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what pc games are you guys playing?


i just bought a new computer and want to check more out. i'm thinking of trying crysis 2... probably should check out half life 2 but that's a bit dated now

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

Half Life 2 is probably the best place to start, it might be 8 years old but it's possibly still one of the best PC games you'll ever play.

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fuck dated. the hl2 series still is the best storytelling experience you'll have in a pc game, along with portal.


i'm playing minecraft (not so much now), fallout 2, and dwarf fortress.


edit: fallout 3 is well worth your while too. i got kinda bored of new vegas, though.

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what pc games are you guys playing?


i just bought a new computer and want to check more out. i'm thinking of trying crysis 2... probably should check out half life 2 but that's a bit dated now


Crysis 2 is a severe let down. Extremely linear gameplay, and the storyline isn't exactly brilliant. Only thing going for it is the graphics when you have the DX11 patch and high res texture pack. If you can get the game cheap, go for it. Don't pay anything above $15 for it though.

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half life 2 is one of the best games I've played along with mass effect and elder scrolls series. Dead Space 2 one of my favorite games from 2011, amazing story, graphics and sound.

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I'm playing TF2, Battlefield 3, Fallout 3 + some DLC right now


TF2 has been free to play for a while, so I see no reason for anyone to not have it. Unless you somehow hate it I guess :shrug:


Yeah, Dead SPace is awesome too. I just checked out the Mass Effect 3 demo, but idk how I feel about it. There's so much dialog it takes away from the idea of a demo imo.

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Doom, Quake, duke nukem 3d, command and conquerer is all i can remember i have pS 3

my gf is playing sims 3 like 8hours a day though


All solid games.


I replayed through Quake (the first one) a few months back. Make sure you have the soundtrack enabled if you do. Such a fucking great game, probably id Software's best in terms of atmosphere. Although...DOOM really does deserve another play through

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it'sd a bit old school but 'sanitarium'

running it on vista with windows compataility

working on a tune as well


I thought I was the only one that's ever played it. I picked it up in a bargain bin for 3$ at an office supply store, and it was pretty damn awesome. It's availible on Gog.com now so you dont need to worry about it being compatible.

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