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I was just remembering this track (thanks schlucharski) and thought it probably deserves a thread.


So who here is into Mike Patton ? Or Secret Chiefs 3 ? I'm also starting to listen to some John Zorn and it sounds awesome, feel free to give me your recommendations on the albums I should grab next !

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hah, i just visited that topic and thought of this as well.


i'm a huge bungle fan. the combined efforts of mostly trevor dunn, trey spruance and mike patton... i mean, they are amazing musicians but what impresses me the most is the songwriting

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Guest Wall Bird

But fucking Pink Cigarette is amazing. the line "You'll find a note and then you'll see my silhouette" always gives me shivers.


...and then those chords that unfurl afterwards. I know what you mean.


If you're gonna get into Secret Chiefs 3, Antape, I would recommend getting 'Book of Horizons'. I think that it's their most lush and well-rounded album. It contains almost every one of the sub-bands that make up the group, so it's got a good sample of everything the band is capable of.


If you're gonna get into John Zorn, good luck. There's a lot of recordings in a lot of different idioms. My favorite by him is 'The Big Gundown', one of his most popular albums. The entire album consists of arrangements of Ennio Morricone's music, which is a whole other world of awesomeness to expose yourself to if you're unfamiliar. The combination of these two musicians makes for one of my top ten albums. Here's a taste:



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Secret Chiefs 3 is, without question, my favorite band of all time, and Mr. Bungle's pretty godly, too. I think Ars Moriendi is the song that first won my heart back in '99, but the Disco Volante album is what secured my unconditional love, when I got around to it a year or so later.

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Actually I'm completely unfamiliar with Disco Volante, it's an album I've always been thinking I should listen to but never really did.


I think I know every Secret Chiefs album, and the ones I prefer are Book M and Book of Angels. This second one is certainly the most homogeneous of their work. I'd say it's the weakness of the band to sometimes go in too many directions and some tracks are IMO a lot less exciting than others in about all of their alums.


But that's still a great band. I've heard they're absolutely amazing in concert.


Also, the only things I know about John Zorn is that he played sax on some Mr Bungle tracks, he composed Secret Chiefs 3 Books Of Angels, and recently I grabbed The Unknown Massada at the library and it's fookin awesome. It's quite similar to Books Of Angels but the tracks goes in more directions, though the album stays very cohesive. That's impressive and I want to hear more.


(that's why I borrowed another of his disks in the contemporary music corner of the library and I didn't even listen to it in its full length when I realized it was just like modulated white noise and some bleeps. Maybe later, maybe I need to be stone... I'm really not sure about that type of music, it's probably too much for me)

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Actually I'm completely unfamiliar with Disco Volante, it's an album I've always been thinking I should listen to but never really did.


the problem i've got with disco volante is that it sounds less bungle and more zorn. it's got some amazing tracks on it, like carry stress in the jaw, but when it comes to songwriting and production i think it's inferior to mr bungle and california.

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I'll add listening to Disco Volante to my to-do-list of the week. Is Zorn implied in it somewhat ? Anyway what I remember is that it sounds way more experimental than the two other albums.

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I think DV is more cohesive than it first seems. Zorn actually produced the first album1, DV is all Mr. Bungle.


The problem I have with DV is the fucking mastering. I'm a man who likes some dynamic range, but fuck me that is too much dynamic range.


Ma Meeshka is all you need:






1redundant REDUNDANT reeeedun dant REDUNDANT




I seriously do love California, though. I don't mean to imply it's anything less than brilliant.


Not a huge fan of the first album.

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yes, listen to disco volante ASAP. it's a hell of a lot more dark and twisted than california.


but i must say california is my favorite too. best pop/headfuck collision ever.


i could never fully get into their first album though. feels too.. cartoony?


secret chiefs are amazing.

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hi people on watmm!

Bungle is beast but nothing of them can top "Suspended Animation" by Fantomas, absolutly one of my favorite albums!! striclty 4 professional brainwankers!

just listen to this!!!





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I love Fantomas, too, and Mike P, but there's too much of an emphasis on Mike P doing his kecak1 thing, sometimes, which is great and all but can get a little... expected from him, particularly with Fantomas and anything he does with Zorn.



1 C.f. Baraka [

]; Goodbye Sober Day @ 2:42 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8XYWZMHqpU
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California's my least favourite of the three proper albums, although I think it's brilliant and still takes a big shit over most other artists' efforts. Surprised there's so little love for the first album so far here, I still find it a pretty harrowing listen sometimes. Bungle were pure unadulterated genius on every fucking level.


baph, that's awesome. And I've just got to say, when shit kicks off after the chanting in Goodbye Sober Day, it's fucking devastating.

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I think DV is more cohesive than it first seems. Zorn actually produced the first album1, DV is all Mr. Bungle.

Yeah, but I was only saying it sounds really Zorny.

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I think DV is more cohesive than it first seems. Zorn actually produced the first album1, DV is all Mr. Bungle.

Yeah, but I was only saying it sounds really Zorny.


I know what you mean, and I can see why you'd call it Zorny, but I just like the quality of the compositions more than most of JZ's stuff (which I like, but I've sort of tired of).


There's some interesting context on the whole Zorn incestuous circle of friends and performers and its influence on MB in this article:



Obviously, Trey and Zorn still respect the hell out of each other, with the whole Book of Angels thing and all.


Incidentally, hell hath frozen over and Mike Patton is contributing vocals to an upcoming SC3 7" a cover of Jacques Brel's (and I guess by extension, Scott Walker's) Le Chanson de Jacky. http://www.webofmimicry.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=94

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I think DV is more cohesive than it first seems. Zorn actually produced the first album1, DV is all Mr. Bungle.

Yeah, but I was only saying it sounds really Zorny.


I know what you mean, and I can see why you'd call it Zorny, but I just like the quality of the compositions more than most of JZ's stuff (which I like, but I've sort of tired of).


There's some interesting context on the whole Zorn incestuous circle of friends and performers and its influence on MB in this article:



Obviously, Trey and Zorn still respect the hell out of each other, with the whole Book of Angels thing and all.


Incidentally, hell hath frozen over and Mike Patton is contributing vocals to an upcoming SC3 7" a cover of Jacques Brel's (and I guess by extension, Scott Walker's) Le Chanson de Jacky. http://www.webofmimi...&products_id=94


Hah, I remember reading that article a while back. Looking forward to hearing Patton singing Brel, hopefully his french won't suck too bad and he won't, uh, over-dramatize? I mean Brel is supposed to be sung dramatically but I can imagine it being, uh, overdone. Patton really pulled some (at least slightly) unexpected stuff off when he did the Mondo Cane stuff though, so he'll probably manage

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Guest Wall Bird

Incidentally, hell hath frozen over and Mike Patton is contributing vocals to an upcoming SC3 7" a cover of Jacques Brel's (and I guess by extension, Scott Walker's) Le Chanson de Jacky. http://www.webofmimi...&products_id=94


The singles have been posted online:




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