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The Disposition Matrix

syd syside

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What has been created here - permanently institutionalized - is a highly secretive executive branch agency that simultaneously engages in two functions: (1) it collects and analyzes massive amounts of surveillance data about all Americans without any judicial review let alone search warrants, and (2) creates and implements a "matrix" that determines the "disposition" of suspects, up to and including execution, without a whiff of due process or oversight. It is simultaneously a surveillance state and a secretive, unaccountable judicial body that analyzes who you are and then decrees what should be done with you, how you should be "disposed" of, beyond the reach of any minimal accountability or transparency.







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Guest RadarJammer

A swarm of nanobots will dismantle targets cell by cell and use the flesh to replenish their energy reserve. Those same nanobots will be used by others to abolish pooping, they will turn your poop into energy and crawl out of your ass at night to trim your fingernails.

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Related: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell criticizes NDAA, two-party system


MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell delivers some jaw-dropping criticisms


Real journalism made a brief and rare appearance on the MSNBC network on Wednesday October 24, 2012, as Lawrence O’Donnell, host of the The Last Word, did something that is rarely seen in this modernized era of so-called journalism, when he decided to acknowledge first and cover second the completely overlooked importance of the 2012 Third-Party Presidential Debate that happened in Chicago, Illinois on Tuesday October 23, 2012.


This debate included Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, Jill Stein of the Green Party, Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party, and Virgil Goode of the Constitution Party, and it was hosted by former CNN host Larry King.


In a political world where the media conglomerates are almost identical to the lackluster, two-party, political system with the conservative Whites appealing Fox News

and the smiling, happy people of CNN, as both continue to fail the American people on the tough issues, O’Donnell went against the accepted, journalistic grain during prime time,

as he informed his viewers about the Third-Party Debate, and the issues that were discussed—many of which were suspiciously absent during each of the three mainstream, presidential debates between President Obama and presidential candidate Mitt Romney.


And although most of his viewers probably didn't like it, O’Donnell brought out the big stick, and he swung for the fences as he testified about the solid corruption of the two-party system. He said that he has only voted for the winning president once in his lifetime, because he, like most of us, has rarely lived in a battleground state, which allows the two main candidates to spend most of their time campaigning in only a handful of states like they are doing right now. O’Donnell characterized it as a drug that has been peddled by the dope pushing, electoral college system that has essentially lulled the American people into an apathetic trance.


In a move that has been championed by radio pundits such as GW On the Hill’s George Wilson and America’s independent voice and author the new book called Disrupter, Rob Redding; O’Donnell also encouraged viewers, especially those in non-battleground states, to strongly consider voting for a third-party candidate, since the two major candidates refuse to address an entire host of substantive issues like the failed War on Drugs that was discussed in detail during the Third-Party debate.


But in the most shocking segment, O’Donnell laid out a serious charge against President Obama and the failure of the media and the public to hold him responsible due to a certain law that he signed called the National Defense Authorization Act, which according to O’Donnell will allow the government to detain, interrogate, prosecute or just make people who it suspects to be terrorists disappear without a trial of any kind, and this includes American citizens! O’Donnell then blasted all of the moderators of the three presidential debates between Obama and Romney for not bringing this issue up, and then he blasted the cowardly Mitt Romney for also being to sheepish to ask President Obama about this issue, instead of crowing about how he would repeal Obamacare, when he should be repealing this monstrosity.


After witnessing this highly controversial showing, MSNBC has taken a step into the forefront of gutsy journalism, where it sits alone without the other major, news networks, and Lawrence O’Donnell might now be considered to be the most important pundit in the mainstream media—so important that some of his viewers might finally be forced to think outside of the box, when it is obvious that this current two-party system has some intentional, gapping holes in it.


Video: http://tv.msnbc.com/2012/10/24/candidates-talk-drugs-climate-indefinite-detention-at-third-party-debate/



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Well its a well known fact Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the 5 wealthiest people in the world known as the Pentaverate...who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet triannually at a country mansion in Colorado known as The Meadows.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Sucks to be yank. Dumbed down culture, out of control nazi government. Russians should have nuked them while they could.

youre just scared when the day comes when we just completely lose it and try to take over the world. oh wait, were already doing that.
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Thing is, those talks about government monitoring and gathering data about everybody doesn`t even have to be true, people read this stuff and they remember, so next time when some american might want to write on facebook "Obama sucks" he is gonna think twice and maybe censor himself.



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Thing is, those talks about government monitoring and gathering data about everybody doesn`t even have to be true, people read this stuff and they remember, so next time when some american might want to write on facebook "Obama sucks" he is gonna think twice and maybe censor himself.




interesting point! never considered that but it certainly falls within the frame of some of the public repression tactics the PRC and the SU have used back in the day.



the depressing thing for me is, i guess Im in the camp that once a law is passed like this, with no outcry to the visible public at large, and when all means to distribute the information with which to protest are controlled, the only way to hope to overtturn anything like this is to let it grow, and abuse more of the citizenry. No one will be able to properly speak out until the corruption and abusive premises of this modern govt are commonplace to the majority of its people. I really hope im wrong on this, but im usually a cynical fuck when it regards the flag waving over national security interests and defense against terrorism.

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transactions are being recorded and data mined so that future advanced probabilistic algorithms can predict the future using the world's collective data traffic, also long term data storage means that when they crack current cryptography (quantum computing?), all of today's encrypted traffic will be available to the government retroactively


that's my theory. asimov's psychohistory aside, just imagine what they can learn from that amount of data with the right tools

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Thing is, those talks about government monitoring and gathering data about everybody doesn`t even have to be true, people read this stuff and they remember, so next time when some american might want to write on facebook "Obama sucks" he is gonna think twice and maybe censor himself.




well said, this is what i often refer to in general terms as the 'chilling effect'. That by having this new climate, it makes people think first before expressing anti government opinion, posting things to public forums and in a more insidious way will cause them to actually think differently.


a more specific theory that the Normalcy bias goes in line with is Terror Management Theory




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Thing is, those talks about government monitoring and gathering data about everybody doesn`t even have to be true, people read this stuff and they remember, so next time when some american might want to write on facebook "Obama sucks" he is gonna think twice and maybe censor himself.




well said, this is what i often refer to in general terms as the 'chilling effect'. That by having this new climate, it makes people think first before expressing anti government opinion, posting things to public forums and in a more insidious way will cause them to actually think differently.


a more specific theory that the Normalcy bias goes in line with is Terror Management Theory





Pretty chilling indeed :shuriken:

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Kaiser Wilhelm II and German anti-semitism


(from John C. G. Rohl. The Kaiser and his Court: Wilhelm II and the Government of Germany. 1995. CUP)

In 1894, when Kaiser Wilhelm II had been on the throne for only six years and Bismarck in angry retirement for four, when Adolf Hitler was not yet old enough to go to school, an obscene broadsheet costing 30 Pfennigs appeared on the streets of Berlin which, seen from the vantage point of the present day, poses the question of continuity in modern German history about as starkly as it is possible to pose it. Entitled 'In the 20th Century', an ornate cartoon (fig. 2) pictures the German capital in the year 1950. It projects two scenarios: either the Germans have defeated the Jewish menace, or the Jews have taken over Berlin.

In the latter case, Rothschild rules over Germany, the anti-semites ---Bökel, Foerster, Dühring, Schönerer, Stoecker, etc. --- are in prison and Ahlwardt is being beheaded. The German people is enslaved in a socialist 'German Workers' Colony' run for the benefit of Jewish profiteers. Opposite the colony, beyond the statue commemorating the Liberal parliamentarian Heinrich Rickert, we see the flourishing stock exchange, the Jewish National Theatre and the Jewish National Museum, whereas the Christian Church is being closed down. Germans are being expelled from their own country, their 'fresh' young children sold along with geese for Jewish kitchens. Everywhere, Jewish 'world supremacy temples' in the form of kiosks are being erected to mark their domination over the 'German slave nation'.

An altogether different world reveals itself as we raise our eyes to the higher section of the picture. In 1950, Kaiser Wilhelm the Third and his empress have just come to the throne. German artisans and peasants march happily through the streets shouting 'Heil' and 'Gott mit uns!'; German athletes compete,/in German Games; the people stream into the Deutsches Volks-Haus to celebrate the glories of Beethoven, Mozart, Goethe, and Schiller; German children listen once more to German fairy tales. The Church is back at the centre of society; a statue depicts St George slaying the Jewish dragon. The canonical laws discriminating against Jews have been reinstated, the synagogue has been closed and the Rabbi has committed suicide. The last Jew is being expelled from the country ---'Juden raus', proclaims the policeman's banner. Many are in the Zuchthaus, all are forced, before being led away with ropes around their necks' , to return their 'stolen goods' to the Church for redistribution to the German poor. And in the high street, to the sound of trumpets and clarinets, to the smell of incense, with the burghers of Berlin looking gleefully on, Jews are being publicly hanged.

In the accompanying text the author prophesies that Germany would, come what may,. 'conduct the struggle against Juda in deadly earnest, although in typical Germanic fashion, he declares, 'a cruel streak of humour will not be entirely absent But it would be in the Jewish interest for the solution [Lösung]'; to be found soon, and to be directed from above by a royal hand, since otherwise the German people might be seized by an 'ecstasy' under which the Jews would suffer an even more painful fate. The pamphlet appeals to Kaiser Wilhelm II to undertake 'this most arduous struggle of the soul'. But it warns: 'If the Jewish Question is not solved by Wilhelm II then it will be solved under Wilhelm III.

As a ghostly prefiguration of the holocaust to come, this Dreigroschen pamphlet of 1894 is breathtaking and, along with the other cartoons in the Politischer Bilderbogen series, deserves close study by historians of German anti-semitism.



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In short: when we spread these conspiracies, we're acting in a similar way that Germans did when Hitler was still a child. i.e. the opinion that 'gas would be best' ain't such a far distance away from this kind of conspiracy stuff. if history follows the same pattern as the last thousand years then pogroms and mass murder against jews would be a more likely occurance than the government acting in a tyrannical, commie russia type of way. the worst kind of situation would be if we (usa, uk, france, germany etc) experienced both pogrom mobs and tyrannical government at the same time. :-/

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A swarm of nanobots will dismantle targets cell by cell and use the flesh to replenish their energy reserve. Those same nanobots will be used by others to abolish pooping, they will turn your poop into energy and crawl out of your ass at night to trim your fingernails.


nicely done. not many people on here bother with this sort of tangential and speculative comment.


Related: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell criticizes NDAA, two-party system


MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell delivers some jaw-dropping criticisms


Real journalism made a brief and rare appearance on the MSNBC network on Wednesday October 24, 2012, as Lawrence O’Donnell, host of the The Last Word, did something that is rarely seen in this modernized era of so-called journalism, when he decided to acknowledge first and cover second the completely overlooked importance of the 2012 Third-Party Presidential Debate that happened in Chicago, Illinois on Tuesday October 23, 2012.


This debate included Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, Jill Stein of the Green Party, Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party, and Virgil Goode of the Constitution Party, and it was hosted by former CNN host Larry King.


In a political world where the media conglomerates are almost identical to the lackluster, two-party, political system with the conservative Whites appealing Fox News

and the smiling, happy people of CNN, as both continue to fail the American people on the tough issues, O’Donnell went against the accepted, journalistic grain during prime time,

as he informed his viewers about the Third-Party Debate, and the issues that were discussed—many of which were suspiciously absent during each of the three mainstream, presidential debates between President Obama and presidential candidate Mitt Romney.


And although most of his viewers probably didn't like it, O’Donnell brought out the big stick, and he swung for the fences as he testified about the solid corruption of the two-party system. He said that he has only voted for the winning president once in his lifetime, because he, like most of us, has rarely lived in a battleground state, which allows the two main candidates to spend most of their time campaigning in only a handful of states like they are doing right now. O’Donnell characterized it as a drug that has been peddled by the dope pushing, electoral college system that has essentially lulled the American people into an apathetic trance.


In a move that has been championed by radio pundits such as GW On the Hill’s George Wilson and America’s independent voice and author the new book called Disrupter, Rob Redding; O’Donnell also encouraged viewers, especially those in non-battleground states, to strongly consider voting for a third-party candidate, since the two major candidates refuse to address an entire host of substantive issues like the failed War on Drugs that was discussed in detail during the Third-Party debate.


But in the most shocking segment, O’Donnell laid out a serious charge against President Obama and the failure of the media and the public to hold him responsible due to a certain law that he signed called the National Defense Authorization Act, which according to O’Donnell will allow the government to detain, interrogate, prosecute or just make people who it suspects to be terrorists disappear without a trial of any kind, and this includes American citizens! O’Donnell then blasted all of the moderators of the three presidential debates between Obama and Romney for not bringing this issue up, and then he blasted the cowardly Mitt Romney for also being to sheepish to ask President Obama about this issue, instead of crowing about how he would repeal Obamacare, when he should be repealing this monstrosity.


After witnessing this highly controversial showing, MSNBC has taken a step into the forefront of gutsy journalism, where it sits alone without the other major, news networks, and Lawrence O’Donnell might now be considered to be the most important pundit in the mainstream media—so important that some of his viewers might finally be forced to think outside of the box, when it is obvious that this current two-party system has some intentional, gapping holes in it.


Video: http://tv.msnbc.com/...d-party-debate/




whoa !! He'd better be careful, or they'll do an olberman on him. Or to be more up to the minute, a dylan ratigan on him.

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transactions are being recorded and data mined so that future advanced probabilistic algorithms can predict the future using the world's collective data traffic, also long term data storage means that when they crack current cryptography (quantum computing?), all of today's encrypted traffic will be available to the government retroactively


that's my theory. asimov's psychohistory aside, just imagine what they can learn from that amount of data with the right tools


The future? What do you think all the financial institutions have been doing for the past years? The only difference is that information won't be used for commercial purposes, but governmental instead.

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Related: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell criticizes NDAA, two-party system


Video: http://tv.msnbc.com/...d-party-debate/




Video not loading, but it's on youtube -- > https://www.youtube....h?v=e9TAZRYO-Tc


Awesome, thanks for this. I think this is a historic thing to be broadcast on a major network, so bravo MSNBC, and bravo to Mr. O'Donnell. The more this happens, the less chance we have of continuing this system

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Related: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell criticizes NDAA, two-party system


Video: http://tv.msnbc.com/...d-party-debate/




Video not loading, but it's on youtube -- > https://www.youtube....h?v=e9TAZRYO-Tc


Awesome, thanks for this. I think this is a historic thing to be broadcast on a major network, so bravo MSNBC, and bravo to Mr. O'Donnell. The more this happens, the less chance we have of continuing this system


indeed. many people dismiss cable news (rightly, because it is so absurd) but the fact is that millions of americans get their news there. hopefully the trend of critical thinking in mainstream media continues

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