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Kristen Stewart...

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Mirezzi

I would turn her down in real life in a heartbeat.


"Women sense my power...and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence."




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I would turn her down in real life in a heartbeat.


"Women sense my power...and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence."







Naw I just have yellow fever.

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I would turn her down in real life in a heartbeat.


"Women sense my power...and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence."







I need to watch this movie. This quote has piqued my interest quite a bit. Its an idea that not many people understand.

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she is basically perfect?

i mean yeah she sucked in twilight but samuel l. jackson sucked in episode 1 and WHO CARES LOOK AT HER


i don't get it. she looks pretty below average to me, other than looking relatively physically fit. she just looks sick as shit.


please do not pull this elitist internet male crap. you would not turn her down irl.


lol if you say so.


i guess having personal standards makes one elitist. i am comfortable with this.

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Smetty, stop oppressing her you heartless elitist!


lolz, but i do find it hypocritical to call a someone an elitist male because their conceptions of what they find attractive don't comfortably fit inside some archaic idea of the universal male hive-mind.

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she is basically perfect?

i mean yeah she sucked in twilight but samuel l. jackson sucked in episode 1 and WHO CARES LOOK AT HER


i don't get it. she looks pretty below average to me, other than looking relatively physically fit. she just looks sick as shit.


please do not pull this elitist internet male crap. you would not turn her down irl.


lol if you say so.


i guess having personal standards makes one elitist. i am comfortable with this.


Well for starters she doesn't have any make-up on, but I think she is pretty ideal. She looks like a nerdy awkward stoner girl so It think we would get along quite well.

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I find your comments interesting because wouldn't she be opposite of what men normally find attractive because she is androgynous, skinny, lacks curves, has small breasts, and doesn't wear make-up? I feel like you are just saying you find Baywatch types attractive which would then mean you are a typical male. The elitism comes from the fact that you guys are saying if she was asking you to bang you would actually say no and walk away which in most people's experience just doesn't happen unless the girl is hideous, obese, and/or foaming from the mouth.

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I find your comments interesting because wouldn't she be opposite of what men normally find attractive because she is androgynous, skinny, lacks curves, has small breasts, and doesn't wear make-up? I feel like you are just saying you find Baywatch types attractive which would then mean you are a typical male. The elitism comes from the fact that you guys are saying if she was asking you to bang you would actually say no and walk away which in most people's experience just doesn't happen unless the girl is hideous, obese, and/or foaming from the mouth.



Lol yes that's exactly what Smetty is saying - he loves Baywatch girls.

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I find your comments interesting because wouldn't she be opposite of what men normally find attractive because she is androgynous, skinny, lacks curves, has small breasts, and doesn't wear make-up? I feel like you are just saying you find Baywatch types attractive which would then mean you are a typical male. The elitism comes from the fact that you guys are saying if she was asking you to bang you would actually say no and walk away which in most people's experience just doesn't happen unless the girl is hideous, obese, and/or foaming from the mouth.


If a girl randomly walked up to me and asked to fuck, there would be a certainty of me saying no without more information. Im going on what I know, I do not personally find her attractive, I do not find her tone of voice attractive, and I do not particularly respect her work, which would make me a rather subpar sexual partner anyways.


If what you say is true about that hypothetical, then the majority of you are fucking slobbering idiots.


But hey, since I need to provide popular examples of actresses to avoid the "elitist male" position, here you go:


Rashida Jones

Gabrielle Union

Ally Sheedy (im going on memories of the 80s and 90s, dunno what she looks like now)

Rachel McAdams

Faye Wong


Those are the first five to come off the top of my head. For fucks sake, I even found Annie Lennox attractive in the Eurythmics videos, so fuck off with that faux righteous pro-androgyny angle. I find women attractive, a great variety in fact. Just because this particular woman does not excite me, I am an elitist male? There is something very strange in the water here.

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I find your comments interesting because wouldn't she be opposite of what men normally find attractive because she is androgynous, skinny, lacks curves, has small breasts, and doesn't wear make-up? I feel like you are just saying you find Baywatch types attractive which would then mean you are a typical male. The elitism comes from the fact that you guys are saying if she was asking you to bang you would actually say no and walk away which in most people's experience just doesn't happen unless the girl is hideous, obese, and/or foaming from the mouth.


well for an actress that makes the most money she really is not all that, acting wise and personal appearance.

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Don't be an elitist yek, you know you would beg to suck her taint in a heartbeat if she showed up at your front door. Don't be an elitist, demand that you stick your penis in her!

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Just because this particular woman does not excite me, I am an elitist male? There is something very strange in the water here.


"Women sense my power...and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence."




"Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk...ice cream."


this thread is beginning to unintentionally reference itself...yep definately in Skrillex territory, and in only 5 pages!

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i love it (the thread, not Ms. Stewart)




In fact I just noticed I wrote definately and not definitely in my last post...because this thread makes me feel so happy and carefree! :emotawesomepm9:

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One thing I don't understand is why her money hasn't influenced her to go off the deep end a bit. I mean even Miley Cyrus cuts, doesn't she? Not to mention all the Lohans of the world...Even Daniel Radcliff admitted to having a drinking problem...but I've never heard a peep about Stewart's misbehavior.


I think she's a cyborg.

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