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Enemy Expatriation Act Could Strip Americans of Citizenship


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Guest disparaissant

@SR4 it's out of context, the dude is all about the occupy movement. this was in direct response to a guy telling him that he wasnt voting. we share similar views re: voting.

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THAT said


also wow i didnt even catch the obama = anti-gay marriage. that's ridiculous. the administration stopped defending DOMA, no one has attempted to get an amendment in circulation (unlike the bush years) everything that has happened with the obama administration and gay marriage bolster my point that democrats are stagnant at worst on social issues.


obama has said before that he believes marriage is between a man and woman.


also, wtf is with your obama rolling a joint gif? obama is against legalization/decriminalization/medicinal use of marijuana. it's funny that democrats are so deluded to think otherwise. the dea has been raiding dispensaries in cali even after obama promised not to do so. he's a fucking hypocrite and he's not getting my vote.


and pretending to believe in god?? are you guys serious? why can't you take obama at face value instead of saying, "ohh he's just pretending, he's actually a liberal atheist homosexual who loves smoking weed. he just needs to get reelected, just you wait!"

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wait, this is the first ive heard of Obama being anti-gay marriage...can you clarify?




He's politically anti-gay marriage or neutral. He stated that his position is "evolving." Basically he's just pussying out for teh votes.


Sort of like how he has to pretend he believes in God and then accidentally hitched his wagon Rev. Nutjob. Oops.

yup thanks for not scoffing at a factual statement, appreciated!

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Im all about voting. Im just not voting for either of the major frontrunners. IMHO, its about exercise of the right rather than if it actually accomplishes anything substantial. But there seriously needs to be a push back towards the left in the Democratic party, and that can only be done from within.


It blows my mind to imagine how many tea-partiers may have aligned with occupiers if just a few surface partisan fallacies were dispelled.

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Guest disparaissant



you might

notice that the paper he is using is the constitution

not anything about obama smoking/being pro/anti pot, it's just

obama smoking the constitution


(let's pretend the stuff he is smoking is ground up palestinians.)

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yeah its from over a year ago, but he never bothered to clarify or lessen his stance




and he didnt even have the balls to say it himself, this guy is seriously a joke. I dont understand how anyone can support him anymore, oh well


edit: so the only way to spin this is either A) hes being as neutral as possible so he can get relected b) he's pretending being christian so he can get elected c) or he really has no committal position on gay marriage


are any of these respectable positions for a person to have?

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wait, this is the first ive heard of Obama being anti-gay marriage...can you clarify?




He's politically anti-gay marriage or neutral. He stated that his position is "evolving." Basically he's just pussying out for teh votes.


Sort of like how he has to pretend he believes in God and then accidentally hitched his wagon Rev. Nutjob. Oops.


Sorry, I meant to post this:



It's just a rhetorical game, pandering to all the christ lovers. But, yeah, he's anti-DOMA. And that's nothing to sneeze at.

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Guest disparaissant

the DoJ declining to continue defending the constitutionality of a law at all is a huge deal.

the fact that it was DOMA says a lot.

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never thought I might be defending the guy, but it sounds like from the gist of that article he is opposing it on religious grounds, but not in egalitarian grounds. i don't know enough to make a decision either way.

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and pretending to believe in god?? are you guys serious? why can't you take obama at face value instead of saying, "ohh he's just pretending, he's actually a liberal atheist homosexual who loves smoking weed. he just needs to get reelected, just you wait!"


haha, calm the fuck down. I take Obama at face value and that's why I see a significant portion of what he says as flat out pandering, because that's historically what politicians do.


He was hands off about marijuana dispensaries until it became political convenient to be hands on about marijuana dispensaries. He came out as pro-gay marriage (not civil unions) before "evolving" his position to the above clips, and now he's "continuing to evolve" it. He's trying to adhere to what he thinks his base will swallow.


It's politics, for fucks' sake. Do you really think selecting Rev. Wright as his pastor was more than a political position? When it became politically inconvenient, he distanced himself.

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wait, this is the first ive heard of Obama being anti-gay marriage...can you clarify?




He's politically anti-gay marriage or neutral. He stated that his position is "evolving." Basically he's just pussying out for teh votes.


Sort of like how he has to pretend he believes in God and then accidentally hitched his wagon Rev. Nutjob. Oops.


Sorry, I meant to post this:




It's just a rhetorical game, pandering to all the christ lovers. But, yeah, he's anti-DOMA. And that's nothing to sneeze at.


this seems to be a perfectly reasonable position to take. how does it play out in reality?

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I should say, that was the case at the time of Obama's above statement.


I think the Respect for Marriage Act, which I believe Obama now supports, basically makes any state-recognized "marriage" a "marriage" for federal purposes, which is not insignificant. And effectively repeals provisions of DOMA that barred fed recognition of the same. Hence, Obama effectively opposes DOMA.


I've lost track of the current status of this, tbqh.


Please correct if wrong, am at work and brain foggy.


edit: wait, seriously, what's going on with RMA?

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baph - you can come live with me. Hoodie too. Smetty too. even sup can come, we've got great playgrounds up here. Dispy you 2! don't worry, you don't have to play with sup (unless you want to)

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This is not going to end well. Sometimes i think the Goverment is pushing the limits just for the lulz.


But i mean, new season of American Idol just started so who cares.

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as a result of sup's banning we're left debating the intractable problems of a two party pseudodemocracy rather than hitting the streets in support of the NDC party.



Wait, not this NDC party.

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Guest Helper ET

baph - you can come live with me. Hoodie too. Smetty too. even sup can come, we've got great playgrounds up here. Dispy you 2! don't worry, you don't have to play with sup (unless you want to)


can i come?

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Wait, not this NDC party.


lol, this reminds me. The other day a (drunk) bunch of us went to an african restaurant where they play live music, the band that day were from Ghana .. everytime they stopped playing my friends and i started chanting "SUAREZ SUAREZ!", they eventually threw us out .. the whole place was cheering.

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baph - you can come live with me. Hoodie too. Smetty too. even sup can come, we've got great playgrounds up here. Dispy you 2! don't worry, you don't have to play with sup (unless you want to)


aww dude :3 ty.

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i actually love the places ive visited in canada...and for some weird reason one of my all-time dreams is to get a beat up truck with off-road capabilities and drive to Yellowknife. if any place will hire me to teach US history, im gone1

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I am #1 sup fan chengod.





baph - you can come live with me. Hoodie too. Smetty too. even sup can come, we've got great playgrounds up here. Dispy you 2! don't worry, you don't have to play with sup (unless you want to)


can i come?


You're already here.


Wait, not this NDC party.


lol, this reminds me. The other day a (drunk) bunch of us went to an african restaurant where they play live music, the band that day were from Ghana .. everytime they stopped playing my friends and i started chanting "SUAREZ SUAREZ!", they eventually threw us out .. the whole place was cheering.


Holy fucking lol.

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i think this sheds some light on how deeply misguided Obama is


In 2006, Obama published “The Audacity of Hope,” which became a blueprint for his 2008 Presidential campaign. In it he said:


“Depending on your tastes, our condition is the natural result of radical conservatism or perverse liberalism, Tom DeLay or Nancy Pelosi, big oil or greedy trial lawyers, religious zealots or gay activists, Fox News or the New York Times.”


this kind of false equivalency centrism to me is the final nail in his 'progressive president' coffin

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