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Yeasayer - Fragrant World


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There's no thread for this, but we have one for a few of the other well known indie albums coming soon. I'm really digging it this week, and Atop is too. Actually I think it's pretty fucking awesome. It's very electronic and I'm curious what the rest of you think.




1. Fingers Never Bleed

2. Longevity

3. Blue Paper

4. Henrietta

5. Devil and the Deed

6. No Bones

7. Reagan's Skeleton

8. Demon Road

9. Damaged Goods

10. Folk Hero Shtick

11. Glass of the Microscope



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two of my favorite watmmers are on it so it's def worth checking out. their first one had me by the cookies and their second could have been better and worse at the same time. my sense is that they lost all sense of the jammy aspect but I just hope they retained parts of the aggressive electro they had in parts on odd blood. checking it out this weekend...cheers

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oh man, this record is so tortoise meets tears for fears/david sylvian/maynard.


Which apparently equals Yeasayer.


Pitchfork are evil for giving it the review they did.


Seeing them on the 5th of next month, SO EXCITE YES!

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yea the 2nd to last track really grew on me today for sure.


this album was our dinner time jam tonight and my wife thought it sounded like something Patrick Bateman would be rocking out to if it wasn't being played in reverse. my little boy was bobbing his head to it.

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yeah I would start here or with Odd Blood, seems to be their sound for now. All Hour Cymbals is a fantastic record though, just very different from what they are doing now.



and lol jules at Patrick Bateman being a Yeasayer fan. He probably would be. He loves him some Phil Collins. Bateman is so watmm.

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Would this be a good first yeasayer album or should I start with something else? Sounds kinda nice judging from Reagan's Skeleton and Fingers Never Bleed.


all 3 of their albums are so different IMO. if you are digging those tracks then definitely start with this one. it's certainly the grooviest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Reagan's skeleton is an absolute classic. i love singing that chorus to myself. it's an automatic lol.

I haven't been able to get this song out of my head for the past few weeks, I love it.


Also, I discovered some videos for my two favorite tracks on Monday, they are both fucking rad. I shared them with my Facebook peeps and nobody cared. :cry:





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