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Rich Kids of Instagram


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Bah, people wasting their money on shitty fast food everyday of their life or consuming crap from Wal Mart honestly bothers me more than buying luxury items/expensive dinners. Yes these kids are douchebags for showing off their wealth, but wealth is pretty much relative, so I can't blame these kids for using what they were dealt. From a macro scale its better than wealth being used to promote corporate greed that treats workers unfairly, chokes small businesses from being able to compete, and litters the world with their ego/product/advertising. So yeah it bothers me but its like being concerned about a bee hive on a tree, while the forest behind it is engulfed in flames.


but the premise is the same.



i understand pragmatism, but it is not an objectively good thing.


Bah, people wasting their money on shitty fast food everyday of their life or consuming crap from Wal Mart honestly bothers me more than buying luxury items/expensive dinners. Yes these kids are douchebags for showing off their wealth, but wealth is pretty much relative, so I can't blame these kids for using what they were dealt. From a macro scale its better than wealth being used to promote corporate greed that treats workers unfairly, chokes small businesses from being able to compete, and litters the world with their ego/product/advertising. So yeah it bothers me but its like being concerned about a bee hive on a tree, while the forest behind it is engulfed in flames.


but the premise is the same.



i understand pragmatism, but it is not an objectively good thing.


consider that these douchebags are using the profits generated by the working class. thus everything becomes full circle.

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There's a difference between using profits that you were given and manipulating others for greed/power. One's an action/choice, the other is circumstantial... these kids are the symptom of greedy motherfuckers and know nothing else but that, so if anything I kind of feel bad for them because they don't know how to experience joy without it having a big $

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There's a difference between using profits that you were given and manipulating others for greed/power. One's an action/choice, the other is circumstantial... these kids are the symptom of greedy motherfuckers and know nothing else but that, so if anything I kind of feel bad for them because they don't know how to experience joy without it having a big $


im just gonna go full stop communist on this and say that either to work for 1/10th of what you produce vs. dying alone and poor in the streets is a false paradigm of choice

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I don't agree with communism so agree to disagree.


You disagree with your own statements on the matter by disregarding the structural ramifications of wealth, poverty gaps, this whole thing. I dunno what else to say.

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I don't agree with communism so agree to disagree.


You disagree with your own statements on the matter by disregarding the structural ramifications of wealth, poverty gaps, this whole thing. I dunno what else to say.


Which statements of mine am I disagreeing with?

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Bah, people wasting their money on shitty fast food everyday of their life or consuming crap from Wal Mart honestly bothers me more than buying luxury items/expensive dinners.



this one was the one that stuck out in particular


just think about what you are saying here

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Bah, people wasting their money on shitty fast food everyday of their life or consuming crap from Wal Mart honestly bothers me more than buying luxury items/expensive dinners.



this one was the one that stuck out in particular


just think about what you are saying here


I don't see the problem... supporting big corporations doesn't help the poor because it means less competition, less jobs, less distribution of wealth. Luxury Items/Dinners generally support companies that aren't monopolies, so giving money to the people who run/operate those businesses is better because it allows more diverse competition. When you are rich you travel the world, eat at a different restaurant every night, etc... this spreads the wealth around more and is better than a mass of individuals always giving money to Wal Mart CEOs or McDonalds. If anything these kids are decreasing the wealth inequality gap by being irresponsible with their money and overspending... the main culprits of this capitalistic system are individuals who run these big corporations with the intent of hoarding more wealth, for the sake of power.


These kids are just having a good time, they aren't the American Pyschos though. Understandably the poor are a bit trapped when it comes with deciding where to spend their money, but if you are seriously eating fast food every day or only shop at Wal Mart, you aren't doing any favors to yourself or the country.

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i'm not trying to be harsh here but please stop defending this douchebaggery by reminding us that there's worse shit to be concerned about. of course there is; there always is, no matter the subject. you can say "meh," as i said on page one, but


From a macro scale its better than wealth being used to promote corporate greed that treats workers unfairly, chokes small businesses from being able to compete, and litters the world with their ego/product/advertising. So yeah it bothers me but its like being concerned about a bee hive on a tree, while the forest behind it is engulfed in flames.


How does a bunch of pictures of super-rich douchebags spending their money on asshole endeavors like matching ferraris have anything to do with what you just said? It's not that there's no correlation, it's that there could be, but we have no idea, because the things you just listed can't be related to what we're looking at without making all sorts of assumptions


but for the sake of argument, since you listed those things, how are you gonna say that this is "better" than corporations that treat their workers unfairly? you think a FAIR business is the kind of business that leads to this sort of wealth for a particular family? is that really what you're implying? RKOI is a better scenario than unfair businesses?




and regarding this:


Bah, people wasting their money on shitty fast food everyday of their life or consuming crap from Wal Mart honestly bothers me more than buying luxury items/expensive dinners.



this one was the one that stuck out in particular


just think about what you are saying here


i don't know about smettingham, but what I see here in this quote is someone who has no idea what it's like to be poor. come on dude, you think people shop at walmart and eat fast food because that's what they prefer doing? go live in a small town on a local's wages for a few years and see what the other choices are. rich people can make choices. powerful choices. and we're looking at the choices they make. mansions, ferraris, dozens of gold wrist-watches, wildly expensive "luxury" food bought as status items, etc.

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All I'm saying is spending money if you have wealth isn't bad. Showing that off is bad... but spending 20,000$ at a restaurant just means that cooks/service/owner gets a nice amount of money that night and then they go spend that money. There are worse things going on and I was surprised to see so much hate fueled towards some kids because of jealousy.


And yeah, its bs if one can't figure out a way to not eat fast food everyday or shop at local farmer markets/stores. The price differences aren't that great... the biggest factor is simply convenience.

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if you read the thread carefully*, you will see that most of the hate is directed at the attitude of those having such massive amounts of wealth, not just at the kids who are allowed to spend entire family's incomes on parties for their friends, etc.


and yes there are worse things going on. the wealth of these families is, as you might suspect, not wholly unrelated to other happenings in world events


edit: *maybe that's just the way I've been reading this thread, but I certainly don't think most of us are mad simply at the wealth's existence or at the fact that it is being spent as opposed to squirrelled away. we are (i'm going out on a limb here) mostly disgusted at the way the wealth is squandered on such petty things instead of, you know, helping pay for our hospital bills or something. /communism

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if you read the thread carefully, you will see that most of the hate is directed at the attitude of those having such massive amounts of wealth, not just at the kids who are allowed to spend entire family's incomes on parties for their friends, etc.


and yes there are worse things going on. the wealth of these families is, as you might suspect, not wholly unrelated to other happenings in world events


Well I don't get what you disagree with me on then because I already said they are douchebags for showing off...

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edit: *maybe that's just the way I've been reading this thread, but I certainly don't think most of us are mad simply at the wealth's existence or at the fact that it is being spent as opposed to squirrelled away. we are (i'm going out on a limb here) mostly disgusted at the way the wealth is squandered on such petty things instead of, you know, helping pay for our hospital bills or something. /communism


And my point about poor people who drink crap soda, eat fast food, get fat, and shop at Wal Mart everyday are doing more harm because they are supporting institutions that will strangle out every last local/small business. Ultimately that kind of behavior is gonna cost me more money as a tax payer, than some kids expensive dinner. Such a small amount of the population that is rich so even attempting to court them to spend their money differently is pointless... but it is possible to educate others on eating healthy and supporting small/local businesses.

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I guess I disagree with your indifference and your suggestion that this absurd amount of wealth is unrelated to the larger problems you take issue with, but we're pretty much in agreement about the fact that these people are Midsummer's Eve Douchebags lying in the gold-plated garbage can of our great world. And I've yelled as much as I'd like to for the evening.



edit: *maybe that's just the way I've been reading this thread, but I certainly don't think most of us are mad simply at the wealth's existence or at the fact that it is being spent as opposed to squirrelled away. we are (i'm going out on a limb here) mostly disgusted at the way the wealth is squandered on such petty things instead of, you know, helping pay for our hospital bills or something. /communism


And my point about poor people who drink crap soda, eat fast food, get fat, and shop at Wal Mart everyday are doing more harm because they are supporting institutions that will strangle out every last local/small business. Ultimately that kind of behavior is gonna cost me more money as a tax payer, than some kids expensive dinner. Such a small amount of the population that is rich so even attempting to court them to spend their money differently is pointless... but it is possible to educate others on eating healthy and supporting small/local businesses.


Lol but who owns the businesses? Who owns Wal-mart? More poor people? I see what you're saying, and I agree, it's bad to shop at a place like that every day... but I grew up in a town of 5,000, and we really had no other store in town for a long time. My parents still go to wal-mart pretty much every day; there's nowhere else to go. It doesn't cost you any more as a tax payer (and there aren't even wal-marts here for us in Seattle, so i dunno man), not sure what that argument is about. Basically, when there are no local businesses to support, and the local farmers or whoever it may be are literally owned by corporations, it's silly to make some weird argument about poor people bringing this shit upon themselves. We live in a plutocracy and that's a fact as far I can tell, and hence my tense lolled anger at seeing frivolous uber-wealthy people defended for spending $20,000 in an hour because it "trickles down."


edit: I really want to point out that a lot of the people on RKOI look to be in their 20s at least. Some look younger. It's the ones that look old enough to quit being entitled jackasses that I'm attacking in all my posts. Oh don't get me wrong, i'll attack teenagers too, but not so much in this thread

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There is just one thing to say here, compson.


Advertising. If you take advertising as a way of relaying information to the public in a sense like "here's our product. it's better. buy it."

or if we had advertising that goes like "log on to this site, and find your nearest mill. With only 5$ you can mill a 10 pound bag of organic buckwheat and have enough flour to make bread for two weeks- enough for the whole family."


that would make a big difference, and I'd actually agree with what you said about people buying at WalMart.

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edit: *maybe that's just the way I've been reading this thread, but I certainly don't think most of us are mad simply at the wealth's existence or at the fact that it is being spent as opposed to squirrelled away. we are (i'm going out on a limb here) mostly disgusted at the way the wealth is squandered on such petty things instead of, you know, helping pay for our hospital bills or something. /communism


And my point about poor people who drink crap soda, eat fast food, get fat, and shop at Wal Mart everyday are doing more harm because they are supporting institutions that will strangle out every last local/small business. Ultimately that kind of behavior is gonna cost me more money as a tax payer, than some kids expensive dinner. Such a small amount of the population that is rich so even attempting to court them to spend their money differently is pointless... but it is possible to educate others on eating healthy and supporting small/local businesses.



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The trickle down thing is bullshit not because rich people don't spend enough money or whatever, but because they aren't taxed enough. It's a tax issue because the tax cuts are so large the country can't sustain itself without going trillions in debt. The problem with our economic situation is that it involves money that can be kept from circulation and those who have a mass quantity of that much money are no longer bound to a nation's laws. So you got these companies/banks that are now "too big too fail" and 21 trillion stored in off shore accounts... a completely zero risk game. With that kind of power you don't give up very easily. /walterwhite


These kids are just feeding us into a culture war with otherwise victims of the same game. I will admit some exaggeration in the classification/comparison of a wal mart shopper and these rich kids, but that's mainly due to the fact that eating healthier food, whether possible or not for the poor given circumstance, is a more positive thing to encourage, then sitting around and pointing out why these rich kids should be ashamed. That's a 1% chance you will communicate to someone in that group... while the focus should be on the 49%.

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Yeah that's swell -

A: "hey you stupid ass poor person, wy don't you go and eat some real food in stead of shopping at walmart!"

B: "but I just finished my second job and have been working for 12 hours today, now I have a 2 hour commute home on public transportation. I have to go look after my kids, and the nearest place that sells organic food is 45 minutes out of the way."

A: "I don't care, go eat some real food you fat dumbass."

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I don't see the rich kids as fortunate just because they have fancy things.... I see it as unfortunate a lot of the time because they generally lack a personality. I see being poor (not homeless) but low-income as potentially worse but possibly better than these rich kids life styles (these specific instagram examples). And with a much larger amount of people who do eat fast food everyday, out of choice/ etc etc I have no problem telling them to stop doing that, becuase its bad for their health and the country.

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Guest fiznuthian

Walmart sells meat, vegetables, and fruit.. sometimes pretty nice fruit. Top notch clementines. (/leaves thread)

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That's true... but it is still better to support a local market if you have the option. My intention is to not be on a moral high ground but to simply promote the wise decision and discourage spreading hate. These kids are douchebags and they revel in your hate.

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Guest fiznuthian

I don't see the rich kids as fortunate just because they have fancy things.... I see it as unfortunate a lot of the time because they generally lack a personality. I see being poor (not homeless) but low-income as potentially worse but possibly better than these rich kids life styles (these specific instagram examples). And with a much larger amount of people who do eat fast food everyday, out of choice/ etc etc I have no problem telling them to stop doing that, becuase its bad for their health and the country.


I in a lot of ways agree with you.. A poor person who repeatedly buys cheap processed food that doesn't satiate, provide nutrients, and ultimately modifies their neurobiology to increase appetite for them, is probably going to cough up more money for that food than they would eating real food. I see it all the time in the supermarket.. A majority of the food most non-wealthy people buy there is empty calories. I'll spot milk, maybe some chicken nuggets (breaded and including vegetable oils), maybe some tv dinners with vegetables in them.. but what little nutrition they did buy sits right next to donuts, chips, sodas, cookies, crackers, little debbie, etc..


I experimented recently eating a diet primarily of eggs, tubers, and whatever fruits I found available that were on sale because they ripened.. and if it weren't for my insane amount of exercise every day my diet would have been far cheaper and 10x more nutritious than 95% of the shopping carts passing through Kroger.


But what all of this has to do with an uber-wealthy rich kid spending money without a conscience I don't know.. I think widespread malnutrition is a bigger problem probably

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