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Ron Paul Announces ‘End the TSA’ Money Bomb

Guest Helper ET

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you go to prison if you resist at that point. and that doesn't help anyone.



usually I find your posts whimsical but I need to calm myself down whenever you post now.







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Guest Helper ET

you idiot, you go to prison if you resist at that point. and that doesn't help anyone.


is that fucking true?! because if so its been a near miss for me ever since this all started. i need facts! give me links, anything...


if what you say is indeed true, ill never step a foot into an airport again. you can imagine the effect this would have on my personal life, such as the giant trip i have planned later this year

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Guest Helper ET

i do remember when this started in the beginning of 2011, some guy refused all the security measurements at some airport in the US, and as he was leaving the airport, he was temporarily arrested and told he was being fined $10 000. i should find that article...

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wait...you serious?


From everywhere:


Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has been detained by TSA at the Nashville Airport after reportedly refusing a pat-down.
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Guest Helper ET

sorry i stepped away for a bit


yeah, im dead serious, but shit, never thought of rand paul. didnt they let him go right away though? i guess im still in a little bit of denial myself...are they detaining people for long periods of time? fuck, now my memory is coming back, im remembering alex jones being detained at an airport for around 12 hours


oh fuck no

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Guest Helper ET

you go to prison if you resist at that point. and that doesn't help anyone.


so if i resisted the scan and the grab, in your opinion, am i going to be detained in a small room for who knows how long, or why did you say "go to prison". maybe you meant imprisonment in the basic form of the word. can you elaborate on this?






i know, im killin it today. its because im mad, im riled up, and im not going to lay down and take this anymore!!!

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I'm all about civil liberties but somehow getting patted down or harmlessly x-rayed prior to getting on an airplane doesn't bother me. The profusion of cameras in public spaces (a la the UK) bothers me much more.

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Guest Helper ET

well if that bothers you, you should know that theyve announced in the US that they will be installing not only talking cameras in public spaces like in london, but red spotlights that shine on pre-crime suspects, kind of like the movie minority report


and on your former points, getting patted down in the airport in 2012 is an act of submission, to train the public to be cowardice and weak. the reason they designed the security check to be that way, is because they arent mentally broken like we are, and they still remember that when a man puts his hand down your pants, its called molestation. that is supposed to make you very uncomfortable and upset, but it doesnt have a strong emotional effect on everyone like it should, or like it used to


and lastly, you mentioned getting "harmlessly x-rayed". my friend, those machines are 10's of times more dangerous than they admit. the real science came out soon after this whole debacle, and it turns out that they are so much more deadly than they want everyone to think. now this might be hard to comprehend, but that was actually the plan all along. they want to radiate the shit out of us whenever they have the opportunity i.e. cancer rates exploding. its just eugenics, its not complicated. this isnt a game. i know reality is scary, but i promise you, that this tyrannical monster that were beginning to face, is far more terrifying than any reality you are denying today

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i've gotten three patdowns so far. i'm a 19 year old girl. definitely a potential terrorist, amirite.


Yeah I'm going to have to (never thought I'd do this) say that ET might actually have provided the most logical answer for why this is happening, ie groping potential.


Sorry, that fucking sucks, Hoodie. :(


the person that gropes you is of your own gender so it's not as molestation-y. the last time it happened it was some chick that was probably only a bit older than me. she didn't seem enthusiastic about it because i was bitching about getting patted down and interrupting all her instructions with "I KNOW I'VE DONE THIS TWICE BEFORE LET'S GET IT OVER WITH." she went extra hard between my thighs--not once, but twice up and down. she was fucking rubbing on me. you know, causing "maximum resistance" as the tsa likes to say. most thorough pat-down i've gotten yet. even touched the underside of my boobies.


i should've gotten her number, bitch wanted me.

Should have whipped out your strap-on, mounted her and yelled "Who's doing the administering now bitch?"

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I'm all about civil liberties but somehow getting patted down or harmlessly x-rayed prior to getting on an airplane doesn't bother me. The profusion of cameras in public spaces (a la the UK) bothers me much more.


the tsa is spreading to other places though, like bus stations and train stations. they've even started experimenting with highway checkpoints.




it's kinda horrifying.

i've gotten three patdowns so far. i'm a 19 year old girl. definitely a potential terrorist, amirite.


Yeah I'm going to have to (never thought I'd do this) say that ET might actually have provided the most logical answer for why this is happening, ie groping potential.


Sorry, that fucking sucks, Hoodie. :(


the person that gropes you is of your own gender so it's not as molestation-y. the last time it happened it was some chick that was probably only a bit older than me. she didn't seem enthusiastic about it because i was bitching about getting patted down and interrupting all her instructions with "I KNOW I'VE DONE THIS TWICE BEFORE LET'S GET IT OVER WITH." she went extra hard between my thighs--not once, but twice up and down. she was fucking rubbing on me. you know, causing "maximum resistance" as the tsa likes to say. most thorough pat-down i've gotten yet. even touched the underside of my boobies.


i should've gotten her number, bitch wanted me.

Should have whipped out your strap-on, mounted her and yelled "Who's doing the administering now bitch?"


i try to avoid getting tasered/arrested when at the airport, but it might very well come to that if they're gonna be such teases.

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When I flew over the summer, they were just pushing people through the body scanner without even telling them that that was what it was. I got up to it, looked it up and down, and said "is this a body scanner?" and they said "yes, please step through". I said I preferred a patdown. The TSA agent let out a huge sigh, and called on their walkie talkie for a male pat down assist. It took 10 minutes for someone to show up. I was obviously a very unique case of not wanting to be scanned. Never mind that I had to stand next to the thing for 10 minutes while others went through... probably got more radiation that way than by just going through it once.


People hate this stuff, but if 99% of the people at the airport that day weren't even asking what it was they were walking through, I doubt there will be much of a fight to truly end it.

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All girls should wear strap-ons and opt for the pat down.


We'll see of this kind of "protection" continues. :trap:


this is so incredibly tempting, but i'm way too passive to do it.


"ma'am, what's in your pants?"


"my plastic dick."


oh god, lulz would be had.

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All girls should wear strap-ons and opt for the pat down.


We'll see of this kind of "protection" continues. :trap:


this is so incredibly tempting, but i'm way too passive to do it.


"ma'am, what's in your pants?"


"i'm just happy to see you."


oh god, lulz would be had.



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i've been scanned a lot. every time i walk out the other side i'm like "damn i forgot the boner plan again. . oh well"


hoodie . . remember . . for all of us

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