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this is it

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian


this has 100% saved my life from despair.. my search for answers is finally over.

i'll let dr. wahl speak for herself but the same principles she applies have worked for me to solve my own problem,

which has absolutely nothing to do with multiple sclerosis

you actually are what you eat, farm over factory, eat local, etc

food is the medicine doctors should be looking for, in my opinion.

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Guest analogue wings

it worked for me.


to solve my own problem,

which has absolutely nothing to do with multiple sclerosis


so.... you stopped eating Denny's and you had more energy? OMFG WRITE A BOOK AND GO ON OPRAH

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The basic experience of reality is everything anybody ever experiences. It is, everything.


The basic experience of reality can be good or bad.


The basic experience is largely influenced by heath.


Good health means a good experience.


Bad health can either subtly or severely make overall experience less enjoyable.


Since the basic experience is 'everything,' and health plays a huge role in this experience, why doesn't everyone want to have good health?


It would improve their experience.


The world would become a higher level of overall happiness if people stopped eating meat and stopped eating unhealthy food.


--something like that


Fuck science anyway, people like science way too much. Science doesn't have all the answers.

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Guest fiznuthian

i refuse to argue with you.. i'm only sharing my experience

sorry for somehow irritating you to the core

you know my life has been a total piece of shit until now.. and i owe that to this "ridiculous" diet formulated by scientists

my apologies for feeling pretty fucking good about NOT having to suffer anymore,

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Guest Lucy Faringold

Good video. Balanced, healthy diet is where it's at for reals. I spent most of the last two years dealing with some crazy bad health shit and insane symptoms that eventually, after seeing about 100 doctors, got diagnosed as a chronic vitamin B3 deficiency. I'm certain that a lot of health shit that people are dealing with could be improved drastically by a better diet.


So analogue wings is a real dick head, huh

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Guest analogue wings

yeah what a dick head i am for telling people when they are being lied to about their health. how cold and uncaring of me. i should just let people believe what they want to believe and not what is actually real

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lol yeah I guess being an MD who teaches internal medicine at a pretty damn good school must be all about hippy bullshit.

you know that science changes over time right AW?


Also she doesn't say anything about factory farming or eating local.

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Guest fiznuthian

yeah what a dick head i am for telling people when they are being lied to about their health. how cold and uncaring of me. i should just let people believe what they want to believe and not what is actually real


Lied to? I'm being told to eat meat, vegetables, and fruit.. real food. And i'm being lied to?

I'm eating a supremely nutritious diet devoid of any matter my body does not utilize for something..

And sure enough, i'm extremely rapidly growing strong and healthy. And my incurable skin disorder has regressed. Every facet of my body and mind has improved significantly.


Why the fuck would this happen if i'm being lied to? Trust me, I tried vegetarianism, veganism, mediteranean, pretty much every fucking thing under the sun and sure enough the answer was right in front of me. EAT REAL FOOD.

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Guest fiznuthian

lol yeah I guess being an MD who teaches internal medicine at a pretty damn good school must be all about hippy bullshit.

you know that science changes over time right AW?


Also she doesn't say anything about factory farming or eating local.

My farm over factory comment is just to suggest that it's better to eat food that is either raised or grown from a farm rather than processed in a factory.

While supermarket meats are not nearly the quality of pastured local meats, in combination with vegetables and fruit supermarket meat does just fine. I eat some, and get local meat when I can, but otherwise eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids to reduce the impact of inferior meat's fatty acid profile.

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