rage. Probably trashed my xbox while I was at it.



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