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Hey watmm,


I just moved up to Sheffield after spending far too many years in Brighton. Been here about 2 months now, really liking it so far. Have been a bit of a recluse so far, work to be doing and so on, but keen to get out more, explore the city and hopefully find some awesome music and musicians.


Anyone else on here living round this neck of the woods, know of good places to visit, and good music venues to check out?


So far, I've managed to see DMX, Objekt, and Black Dog during the tramlines festival, but aside from that, most live music seems to be bands. Really hope to find some more electronic stuff, if there is any to be found. I'd also really like to try and get some events going too, seems like there is definately potential for some awesome nights and collaborations, what with the very cool music tech courses and hundreds of unusual spaces and venues.


It's a bit weird, Sheffield seems to have so much history in terms of UK experimental dance music, but I've not seen too much of that yet. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, or maybe it's a good reason to try and get something new going =D

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Guest sirch

why did you move so far away before checking out 'the scene' there and what's to do first?


yeah Sheffield's got loads of interesting history when it comes to electronic/dance music. but that was all like 15-30+ years ago...

and most people eventually moved down south anyway when they could afford to, haha ;)


anyway i hope you enjoy it there and find a lot of cool/fun stuff to do. :)

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why did you move so far away before checking out 'the scene' there and what's to do first?


yeah Sheffield's got loads of interesting history when it comes to electronic/dance music. but that was all like 15-30+ years ago...

and most people eventually moved down south anyway when they could afford to, haha ;)



I dont really move to places for "a scene". Moved up here because I have a lot of friends up here, and also because Sheffield caters well to my other interests of climbing and biking. Living in Brighton was ok because there was some stuff going on, enough to keep my musical interests ticking, but very little of anything else.


You're right though, loads of stuff from many years ago, and very little now in comparison. Still, there is part of me thinks that everything is in place to support a thriving scene, so perhaps there isn't right now, but maybe in a couple years. Who knows?


And northern monkey's with pidgeons. I'd personally move back to Brighton lol


Ugh fuck Brighton, that place drove me close to insane. It has it's moments for certain, but really it's a massive shit hole..


go to this WILDSTYLESHANALV2.jpg


nice one, could be cool. Thanks for the heads up.

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I'm in Sheffield. Been here for 5 years and so it still feels a bit new to me!


It's a good place though, although with a wife from Manchester and my friends and family down in London and Essex we only seem to be in Sheffield every other weekend!


There's some good stuff musically, Sheffield Bleep and Sheffield Techno Institute (STI) are great, and Signals at Tramlines last week was amazing. Drumro[ll] is a promising Techno night too and then you have the Tuesday Club at Sheffield Uni which often has good stuff on in term time (although being a lecturer at the uni I tend to avoid the union!). Keep and eye open at The Washington pub, the Fez Club and The Cremorne for stuff that's going on. Also follow The Black Dog on twitter because they're in the loop. It sounds like Signals are going to do more stuff in Sheffield and with the Yellow Arch Studios and DLS there are two good spaces (DLS was used for TBD at the Sensoria festival earlier in the year - they had some amazing stuff.


It's a good place to work and live I think, we're happy and settled here. The city centre needs some serious investment but our favourite places include the Showroom cinema, the pubs and bars down Division Street and the real ale scene down at Kelham Island. Also it's easy to get to places like Manchester and Leeds for shopping etc etc.

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The city centre needs some serious investment


you should have seen it 20 years ago... my older sister went to uni there around then and i used to go up and see her quite a lot (would've only been 14-15ish). i've been back a couple of times, but not that recently and it seems they have improved it somewhat. strangely enough, the meadowhall centre, which was once a gleaming jewel in sheffield's crown is apparently now a shit hole...

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The city centre needs some serious investment


you should have seen it 20 years ago... my older sister went to uni there around then and i used to go up and see her quite a lot (would've only been 14-15ish). i've been back a couple of times, but not that recently and it seems they have improved it somewhat. strangely enough, the meadowhall centre, which was once a gleaming jewel in sheffield's crown is apparently now a shit hole...


Yeah the main problem in the city centre is the lack of decent retail units and so all the development has been out of town (Meadowhall/hell). The city centre lacks a decent multiplex and the Cineworld outside of the city near Meadowhall has got an IMAX now, so the city is really struggling for a reason for families/couples to head into the city. Many shops are shutting in the city centre because they don't want two stores and just focus on Meadowhall. Sadly, Meadowhall is very claustraphobic and poorly designed so it's not a remotely enjoyable experience but pretty necessary if you need to go clothes shopping.


I've heard a lot of horror stories about how Sheffield was in the 90's and so I guess it isn't that bad, it's just all relative. Compared to Leeds and Manchester though it's still got a way to go.

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Guest sirch


why did you move so far away before checking out 'the scene' there and what's to do first?


yeah Sheffield's got loads of interesting history when it comes to electronic/dance music. but that was all like 15-30+ years ago...

and most people eventually moved down south anyway when they could afford to, haha ;)


I dont really move to places for "a scene". Moved up here because I have a lot of friends up here, and also because Sheffield caters well to my other interests of climbing and biking. Living in Brighton was ok because there was some stuff going on, enough to keep my musical interests ticking, but very little of anything else.



you couldn't go climbing or biking anywhere in the Brighton area? what about the whole of the South Downs, etc?

the countryside is amazing down here! it's beautiful.



And northern monkey's with pidgeons. I'd personally move back to Brighton lol


Ugh fuck Brighton, that place drove me close to insane. It has it's moments for certain, but really it's a massive shit hole..



lol, and Sheffield's not? :)

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I'm in Sheffield. Been here for 5 years and so it still feels a bit new to me!


It's a good place though, although with a wife from Manchester and my friends and family down in London and Essex we only seem to be in Sheffield every other weekend!


There's some good stuff musically, Sheffield Bleep and Sheffield Techno Institute (STI) are great, and Signals at Tramlines last week was amazing. Drumro[ll] is a promising Techno night too and then you have the Tuesday Club at Sheffield Uni which often has good stuff on in term time (although being a lecturer at the uni I tend to avoid the union!). Keep and eye open at The Washington pub, the Fez Club and The Cremorne for stuff that's going on. Also follow The Black Dog on twitter because they're in the loop. It sounds like Signals are going to do more stuff in Sheffield and with the Yellow Arch Studios and DLS there are two good spaces (DLS was used for TBD at the Sensoriafestival earlier in the year - they had some amazing stuff.


It's a good place to work and live I think, we're happy and settled here. The city centre needs some serious investment but our favourite places include the Showroom cinema, the pubs and bars down Division Street and the real ale scene down at Kelham Island. Also it's easy to get to places like Manchester and Leeds for shopping etc etc.


Awesome, thanks for the many suggestions! Yellow arch was a pretty cool venue actually, was there for the signals thingy. And a couple people have mentioned DLS to me already, yet to check it out though. Totally agree with you though, really nice atmosphere, friendly people, Manchester and Leeds really close by too.


north uk? sheffield? gtf.


Heh well, you know =D



you couldn't go climbing or biking anywhere in the Brighton area? what about the whole of the South Downs, etc?

the countryside is amazing down here! it's beautiful.



You serious? There is so little in the way of climbing in Sussex, its a bit of a joke tbh.. Up here, aside from some pretty incredible indoor centres, there's also the Peak district! And when it comes to biking, it makes the downs look comparatively flat. And then there's Wharncliffe which is just.. awesome! =D



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Ugh fuck Brighton, that place drove me close to insane. It has it's moments for certain, but really it's a massive shit hole..


lol, and Sheffield's not? :)


Well, yeah of course there are some shitty parts, but not all of it. Pretty much every part of Brighton looks tired and run down.

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