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RIP Sally Ride

Rubin Farr

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lol of course coming from the guy in San Francisco. There is no such thing as a "straight" marriage. Marriage is man & woman... always was, always will be. Simple as that. For those who chose the gay lifestyle, stop crying and learn to deal with the repercussions of your actions


Be careful with words like "always."


While it is a relatively new practice to grant same-sex couples the same form of legal marital recognition as commonly granted to mixed-sex couples, there is some history of recorded same-sex unions around the world.[76] It is believed that same-sex unions were celebrated in Ancient Greece and Rome,[76] some regions of China, such as Fujian, and at certain times in ancient European history.[77] A law in theTheodosian Code (C. Th. 9.7.3) issued in 342 CE imposed severe penalties or death on same-sex marriage in ancient Rome[78] but the exact intent of the law and its relation to social practice is unclear, as only a few examples of same-sex marriage in that culture exist.[79]
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Guest RandySicko

lol of course coming from the guy in San Francisco. There is no such thing as a "straight" marriage. Marriage is man & woman... always was, always will be. Simple as that. For those who chose the gay lifestyle, stop crying and learn to deal with the repercussions of your actions


Be careful with words like "always."


While it is a relatively new practice to grant same-sex couples the same form of legal marital recognition as commonly granted to mixed-sex couples, there is some history of recorded same-sex unions around the world.[76] It is believed that same-sex unions were celebrated in Ancient Greece and Rome,[76] some regions of China, such as Fujian, and at certain times in ancient European history.[77] A law in theTheodosian Code (C. Th. 9.7.3) issued in 342 CE imposed severe penalties or death on same-sex marriage in ancient Rome[78] but the exact intent of the law and its relation to social practice is unclear, as only a few examples of same-sex marriage in that culture exist.[79]


lol WIkipedia


To defend marriage is to defend the roundness of a circle

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I have a problem with the gay rights agenda. It is based on lies. That's no good. Life sucks for a lot of people, the lesbian lover of an astronaut should have saved some money in those 27 years, Jesus. This ain't no victim of anything. People suffer worse shit than this and they don't get exaggerated sympathy from indoctrinated USA graduates. America is fucked!!!!


Truth hurts, but chunky is right


How is that? It's merely an argument that gays should have the same rights as straight people. I'm not really sure what "agenda" you're talking about. If a person dies in a straight marriage, their husband or wife is entitled to something, but it's not so with a gay couple since they can't marry in most states.


How about this: if you're so disconcerned about the whole thing, then why not keep your mouth shut?


lol of course coming from the guy in San Francisco. There is no such thing as a "straight" marriage. Marriage is man & woman... always was, always will be. Simple as that. For those who chose the gay lifestyle, stop crying and learn to deal with the repercussions of your actions


Yeah, us San Franciscans are total fags for equality and personal liberties.

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Guest Franklin

To defend marriage is to defend the roundness of a circle


I don't mind people having different opinions but when logic starts to be defied .....


Randy I wonder what you're basing this argument on. It would seem to be either on a religious foundation (I'm assuming biblical) or on a current definition by a state government, or on an "icky" feeling you have when imagining what gay people do with each other in the shower. The first argument is contestable for hundreds of reasons including simple history lessons but you're welcome to believe that with the other lunatic religious people, the second is equally ridiculous because laws are not immutable. They are changed ALL THE TIME. There are many many countries around the world that have repealed laws against gay marriage including also many states in the US. And the third potential foundation is common but so very temporary and really should be outside your area of concern.


you need to broaden your views dude.

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RIP threads don't get trolled. It's a pretty basic premise, that you leave your ideological diatribes out of these threads.


lol naive.


btw this guy is trolling. he has to be.

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Guest RandySicko

RIP threads don't get trolled. It's a pretty basic premise, that you leave your ideological diatribes out of these threads.


How ironic... considering the ideology that this thread was built on.

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Guest RandySicko

I love how everyone puts the "trolling" blanket over anything they don't like or agree with.


this thread is built on an ideology? i thought it was just people typing words.


the homosexual ideology

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Guest RandySicko

'coming from the guy in san francisco?'... that's a nice strawman you have there.


It's actually an ad hominem...


Just like what my pal eugene did

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Guest Frankie5fingers

did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.

i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


but seriously, how did this get so derailed. a great woman is dead. RIP. leave your prejudiced at the door thank you.

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Christians should only read the Gospels.


Even the Gospels that were left out by the first epic mind controlling cult leaders that formed the original bible.



Jesus said nothing about marriage or gay people.









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did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.

i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


but seriously, how did this get so derailed. a great woman is dead. RIP. leave your prejudiced at the door thank you.


well alright, though i'm quite sure that the bible is very explicitly anti-gay.

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Guest RandySicko

did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


Well then my fault for assuming there was a negative connotation brought along with it. Can't help but think that.. it is what I'm used to. I am very vocal about what I believe in and don't believe in and I know it offends a lot of people.


did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions and would rather wallow in their own cesspool of mediocrity and wishy washy-ness.

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Guest RandySicko

were you raised as a Christian?


I have the feeling that this is a loaded question, but I will answer anyways - with some extra. I was raised Roman Catholic but became uninterested in the church and eventually did not participate or care about anything religion during my early-mid 20s. God, maturity and pure logic (In that order), brought me back and I am happier than ever.


edit: I should really say that it was only God... because I see maturity and pure logic as a result of creation.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions and would rather wallow in their own cesspool of mediocrity and wishy washy-ness.

well, the bible teaches us that you shouldn't judge people (at all, since no human really has the right to. only God can judge) and always be kinda to your neighbor. the bible is all about how you interpret it. its supposed to speak to you individually.

for me i don't necessarily agree with gay marriage. but thats for me. as in, gay marriage is not right for me. but why should i demonize others due to their choice/who they are (since no proof has actually been found to prove that its a choice or genetic)? that in itself goes against the teachings of the bible.

but i also don't think the government should have any say in any form of marriage. since its really a religious matter.

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Some people are intimidated by strong opinions...


Is that what they're calling bigotry these days?

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Guest RandySicko

Some people are intimidated by strong opinions...


Is that what they're calling bigotry these days?


What makes me a bigot?

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Some people are intimidated by strong opinions...


Is that what they're calling bigotry these days?


What makes me a bigot?


Your strong opinions on gays.

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I love how everyone puts the "trolling" blanket over anything they don't like or agree with.


i actually have a big problem with the trend of 'troll' being 'some stuff i don't agree with'. luckily with you i don't have that. you're fishing for an outraged reaction. and that's the oldschool definition of troll.


you have annoyed some people. well done. feel better now?

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