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RIP Sally Ride

Rubin Farr

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did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


Well then my fault for assuming there was a negative connotation brought along with it. Can't help but think that.. it is what I'm used to. I am very vocal about what I believe in and don't believe in and I know it offends a lot of people.


did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions and would rather wallow in their own cesspool of mediocrity and wishy washy-ness.

And other people are just offended by thought processes that discriminate based on ideas that originated 2 millenia before present-day society.


And really? The white man is being kept down? lol yes, so oppressed.

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Guest RandySicko

did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions and would rather wallow in their own cesspool of mediocrity and wishy washy-ness.

well, the bible teaches us that you shouldn't judge people (at all, since no human really has the right to. only God can judge) and always be kinda to your neighbor. the bible is all about how you interpret it. its supposed to speak to you individually.

for me i don't necessarily agree with gay marriage. but thats for me. as in, gay marriage is not right for me. but why should i demonize others due to their choice/who they are (since no proof has actually been found to prove that its a choice or genetic)? that in itself goes against the teachings of the bible.

but i also don't think the government should have any say in any form of marriage. since its really a religious matter.


Why even call yourself a Christian if you are not going to align yourself fully with its moral standards? I agree..it is a religious matter and the SACRAMENT of marriage is being attacked by the gay rights movement and the government. I wonder what homosexuals think about the HHS mandate - as it shares a couple biproducts of same sex marriage..as in redifining religion and reducing population. It probably doesn't matter because I don't know of any homosexuals interested in creating a human life.

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were you raised as a Christian?


I have the feeling that this is a loaded question, but I will answer anyways - with some extra. I was raised Roman Catholic but became uninterested in the church and eventually did not participate or care about anything religion during my early-mid 20s. God, maturity and pure logic (In that order), brought me back and I am happier than ever.


edit: I should really say that it was only God... because I see maturity and pure logic as a result of creation.


I am curious about this "pure logic" to which you are referring. I only ask because logic tends to require proof whereas faith is believing something where there is no proof.

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were you raised as a Christian?


I have the feeling that this is a loaded question, but I will answer anyways - with some extra. I was raised Roman Catholic but became uninterested in the church and eventually did not participate or care about anything religion during my early-mid 20s. God, maturity and pure logic (In that order), brought me back and I am happier than ever.


edit: I should really say that it was only God... because I see maturity and pure logic as a result of creation.


Well I know we all to put up our defenses when talking about beliefs. At least with strangers.


I guess my only question is, why do you think the rest of the bible has any validity when it is not directly speaking about Jesus? Yahweh was cruel in the old testament. Yes life is cruel as well. This doesn't make how the god(s) in the old testament acted okay. Especially with the golden rule being the best law to ever be created.


There are so many other holy books(Tao Te Ching, Gospel of Thomas, Bhagavad Gita, The Vedas) out there as well, written a long time ago by brilliant men being influenced by the universe. This is my opinion. I don't expect you to feel the way as I do.


Because of the golden rule though, I do expect you to respect what I believe and respect the will of others to live as they want to as long as they are not harming other people.


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions...


Is that what they're calling bigotry these days?


What makes me a bigot?


Your strong opinions on gays.


The way people want to love each other has nothing to do with how well we are living. Only our levels of violence towards one another matters. In my Opinion.

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Guest RandySicko

Getting a reaction from people does not make me feel good. Not being a mindless sheep makes me feel good.

did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


Well then my fault for assuming there was a negative connotation brought along with it. Can't help but think that.. it is what I'm used to. I am very vocal about what I believe in and don't believe in and I know it offends a lot of people.


did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions and would rather wallow in their own cesspool of mediocrity and wishy washy-ness.

And other people are just offended by thought processes that discriminate based on ideas that originated 2 millenia before present-day society.


And I am offended by the gay movement and its quest to tarnish the sacrament of marriage. Two way street there, bud.


2 millenia and going strong... theres a reason for that.

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Getting a reaction from people does not make me feel good. Not being a mindless sheep makes me feel good.

did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


Well then my fault for assuming there was a negative connotation brought along with it. Can't help but think that.. it is what I'm used to. I am very vocal about what I believe in and don't believe in and I know it offends a lot of people.


did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions and would rather wallow in their own cesspool of mediocrity and wishy washy-ness.

And other people are just offended by thought processes that discriminate based on ideas that originated 2 millenia before present-day society.


And I am offended by the gay movement and its quest to tarnish the sacrament of marriage. Two way street there, bud.


2 millenia and going strong... theres a reason for that.

While you might be offended, no one is discriminating against you and your ilk. They may disagree with your thought processes and your dogma, but you are not prevented from practicing it.

Except not so strong, as clearly evidenced by the acceptance of gay marriage by countries and communities around the world.

The sacrament of marriage is in no way tarnished by allowing same-sex marriages. Please explain how the act of letting two people of the same gender marry diminishes marriage between a man and a woman.

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Getting a reaction from people does not make me feel good. Not being a mindless sheep makes me feel good.

did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


Well then my fault for assuming there was a negative connotation brought along with it. Can't help but think that.. it is what I'm used to. I am very vocal about what I believe in and don't believe in and I know it offends a lot of people.


did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions and would rather wallow in their own cesspool of mediocrity and wishy washy-ness.

And other people are just offended by thought processes that discriminate based on ideas that originated 2 millenia before present-day society.


And I am offended by the gay movement and its quest to tarnish the sacrament of marriage. Two way street there, bud.


2 millenia and going strong... theres a reason for that.


i see. the longevity of an idea is directly proportional to how correct it is.


do you eat meat on fridays? because for a thousand years that was a hell-worthy offence.


or if you're into the old testament, have you ever eaten bacon? shit is delicious. but you're going to hell for that.

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She seemed like a very awesome lady, and I bet she got a shit load of ass because of the astronaut thing.

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i really don't understand it. if i was a guy who wanted to spend the rest of my life with some other guy and put my dick in his butt on a regular basis well... to be honest if randysicko came along with his NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS and MAN PLUS WOMAN EQUAL CORRECT... i'd laugh at him. i'll put my dick in whatever butt i want to, i might ever give the fucker a reach-around. i'm fucking mystified how you can have this attitude in 2012, dude.

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i really don't understand it. if i was a guy who wanted to spend the rest of my life with some other guy and put my dick in his butt on a regular basis well... to be honest if randysicko came along with his NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS and MAN PLUS WOMAN EQUAL CORRECT... i'd laugh at him. i'll put my dick in whatever butt i want to, i might ever give the fucker a reach-around. i'm fucking mystified how you can have this attitude in 2012, dude.


I'm always mystified with that double standard. Why is it okay to fuck a woman in the ass but not a man? There's still shit on your dick.

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There is absolutely no damn reason for same-sex couples not to have the same legal benefits a straight couple have. Anyone disagreeing is a shit. Yes, even those that support same-sex marriage but disagree on a personal level.

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Guest RadarJammer

did what ? i'm just bringing it to light that you're a christian.


i sure hope you aren't lumping all Christians with this guy. im a pretty devout one but even this guy gives me chills. lol


Some people are intimidated by strong opinions and would rather wallow in their own cesspool of mediocrity and wishy washy-ness.

well, the bible teaches us that you shouldn't judge people (at all, since no human really has the right to. only God can judge) and always be kinda to your neighbor. the bible is all about how you interpret it. its supposed to speak to you individually.

for me i don't necessarily agree with gay marriage. but thats for me. as in, gay marriage is not right for me. but why should i demonize others due to their choice/who they are (since no proof has actually been found to prove that its a choice or genetic)? that in itself goes against the teachings of the bible.

but i also don't think the government should have any say in any form of marriage. since its really a religious matter.


Why even call yourself a Christian if you are not going to align yourself fully with its moral standards? I agree..it is a religious matter and the SACRAMENT of marriage is being attacked by the gay rights movement and the government. I wonder what homosexuals think about the HHS mandate - as it shares a couple biproducts of same sex marriage..as in redifining religion and reducing population. It probably doesn't matter because I don't know of any homosexuals interested in creating a human life.


The world is probably getting divorced as fast as it's getting married. If marriage is a holy matrimony then is divorce a unholy unmatramony? It seems like the sheer numbers of corrupted "natural" marriages does more to spoil the sacrament or whatever it is than gay people getting married does.

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i don't get how people can say that men are being oppressed by the homosexual/feminist agenda when the vast majority of countries on this planet are ruled by men who have no qualms with restricting the rights of queer individuals and females.


it's pathetic that, in 2012, most cultures still have not accepted equality of fellow human beings as the norm.

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Guest disparaissant


the idea of monogamous marriage wasn't really a christian thing until charlemagne

so get it right sicko

1200 years and falling apart at the seams

pure logic

way to shit up a thread about a great lady

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