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Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'


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Guest disparaissant

im not even sure what you're trying to say at this point, to be fair

you're not really making a lot of sense

but whatever, i obviously don't have much vested in this conversation anyhow


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im not even sure what you're trying to say at this point, to be fair

you're not really making a lot of sense

but whatever, i obviously don't have much vested in this conversation anyhow



Well, I think it's easy to show up in a thread. Take a shit on some people. And leave again.


Simple math. Non?

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Guest disparaissant

not at all what i was trying to do, but you're obviously past the point of having a reasonable discussion so im sorry if it seems like that

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You weren't trying perhaps. And I'll gladly agree. But coming from nowhere and giving people the "you have some weird world views" kind of treatment can work in all kinds of ways. It's not that weird to figure that out, I'd hope.


Also not really an entrance which would advance "reasonable arguments", I'd say. But that's just my weird world view.


No bad feelings whatsoever though. Just typing in wild amusement.

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Guest disparaissant

nah i didn't say that until you started saying things that related in no way to what i said

whatever dude

im not the other people in this thread who were arguing with you, but it seems like its really hard for you to see that (which is funny because you are simultaneously acknowledging it)

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Well, I'm glad that my computer decided to break and now I'm busy trying to upgrade this old macbook so it can run snow leopard. Otherwise I'd join in this discussion in a more involved way.


goDel - that voices of finance blogs make for some great comedy. Thanks.

StephenG - Read a few sociology texts to understand why environment matters in a person's ability to succeed.


For some actual serious analysis of the crisis.



as to the OP, I've been a waiter/baretender/cook. It's hard fucking work. At the same time, I once tipped a guy a dime cause he was a jackass.

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It worked outside the US. But I'm having a hard time with "how the world works" as I'm not living in the US. The world works differently in there. And apparently the world ends at its borders.


edit: and it works in a weird way, I must admit.

And I'll leave it up to you where the weird part lies wrt the US borders.

South Korea - servers don't get tipped. They barely make a living wage though. What would happen is yes servers would leave, but then they would come back as they can't find other work. Wages would at first be somewhat above minimum wage, but would eventually sink back to minimum wage as employers find workers willing to work at that level.

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nah that was submitted to reddit or w/e by an employee of said banker, who said he is a right prick


you two have some weird ideas on how the world works, thats for sure

but it seems like its working for you

and it seems like when the world works for someone, they tend to forget how it doesn't work for some other people

nah i didn't say that until you started saying things that related in no way to what i said

whatever dude

im not the other people in this thread who were arguing with you, but it seems like its really hard for you to see that (which is funny because you are simultaneously acknowledging it)

Ehm, that first quote was your first post, right? You're not having dupes or anything, do you? Only argument I had upon that point was with Mesh Gear. And that went pretty reasonable from my point of view.


What are you on about?


also, yes I'm funny :p

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Thanks for the link, chen!


i dont even know

not what you're on about clearly

It doesn't matter. You've taken your shit. You can leave now. It's all fine. We'll take care of it while you're gone. I'll personally caress it, if you don't mind.


edit: "you've taken your shit" is prolly some awkward engrish. i am begging my pardon

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Well, I'm glad that my computer decided to break and now I'm busy trying to upgrade this old macbook so it can run snow leopard. Otherwise I'd join in this discussion in a more involved way.


goDel - that voices of finance blogs make for some great comedy. Thanks.

StephenG - Read a few sociology texts to understand why environment matters in a person's ability to succeed.


For some actual serious analysis of the crisis.



as to the OP, I've been a waiter/baretender/cook. It's hard fucking work. At the same time, I once tipped a guy a dime cause he was a jackass.


? I know environment matters on a person's ability to succeed. I'm well educated and have read a few sociology texts, I took an entire term related to the subject?


Not sure what you're getting at.

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If you've read any sociology books and still believe in the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" fallacy, there's not really anything more to say.

Putting words in my mouth I see.



6 months of related studies, 3.95 gpa

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The tip doesn't bug me. The get a real job thing does.


Lots of post-college kids waiting tables want a real job. They are probably at their wits ends trying to look for opportunities that are so rare, they may as well not exist. We've reached some sort of critical mass with educated college kids. And employers are able to be extremely picky with hiring for positions because they have a billion different applicants to go through. So they can pass over one person because one thing about them was "off" even if they don't know what it is.


Going to guess that customer was a douche. So the waiter treated him like one.

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If you've read any sociology books and still believe in the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" fallacy, there's not really anything more to say.

I really don't understand how it's a fallacy to say it's up to the individual to make something of themselves, within limits. Waiters/waitresses are in that job because that is the extent of what they have to offer to society. You really think the person serving you has the credentials to be a lawyer, an engineer, an airline mechanic, manage a business, etc? Clearly the vast majority of people in impoverished nations will never have high paying jobs. Good thing I never said anything along those lines.


Complete nonsense if you ask me.


The tip doesn't bug me. The get a real job thing does.


Lots of post-college kids waiting tables want a real job. They are probably at their wits ends trying to look for opportunities that are so rare, they may as well not exist. We've reached some sort of critical mass with educated college kids. And employers are able to be extremely picky with hiring for positions because they have a billion different applicants to go through. So they can pass over one person because one thing about them was "off" even if they don't know what it is.


Going to guess that customer was a douche. So the waiter treated him like one.


I can appreciate what you're saying. The market reaches a saturation point where the supply of educated people in an industry exceed the demand in that industry. Simply move to a country where your profession is in high demand/low supply.


Problem solved.


Or, have the foresight to educate yourself in a field that will be in high demand. Choose the right path.

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I usually pay the waiter 20% up front so he doesn't shit in my food.

Too bad the fast food chains don't work that way. I'm sure people are getting lots of extra spit without even having the opportunity to financially pre-tip. Only thing you can do is make a friendly impression or just look good.


Which makes me feel sorry for all those people not genetically equipped with good or friendly looks.

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If you've read any sociology books and still believe in the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" fallacy, there's not really anything more to say.

Putting words in my mouth I see.



6 months of related studies, 3.95 gpa


"How is that wrong? A person works these jobs as a result of the choices they make throughout life. If your environment does not permit opportunities you must change your environment. If you don't have the foresight to educate yourself and utilize what your environment has to offer or change your environment, you end up in the job you deserve."


It is not as simple as "change your environment."


lol at the 6 months related study, 3.95 GPA.

Soci 100 is not a class that requires much effort to get an A in. Did you go to University of Calgary?

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Tipping by percentage is like having a flat tax. (instead of deciding what the act of waitering should be worth) People who can pay more, give more. Simple, right?


Sure. My point is that those people who can pay more shouldn't discriminate based on how expensive the food is. If they get exceptional service from a waitress who works at a motel diner I don't see why she shouldn't get the same tip as someone working at a five star restaurant. She probably needs the tip a lot more. That's why the percentage thing is silly.

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If you've read any sociology books and still believe in the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" fallacy, there's not really anything more to say.

Putting words in my mouth I see.



6 months of related studies, 3.95 gpa


"How is that wrong? A person works these jobs as a result of the choices they make throughout life. If your environment does not permit opportunities you must change your environment. If you don't have the foresight to educate yourself and utilize what your environment has to offer or change your environment, you end up in the job you deserve."


It is not as simple as "change your environment."


lol at the 6 months related study, 3.95 GPA.

Soci 100 is not a class that requires much effort to get an A in. Did you go to University of Calgary?



York University and Athabasca University. Also I didn't take one single course.


Explain how a person can't jump on a plane and move somewhere with opportunity? Seems pretty easy. This is in the context of North America, mind you.


You may have missed that particular aspect of the conversation over the 6 pages.

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I usually pay the waiter 20% up front so he doesn't shit in my food.

Too bad the fast food chains don't work that way. I'm sure people are getting lots of extra spit without even having the opportunity to financially pre-tip. Only thing you can do is make a friendly impression or just look good.


Which makes me feel sorry for all those people not genetically equipped with good or friendly looks.


For fast food, I am just extremely apologetic for being there. When I walk in the door, I say I'm sorry immediately to anyone who's listening. Then when I get to the counter to order, I apologize for bothering them, and apologize for being hungry, and apologize for ordering without calling in first or giving them advance notice. "I'm just really really really sorry, but please, if it's not too much trouble and if you have time in the next hour, can I have a burger? I would go back there and make it myself but I know that's against health code regulations. Just please whatever you do, don't shit in my food. I'm sorry I will just leave now. Sorry."

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Really? How a person can't jump on a plane and move somewhere?


Ok: you're a 15 year old student who is quite bright, but because your parents didn't "make the right choices" you live in government subsidized housing, and have to start working a part time job in order to buy new clothes. As a result of working part-time, your studies start to slip. Even though you're making good grades, they're just not quite good enough to get a scholarship to a university. You'd apply for a loan, but don't have anyone who can co-sign. So now you're 18, working 50 hours a week, trying earn a wage good enough to pay rent and feed yourself.

"Oh, my environment isn't so great, I should just up and move."


And that's a good prospective choice. Environmental aspects begin influencing you at a much earlier age than 15, and the chances for 5 year olds to up and move is nil.

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In the case of fast food restaurants I wouldn't overplay the "I'm really really sorry" card. Knowing the people behind the counter like to F*ck people up gladly. Especially the easy victims. And the people with that Canadian look in their eyes tend to be F*cked over twice as fast. It's more about having street-cred, I guess. Instead the "Yo, wassup dawg" might work better. But again, it depends on the looks.


On a tangent: SUP would have an awesome successrate!

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Really? How a person can't jump on a plane and move somewhere?


Ok: you're a 15 year old student who is quite bright, but because your parents didn't "make the right choices" you live in government subsidized housing, and have to start working a part time job in order to buy new clothes. As a result of working part-time, your studies start to slip. Even though you're making good grades, they're just not quite good enough to get a scholarship to a university. You'd apply for a loan, but don't have anyone who can co-sign. So now you're 18, working 50 hours a week, trying earn a wage good enough to pay rent and feed yourself.

"Oh, my environment isn't so great, I should just up and move."


And that's a good prospective choice. Environmental aspects begin influencing you at a much earlier age than 15, and the chances for 5 year olds to up and move is nil.


So.. the students grades start to slip (from working a part time job? wtf?) and he's not bright enough for scholarships? Seems like natural selection placing him in a low income job permanently because that is his genetic pre-disposition.


Also keep in mind I said this is all within reason.


It's clear some people are severely limited by their environment.

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Really? How a person can't jump on a plane and move somewhere?


Ok: you're a 15 year old student who is quite bright, but because your parents didn't "make the right choices" you live in government subsidized housing, and have to start working a part time job in order to buy new clothes. As a result of working part-time, your studies start to slip. Even though you're making good grades, they're just not quite good enough to get a scholarship to a university. You'd apply for a loan, but don't have anyone who can co-sign. So now you're 18, working 50 hours a week, trying earn a wage good enough to pay rent and feed yourself.

"Oh, my environment isn't so great, I should just up and move."


And that's a good prospective choice. Environmental aspects begin influencing you at a much earlier age than 15, and the chances for 5 year olds to up and move is nil.


So.. the students grades start to slip (from working a part time job? wtf?) and he's not bright enough for scholarships? Seems like natural selection placing him in a low income job permanently because that is his genetic pre-disposition.


You don't think that working a part-time job could maybe take away from time that could be used studying to maintain grades?


ah - genetic pre-disposition.

excellent troll.

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