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strange sounds in the sky

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

im amazed theres no discussion about this yet, regarding the weird phenomena of the strange sounds in the sky occurring all over the world. back in late 2010, videos started popping up on fringe websites of people standing outside their homes recording video of these very strange, and really quite disturbing noises, seemingly coming from the sky. i was pretty disturbed about it at the time. the videos seemed real, and so did the sounds. i was only aware of a few at the time though, so i discounted it and made no position, though i do remember hoping like hell that the videos werent real


as 2011 passed by, i noticed the odd video pop up here and there on alternative websites, and always just kept it in my pocket as a reminder. it wasnt a big deal yet. until now. as of late 2011, and especially january 2012, the phenomena has not only returned, but exploded. its now experienced all over the world, and frightening lots of people, myself included, which ill elaborate on soon. this is getting to be a huge deal, it went viral online, even msnbc and others are doing stories on it. add it to the list of madness happening all over the world


so it seems that theres some unexplained sound phenomena which is very disturbing and bizarre, that no one has a clue as to what it is. so basically, theres a wide variety explanations across the board, from earthquakes, to sun flares, from aliens to HAARP, from 2012 prophecy, to an elaborate hoax. im wishing for the latter to be true, because anything else from that is completely terrifying and mysterious. these videos are pretty wild, and they are exploding in numbers as of right now, theres hundreds of them. some are indeed fake - and that has been proven to be true as far as i now, but im not discounting anything at the moment until we no more, and we will very soon. my main recommendation to anyone looking for the truth, is not to be distracted by the inaccurate and straight up false articles google is throwing to the top of its searches on this subject. i couldnt believe my eyes when i read the lie after lie after unproven fact in some of these top articles that im sure are turning a lot of people away from this. also, of course, youre going to have the idiots making trick youtube videos that go all ridiculous halfway, and then those who will attempt to mimic the videos with audio software. the point to remember, is that there was a sudden outburst of videos uploaded online of pretty much the exact same thing, and we just dont know yet, what the truth is and if its actually real or not. because people, if this is real, were dealing with a whole new level of insanity


the last point id like to make is that ive myself heard the noise. early - to mid 2011, i was walking home from the store, and i heard this really strange noise emitting from the sky. sounded like military jets circling the city, but thats just the closest description i have. it wasnt planes, you could tell, it was like this loud noise broadcasting from the sky, swaying around from left to right, literally out of nowhere. now im already the suspicious type when it comes to unexplained or weird phenomena, but i couldnt believe my ears when i told my brother the next day, who stayed at his girlfriends house that night, that he heard the exact same thing, and infact had ran out of her house into the street to see what the noise was. so that happened, which makes this whole thing even crazier - you have this weird event occurring all around the planet, and loads of people think its all a hoax, without even doing the due research. that indicates that if something crazy is happening, lots of people will not admit to the reality of it. just like how i warned you for years, and nobody really listened, and now its got so crazy that almost no one believes the world is what they thought it was. so either this is going to go away right away, or its going to increase to levels of undeniability, something that personally frightens me to great degrees


so refrain from your usual watmm bullshit in this thread - i ask you to not take a solid position without doing your research first. its why im typing this, i just want to know if its real or not. again, some videos have been debunked as fake, dont use that against everyone else searching for truth. ill give you some links to videos - theres so many though. btw, ive heard the "costa rica" video and others have been proven fake, and its in one of the compilation videos im gonna post. i apologize for that, so keep that in mind, and go find your own videos and do your own research


just google strange sounds in sky, theres hundreds of articles and videos online




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Guest ex-voto

I love the way they zoom in on the sky once the sound starts, like you could see the sound or something.


Cool synths for sure.

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This is the third thread about these viral videos. It's god dropping the bass, no big deal.

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Guest ruiagnelo

it's the result of my first experiences with the reason software. as i have failed to create actual tracks, i have added a bunch of amateur videos to it, so that it doesn't seem like i was wasting my time

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Seriously though, this is some backwards jazz slowed down by 800%. I like these viral vids, I wish they were real.

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Guest Helper ET

even if it does turn out to be some marketing campaign, it could still just be a cover for something real thats occurring. i know what i experienced last year, at the exact same time as my brother at a different location. and your not going to convince me that that was viral marketing now are you?


so predictable. just like ufo videos, several of them turned out to be fake back in the day. then when everyone had CGI software, of course we had a whole new wave of fake videos. and you can tell the idiots apart from the intellectuals, because they for some reason think that if some ufo videos are faked, there are no ufos. im not at all surprised by your logic, idiots dont really talk a whole lot of sense. im sorry if your unable to focus longer than 10 seconds to read a long post or go do research


now go back to your little games children

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Guest RadarJammer

I think if this turned out to be viral marketing for a movie/show/product it might backfire in some ways. People don't appreciate being fucked with and having their grasp on reality or belief system intentionally manipulated for something petty and superficial like that.


If the videos are coming from all around the world then its probably some imageboard having a laugh.

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People don't appreciate being fucked with and having their grasp on reality or belief system intentionally manipulated for something petty and superficial


7,528,130,642 times per second

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Guest RadarJammer

Yeah but it wouldn't be much different than if there was a campaign to convince some towns of a serial killer or something just so they could trick people into buying tickets to see Scream 5. I would only assume the executives at the top know when to stop and that line is probably pretty safely before accidentally tricking gullible religious people that the trumpets of revelation are sounding off in the sky around the world.

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Guest Helper ET

good points


ok, as i type, the military jets sound i heard last year is back. its just this constant whooshing sound coming from one part of the sky. its been going on for about 15 minutes. just sounds like jets, but it doesnt seem like it

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