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Have you ever been burgled?

Guest Eggylips

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This is the first time I've ever seen someone refer to being burglarized as "burgled," yet it's not incorrect upon looking it up in a dictionary.




I can't say I knew burglarized was a real word. Sounds very wrong.


Not saying it is, just.... you know.

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People who have had their houses robbed, did you feel violated and that you're home was not "home" anymore? That feeling seems to be pretty common for victims who had been broken into. My only experience of burglary was at a kiosk I was working at one summer. Noticed the door was slightly wonky, unlocked it, went in. Picked up some crisp packets laying around on the floor, thought it had been some squirrels inside again messing things up as it sometimes happened. Then I noticed a big ass hole in the wall and go WTF, found a card on the table with a number to the police investigating it. Didn't have to work there anymore for the rest of the summer.

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Guest Gary C

lol, the criminals left a card for you to ring the police investigators?


Edit: Sounds a bit like a protection-racket actually.

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Yes, a couple of times.


When I was a kid the house was burgled and whoever did it killed my rabbit. :sad:


It's taken over 10 years, but I think I finally understand your fear of carnies.




You raise an interesting point

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Guest AcrossCanyons

When I was a kid the house was burgled and whoever did it killed my rabbit. :sad:

A dude I knew in school had his house burgled and his two pet ducks (Ant & Duck) had their heads chopped off to stop them squawking.


Personally been burgled two times (in the house that I've just moved back into...) once they snuck in through a window. A real pro, silent job, and they stole a laptop (complete with my copy of Worms World Party :( ), a set of the house keys, car keys/my dads car and some other bits I don't remember - maybe a phone or something. The police found the car abandoned at a later date and it was returned to us but they got off with the rest. The 2nd time was a less professional approach where they just lobbed a brick through our window and climbed in to grab our pc monitor. That's all they got. Fuckers broke an antique phone too.



Also the photo studio I worked at got broken into. They got a brand new mac and camera + equipment as well as a TV. The/a guy was caught at a later date after burgling somewhere else but the police couldn't do anything for us because he'd already sold off our stuff.


Let it be known police are fucking useless in these situations.

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That's quite a coincidence, my family and me have been burgled yesterday. That was weird because they checked a lot of stuff in all the rooms of the house but didn't take that much (except a laptop, with a very short RJ45 cable which is a hell to remove from the wall.....). It could have been really worse as the laptop was a cheap one and they didn't put any disorder.

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lol, the criminals left a card for you to ring the police investigators?


Edit: Sounds a bit like a protection-racket actually.


No, a card with the number to the police who had already been there. Someone must have called them before I got there and they've already been there to look at the damage.

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Guest bitroast

family was burgerized once when i was a little. they stole my gameboy + star wars cartridge inside the gameboy :(:(



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family was burgerized once when i was a little. they stole my gameboy + star wars cartridge inside the gameboy :(:(




lol that's so cute

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People who have had their houses robbed, did you feel violated and that you're home was not "home" anymore?


I didn't really, although my housemate at the time (whose fault it was for leaving the back door unlocked) and me were pretty paranoid for a while. Dickheads that we were, we also didn't have house insurance (I've learned from that since). They nicked my stereo, which led me to finally investing in seperates and an eventual spiral into credit card debt. Nowadays I'm still paranoid and conscious, and fear getting burgled more than almost anything else.


@Across Canyons: did you get burgled in Nottingham? When we got done, the coppers were really good. They were there in about half an hour, got SOCO round just after, and came round a few days later to fit all new locks. Maybe because we lived in Aspley at the time, where break-ins weren't exactly rare.

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Guest AcrossCanyons
@Across Canyons: did you get burgled in Nottingham? When we got done, the coppers were really good. They were there in about half an hour, got SOCO round just after, and came round a few days later to fit all new locks. Maybe because we lived in Aspley at the time, where break-ins weren't exactly rare.


Yeah in Notts. The house is in a high crime area also.

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Sorry to hear about all these horrible things happening to you lot.


Ive had my car broken into, and some attempts at places ive lived before.


Im incredibly scared about getting burglarized...especially while Im at home asleep or whatever...


After living in a really shitty area of a certain town that was basically run by the crack dealers, I started protecting myself. Our apartment was up on the second floor with a very narrow staircase leading up to it. My friend had a rifle, and we would go out into the woods and target practice. After a few weeks, if anyone tried to break in, hed have a head or chest shot within 30 seconds from the stair perch..we were that ready. There was good reason too. A couple of times the cops were chasing addicts or whatever through our backyard. I was actually carrying groceries to the apt. one day when I was almost run over my some kid running, warning me not to say anything. Scary shit...especially when you consider someone with him probably saw me leave and go to school everyday. Combine that with the no snitching philosophy, and I found very good reason to arm myself whenever possible. Thankfully those days are behind me...but it might happen again.

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Never personally, but I did have friends come down to a hobo sleeping on their couch. Also, my "friend" once stole two wallets from my other friend's house while we were hanging out there. I also had a friend who stole shit all the time, but usually just from convenience stores. He stole 3000NT (~100 bucks or 60 quid, I think) from some random backpack and nearly got expelled for it.


I thought the title said "blurged" at first and I was a bit afraid of what was inside.

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